YEAR 2025
Messages of each month from this year.
Message from the 5th of January 2025
My dear little children, today, on the first Sunday of the year, I come from Heaven once again to tell you that God greatly desires your conversion. In this year of 2025, as your Mother, I ask you very much to continue asking for peace for your world. Your time is running out, and for many there is little time left, because God will punish sinful humanity that has abandoned His Commandments and turned away from Him. My children, pray, pray, pray a lot in this new year that has begun, and God will have mercy on the world, otherwise humanity will have to endure a great punishment. God does not want the condemnation of any of His children, but Eternal Salvation, which is why I have come from Heaven to this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, to convey this message.
Children, God loves you and desires fidelity and perseverance from you. Pray so that you may understand that your lives are important to the Creator who created you, to bear witness to His presence in the world. God wants to pour out His graces more and more on the world. My children, you will yet see things that your eyes have never seen, and you will witness how almighty and strong the Lord is.
My children, I am here to help you in everything and to keep these dangers far away from you. This year, I also ask you to pray for families, for young people, and to pray in a very special way for all priests, more than ever, they need prayers, they need God. What great responsibilities they have! And how many today find themselves immersed in the most filthy sins, far from His grace.I will repeat again, My children, this year will be a year of great suffering for you, your world will go through a very sad tribulation, and I only ask Jesus to have mercy on each one of you, especially in this year when the battle will be very heavy, very difficult. You will encounter trials in life, many difficulties, so you must be very careful. Do not be confused; bad things will come,which appear to be good. Be attentive, wise, humble, and strive for holiness.
My children, I desire that My Holy Rosary be everywhere in your homes; that you wear it around your neck, in your pocket, on your wrist, in your car. If you knew how bitter the pain will be that will strike you, you would seek much morethe life of prayer. I only desire with all My Heart that you be prudent.
My children, today humanity has allowed itself to be deceived by the malicious poison of evil. Continue to confess every month, to take HolyCommunion with love, to participate fervently in Holy Mass, and to always say “No” to the things of the world.Open your eyes to see the “signs of the times” that are already happening in your world, so that each one of you may believe in My messages given in My apparitions.
Behold, I tell you this so that when it happens, you may know everything that is going to happen in your world. My dear little children, next month, on February 16th, it will be 26 years since My first apparition in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja.I want to invite you all, and I hope that you can come prepared with much prayer, sacrifice, penance and confession, so that you may arrive at My Feast with your hearts purified and more open, so that you may feel the Love of God in your hearts, and above all, receive Him in the Eucharist, in the humility of your hearts. Ask to remain firm in the Love of God, and that He,at HolyCommunion, frees you from all evil and from all attachment.Wake up, My dear children, you will live a year of many tribulations, a year in which you will need to pray more for your Holy Father, Pope Francis, for the Holy Church, for all the Clergy, and above allfor peace in the world, for peace in all nations.Be alert, My children, the enemy is all around you, trying to find a way to overthrow you down along the path that you must follow to achieve salvation and holiness. Be vigilant and pray a lot, My children. I, and all the Angels and Saints are with you to help you keep the doors of your senses of your soul well guarded against the enemy.
Before I finish, I would like to thank all of you for coming here to this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja.
I give you My Immaculate Heart. May you all be at peace, My children, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen.
Until another day
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of January(05-01-2025)
My God, another year begins.
Into Your Hands I place my life and my dreams.
Take care of my family and my friends.
Bless our first day of the year, and bless each step we take and make our today an overflow of great victories. Amen.
Message 2nd of February 2025
My dear children, our love for God is immense in this very special month of prayer and gratitude for the Word of the Lord, amidst so much suffering on earth: in families, among young people, among missionaries, among all the people of God and throughout the Church.
We know that mercy, the source of the Merciful Heart of Christ, is poured out upon each one of us.
And it is mercy that leads us to love, surrender, conversion, and a return to the loving Heart of Jesus Christ, who is always with His Heart filled with love, to welcome each one of us. It is this love of Jesus that performs the greatest miracle in the world. Christ Himself is the Living Eucharistic Miracle.
At this moment, My children, united to the Heart of Jesus, let us ask for Peace where there is war, where there is violence. Today is a day of prayer, it is the Lord’s day. In truth, the Lord’s day is a gift for each one of you. This gift that makes us fraternal, that makes us sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters in Christ.
Therefore, dear children, open your hearts and allow this gift, which is God, to be present in your family. Because families are in urgent need of this gift which is Christ, this gift which is forgiveness, which is salvation, this gift which is life, this gift which needs to be present in our lives, in the lives of our families. The Holy Family of Nazareth is the gift. It is the gift of God. It is the gift that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit gives us. The family, the fraternity, the fraternal family, is a gift from God. Even though you clearly see today that the world is suffering and experiencing suffering, you cannot fail to see and feel this gift, which is the love of Jesus for us.
My children, that is why I call you, as a Mother, to this gift which is Jesus, who is here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, in our midst. This gift that gently brings the healing, the miracle, the exorcism that humanity truly needs, and needs to receive from God. When you prepare your hearts for special moments in life, that is, when you prepare your heart to be with Jesus, to receive Jesus, it is the most important moment of your life. So, you must be present here, vividly present, when you surrender yourself totally to God, the miracle happens in your life.
Today, I see children so in need of the miracle. It is not just the healing of a physical illness, I see My children in need of a greater healing, the healing of their soul, the healing of their heart. And I can feel, as the Mother of Jesus Christ, that Jesus wants to heal you, He wants to heal the world – a world so sick, so far from Him. While we have so much love from God, so much mercy from God, the world is so far from this love, so empty of this mercy. God is a very rich and valuable gift. And humanity today is so poor, living in great spiritual poverty.
In the midst of a storm, we always beg Jesus, in the midst of this treacherous storm of the world, which is sin, today we beg Jesus for this peace: in your family, in so many countries of this world, we beg Jesus for this peace. Jesus speaks to us so strongly: “I am Peace.” So, we beg for this peace that is Jesus.
Children, wake up! Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, never make decisions alone, ask the Holy Spirit to make you capable, to be guided in building within your homes the love and peace that are necessary. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding so that you can be patient. It is not easy to evangelize today, it is not easy to talk about the things of God, the things of Heaven. Man wants Heaven so much, but fights so little to enter it. On this earth, life is a passage, no one knows his day and his hour, only God, but you know that any day could be your day and your hour. That is why Jesus asked us to be vigilant and always attentive, and it is the Holy Spirit who gives this wisdom, it is the Holy Spirit who comes to enlighten, it is the Holy Spirit who enlightens, especially you who have come today to this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, to meet Heaven, to experience, in the midst of nature, the love of God, which is present in each one of us. It is in Me, Mary Mother of Goodness, and it is in you, the children. It is this love that will make this world a better world. If the world loves itself, the world will experience complete happiness.
If happiness is so far away today, it is because man loves so little, almost nothing. That is why there is so much abandonment. There are so many children asking for love, there are so many young people in need of faith. Faith is what makes man become firm in his journey towards the Father’s House. Faith is what makes us bear every cross, be it of sickness, be it of suffering, be it in time, in the material or in the spiritual. Faith is what moves us. It makes us take the beads of the Holy Rosary and pray. Faith makes us believe. Faith makes us experience the miracle that is Jesus in our midst.
So today, My children, you who cry out here for your sick child, you who cry for your child who needs healing and deliverance – you father, you priest, who always ask God for conversion: it is so beautiful when we draw near to Jesus Christ, in the deepest silence of our soul. We feel Jesus in our midst, close to us, within us, and we ask Him for conversion.
I ask Jesus, at this moment, for the conversion of all the sons and daughters present here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja. I ask Jesus for the conversion of all humanity, because when you convert, you truly find the light that is missing in your home, which is missing in the whole world – the Light of God, this immense light that has the power to erase all darkness. Where God dwells, He conquers all evil. And you, who wish to overcome this evil, who know that your family is facing a very painful suffering, but feel that the Blood of Jesus has the power to heal, free and exorcise your family and your home.
Children, I will not go on any longer, but on February 16th, I will give another message to the whole world.
At this moment, from this sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, with love, I bless you generously. May you all be at peace, with the blessing of God the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen
Until February 16th
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of February (02-02-2025)
It is time, Father, for war to end.
Bring Peace to our land and to the world.
Dispel the clouds of hatred that hide Your Light and replace them with Your everlasting Love.
Open the eyes of those who are blinded by envy, greed and fear so that they may see the Peace of Your world.
Unite us, Father, and help us to heal the wounds of hatred that have left scars on so many of Your children. Amen.
Message 16th of February 2025
26th Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, today, the day of My apparitions here in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, My Heart rejoices to see you here in such great numbers…
You have come from so many places in this country to gather with Me in prayer. Come, My children. Come to Me. Always come with love. I have been coming here to this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, for twenty-six years, as Mother of Goodness, to communicate messages of conversion, peace and salvation for humanity. During these years I have given many messages so that My children may understand the urgency and seriousness of this Sacred place, chosen by God to divert humanity from the great abyss towards which it is heading. I give you messages to lead you to conversion, to repentance of sins and to total obedience to God. My children, humanity has become a great desert, a desert of death, where impurity, violence, corruption, lies, lack of faith, impiety and incredulity have taken over society. My enemy, the devil, has seduced souls from the greatest to the smallest. Today, My enemy has penetrated all families, in churches, obscuring their Beauty and Holiness. He has penetrated the highest echelons of humanity and seduced the minds of many rulers of great nations, wise men and scientists.
My children, it is My desire, through My Messages, My Holy Rosary and My requests here, to free you from all forms of moral and spiritual slavery, from every kind of yoke to which you are bound and oppressed. I will make it so that from this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, the radiance of My Light and My grace will go forth to the entire world.
Here, in this small Sanctuary, a Sacred place, where I express My requests, My sorrows, My maternal anguish, I wish to make you recognize that in this Sacred place, I Myself give birth to a Source of Mercy, Love and Salvation for all souls.
My children, I wish to speak to you once again about the grave danger that the Church of My Son Jesus is facing. Prayer is in serious danger. Social and political controversies seek to suppress it. There are some bishops and priests who, unfortunately, think of transforming homilies into social controversies against My Apparitions. Meditation on the Gospel is therefore very necessary in prayer groups. My children, there is a risk of interpreting the Gospel in the light of the world. I wish to address My beloved Sons, priests, to always give their testimony of Faith. I need your help to bear witness to these Apparitions and others! Do not doubt My presence in the Holy places of My Apparitions, even though they are not yet recognized by the Church. These places have called many of My children to conversion.
My sons, Priests, believe in My coming here and in other Holy places. It is I Myself… Do you think that if My Apparitions are a farce, I, the True Virgin Mary, Mother of Goodness, would not have already punished the liar and overthrown all lies?
My children, it is I, the Virgin Mary who is here, believe. I know that My Apparitions are a thorn in the throat of many, but I will pray for conversions. Many do not believe, and criticize without seeing. It is okay, My children. I do not want to force anyone to believe, but I will pray that God will enlighten and touch them.
Twenty-six years ago, God made use of children who gave themselves to this Sacred place and trusted in the words that God led and continues to lead to those who have the happiness of seeing Me with their own eyes. This is trust! This is one of the greatest virtues in life: trusting in the fulfillment of God’s plan. That is why Jesus said that the mystery of God is lived here.
No one can understand why I, Mary, have been here with you for so many years. I have felt the Love of God during all these years as the Mother who comes to catechize the world in times of pain. The world will suffer a lot, it already suffers and will suffer even more.
Therefore, the world needs this source of catechesis, this source of light and love. People need to live this unity, this fraternity and the truth! Sometimes the truth hurts! Many times, when you hear the truth and have a moment of silence, it hurts, because it reveals the gravity of your sin. And how humanity sins! It sins against the Holy Spirit of God.
In our journey with God, we need to have great trust, to trust completely in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, My children, is the channel of Light, the Holy Spirit that descends upon us, the Holy Spirit envelops us and drench us with the love of the Merciful Jesus. Living in trust, believing in miracles, surrendering oneself and serving God with heart and soul are calls for the humble and meek, for the simple, for those who listen to the voice of their hearts. If we reflect, we will see that here in this small Sanctuary of Corgo da Igreja, which is simple, it is a different Sanctuary, where sharing, surrender and giving are lived. Even you, pilgrims, must give. You children, came to this Sanctuary, aware that you need to give your time, give a little more than you have.
That is why this Sanctuary lives multiplication, it multiplies. This happens because Jesus said: “Everything that is done for this Sanctuary, with love, prospers.”
Fraternity, which is one of the great miracles of our days, experiences transformation and multiplication. This small Sanctuary calls us to serve as Jesus Christ wants the world to serve with an open heart. I know that many of you are tired, because you work for the Kingdom of God. But it is a rewarding work, a Holy work. You children said to Jesus: “ I want to be a laborer in the harvest. ” And today you are here to be these laborers in the Lord’s harvest. You are here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, to give your lives to the Lord, your journey, your needs and your illnesses.
I want to ask the children who are here and in your homes, with wounds on their bodies, which are the illnesses of the flesh – that, at this moment, you offer your journey, your cross to Jesus. Give Jesus this wound of the flesh.
I also want to ask you, My children, who have a wound in your soul – you who are close to the Mother of God and know that you need to return to the Father’s house – to confess, repent of your sins and seek the path to holiness. God loves you, My children! He awaits your conversion, your sincere yes.
At this moment, give God everything you have, your limitations and difficulties in loving. Every feeling that is not in accordance with what God wants it to be. It is always necessary to ask God for the grace of conversion. He wants the world to be a holy place, and He wants My Immaculate Heart of a Mother to triumph.
What is this triumph of a Mother’s Heart? Do you know what the Triumph of a Mother’s Heart is? Those who live with an open heart on the path with the Mother of God know what Triumph is. Triumph is a great victory. Today we are here to celebrate a victory, to defend the family, the youth and the lives of the innocent. We are here to protect all of God’s children.
What does the devil want? He wants to destroy the family, the youth and the children. And we are here to defeat him. This is the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart – a great Victory!
That is why it becomes more difficult every day. That is why you see the cross in your mission. Even in the journey with God, you see those who deny, betray and persecute. Jesus said: “ Be very careful, for the devil wants to deceive you. ”
It is you, My children, who must have faith, and be very courageous and always ready for battle . Because I, Mary, am present on earth fighting for one of the greatest Victories of the Most Holy Trinity, which is peace. God does not want the world to remain as it is. You live in a sad world, full of sin, pain, emptiness and greed. Even in this very Sanctuary that God created for you to live in fraternity, there are those who are greedy. It is a world of pain, children! It is a vale of tears. The world cries out for peace. Look at the children! Look at the youth! How many young people are here today. They need hope. They need a fraternal world, where they know how to share in an equal and fraternal way. God created the world so that all of His children may be happy. He did not create it for war, injustice or greed. These are the evils and traps of the devil, trying to steal from you the brightness of happiness.
The Word of God, the Holy Gospel, teaches us to be fraternal and invites us to live in love. Be assured, My children, the great journey for all of us now is to defeat the devil. He tries everything to erase faith from the world. That is why people are so unbelieving and discouraged, as if everything were good. However, there are many things on earth that are not good and that lead to the suffering of the loss of the soul. Therefore, children must watch, pray, warn, bend the knee and convert.
Our mission today is to take good care of our souls and watch over our hearts. That is why you come to this Sanctuary Corgo da Igreja, here you are taking care of your souls and hearts. By receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, you will be strengthened. A very painful day will come, your strength will be the strength that you have today. This strength does not come from the earth, it comes from above. Therefore, value the grace of God as it flows like a river of living water over us. Thus, your sacrifice is a blessing, your penance is a grace, and the difficulty of getting here is a blessing. Because God is your path.
Courage, My children! A very strong Calvary will come to earth, where you will go through great tribulations. But with the grace of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ, you will achieve victory. That is why I am with you in this mission. Many cannot understand this mystery, but the great grace of understanding will be very close, because I, Mary, Mother of Goodness, am with you in these days and times.
My children, today 1’045 souls went up to Heaven, including some of your families. Heaven is celebrating to receive these souls. Continue, My children, to pray and say Masses for the souls in Purgatory.
My children, before I finish, I want to pour out My blessings on these beloved sons, the priest who are here. I ask you again to be the bridge that connects this little Sanctuary of Mine, Corgo da Igreja, to all of Portugal and the whole world, so that many of My children may come to this Sacred place. My beloved children, always give your testimony of faith, to these Apparitions and others. I will stay here, beloved children, to attend Holy Mass.
I thank all My children for your presence here in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja , for your prayers, your love, and your songs that I love to hear so much.
Thank you to the children who came from far away, to all those present here and to those who are here for the first time. My Blessing to the sick who are here in this place and to all the others.
I bless you all, especially these beloved priests of Mine. I give you My Motherly Heart.
May you all be at peace, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen
Until another day
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of February(16-02-2025)
O Virgin Mary, Mother of Goodness, You who are the incarnation of sincerity and love, of resignation and patience, pour out a drop of this Divine balm emanating from such excellent virtues, for all our unhappy brothers and sisters who walk in such erroneous obscurity that they cannot see the path that will lead us to happiness, peace and progress.
Pray to Jesus, O Virgin of Goodness, that He may guide these brothers and sisters on the path of humility and forgiveness.
May the will of our most loving Father always be fulfilled. Amen
LAND property
Dear pilgrims and benefactors, for your information, we published below, on the DGT map, the visual information and their identifying areas (yellow outline), of the 2 contiguous plots of land, which are already owned by the Association of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreja, north of S. Marcos da Serra, and which, in the next stages of our actions, will be the object of the necessary interventions for a better reception of pilgrims, as soon as the Association is able to gather all the necessary conditions, in their distinct and necessary forms, in particular, the necessary documentation and legal authorizations for the most impactful interventions in the current relief, to move from its natural and disorderly state to a more orderly and favourable horizontal plan, similar to other Marian Sanctuaries already known to many of you, so that the much desired Chapel can then be achieved, as soon as the land is suitable for its construction, and the basic and necessary infrastructures for its proper functioning (electricity, water, sanitation, etc.) are all created. The different challenges that we face are in proportion to the great and wonderful Works of God in the world, especially once there is nothing in the place.
(“The more detailed delimitations of the areas of the two lots of the association are being reviewed by the competent authorities. As soon as possible, we will renew the presentation.”)
See photos in: PHOTOGALLERY
Chapel in My Honour
“I say again My children, I am the Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, tell everyone, including the priests, that I want a chapel in My Honour in this place .”
Dear pilgrim and benefactors,
The bank account details are now available, so you can deposit or transfer your OFFERS / DONATIONS to collaborate with N.S. Mãe da Bondade, to the following bank account:
(CGD – Caixa Geral de Depósitos):
Associação de Nossa Senhora Mãe da Bondade
NIB (“Portugal”): 0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16
IBAN: PT50 0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16
Explanatory note:
This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”