Messages 2024


YEAR 2024

Messages of each month from this year.

WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.


Message from the 7th of January 2024


Message from Our Heavenly Mother

My dear children, today a new day dawns, and on this new day a new year also dawns. If we look deep into our hearts, we will understand that in every new year man always has hope for a better world. But today, on this new day that dawns, a new man would also need to emerge, there’s no point in just one New Year! It takes men and women with hearts renewed by faith.
How do people always wait for their new year? With festivities. Many, with sadness, dominated by addictions, sorrows, suffering. Few with prayer. And in the face of such a big world, you are one of those few.

What a beautiful thing! You try, every year, to be new men. You seek, every year, to be better sons and daughters of God, that’s why you came to do this penance, this journey, which becomes a blessing for those who do it with love. Beautiful spiritual growth, because your pilgrimage is to a place that God chose. You just didn’t come for yourself, but for Heaven. You came joyful, overcoming tiredness. You came happy, giving thanks for all the blessings you have already received and will receive for being pilgrims, servants of God. That’s why we need to believe that we can be new men, make a new world, a better world, because just a new year isn’t enough, we need better people.
What can I say to you, My children, as a Mother, the One who brings the greatest food in your life, which is the Word of God? What can I warn you about as this new year dawns? What I can warn you, children, is that your life needs to be even more in God’s hands! Because you are persecuted, tormented and often fall to these torments. How many people no longer believe in the power of God! How many who completely doubt what God can and what God does!
That is why in this New Year I make a request to you as a Mother: “ Have Faith ”. You will overcome many, many sufferings, by faith . will go through many difficulties and conquer, by faith.
Oh, My children, you can hope for a better world because Jesus is fighting for you, giving knowledge of what is forgotten by you: the Gospel, the Eucharist, the Word of God, the commandments of God!
In this new year, hearts must be consecrated to the gifts of the Divine Holy Spirit. It takes a wise people of God, a people of God who are very alert, alert to the danger that is present in the life of Christians and those who serve Christ.
Jesus looked at the Apostles and said, “ You will deny Me”! Today, how many people deny and continue to deny Jesus! My children, do not be like these! Therefore, ask the Divine Holy Spirit to enlighten you and not let you become blind. It’s so sad when a man leaves his home, his job saying, “I’m going to serve God.” And when he approaches God he forgets to be a true servant of God. What was the point of leaving home, leaving work, if his steps did not correspond to God’s will?
This is why we have to have a lot of wisdom, because not everyone who says, “Lord,” loves and knows the Lord. Men who truly know God are humble, simple and with pure hearts, clean and wise souls. We can clearly say: God is with us because we know that if it weren’t for Him, who would be here? Nobody children! The one who moves your prayer group is God! Who moves the pilgrims present here? Its God!
If it were not for Him, you children would not embrace such a beautiful mission as you did: of walking and offering this journey for a year that ends and another that begins, as a content of spiritual growth for men, as a content of conversion to humanity. And if you children look at what is happening in the world you will be on your knees,
because we only see war, revenge, death, man destroyed by evil. Man no longer knows how to speak beautiful words and live them. He is bitter with suffering and becoming more and more bitter with pain each day.

In this new year we need something special: we need to take more care of the families. Everyone here must be responsible for their family, pray for their family. Holiness begins inside your home. You children may want to be holy in the world, but if you are not holy within your home, there will be no point in being holy before men! Build a holy home in your home! The fruit that you harvest on a pilgrimage, the prayer of a pilgrimage, must be planted within your own family, within your own heart! Have a great purpose of evangelizing your family. Embrace the fairest cause of all time: save families! Save your family!
Today, the devil’s wrath, the devil’s persecution, is precisely in families. What do you see today? A young man who waits for a new year, without joy because he is completely contaminated by addiction, does not know how to look at himself, because he does not even know who he truly is.

It is so beautiful, My children, when you look inside yourself and see the grace of God, as we are seeing here, at the dawn of this new year, so much beauty, greatness, riches, wonders and peace. God is working in our hearts.Therefore My children, have the purpose of evangelizing your family, because this year I want you to dedicate to it, as it is the Year of Justice that the world will live. The truth will remain in the heart of the righteous man because God’s righteousness will bring the truth to the world. I want children to dedicate this year to the Holy Church, which is the family that we all are! We are seeing a lifeless Church. The Church that Jesus is talking about is each one of you. Where is the faith of Christians? Where is the responsibility of Christians? Where are the holy priests, as there should and needs to be, holy families, holy vocations?
Everything is falling apart because man has completely lost respect for the faith, for the family, which is the Church. We have a family, it is a mission with Christ. Our main source of catechesis is Jesus, who catechizes all hearts that want to be catechized.
Therefore My children, let’s all dedicate this entire new year which is beginning, to the holy Church, including the Holy Father. The Church experienced a great transformation and man had a huge decline in spirituality.Man grew cold in his faith in Christ, in the Church, in the Holy Father. Let’s ask God for all protection for the Holy Father. Let us include in our request the priests, clergy, bishops, religious men and women, Christian families who are all of you, My children!
My children, I thank you for your presence here in this Holy Place, Corgo da Igreja, for your prayers, your songs and your love.
Before finishing My children, I would like to ask you on February 16th, the day of My first apparition, in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, try to be well prepared, that is, be people of faith, simple and with a sincere heart to receive the Lord.
I finish by blessing all the sick people in your families, who are here, in hospitals, in homes and in your homes. To all, My Maternal blessing and My invitation today: pray, pray, always pray the Holy Rosary and the world will find Peace. I bless you all, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen

See you soon
Mary, Mother of Goodness
at Corgo da Igreja

(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires) 

videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV  

Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts


Prayer for the month of JANUARY (07-01-2024)

My beloved Jesus, come and heal the wounds present in my heart and in the hearts of all Your children, my brothers. I ask that in this new year, You come and pour hope on this world in distress and despair. This world in which man can no longer seek the solution to his problems in the Word of God, because there is a lack of prayer, a lack of surrender, trust and giving himself entirely to God! In His infinite love as a Father, God gives himself completely to all of us and gives us the happiness of living close to Heaven, listening to His Holy Word; Jesus teacheme to place it in my heart, to dive into the ocean of Your beautiful grace, to overcome the sacrifice and become worthy of being holy. God is for us, praise be it. Amen



Message from the 4th of February 2024


Message from Our Heavenly Mother

My dear children, I feel very happy to be a messenger of God. This month of February, twenty-five years of My Apparition will be celebrated here in Corgo da Igreja.
I would like to ask you on February the 16th, the day of My first appearance, in this small Holy place, to be well prepared to receive the Lord.
My mission here, My children, in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja, is to prepare you for salvation, all I want for all of you is your salvation. I, Your Mother, ask from My Heart that also does not stop suffering: return, My children, to My Son Jesus, only He can save the world. The world is heading towards a total disagreement, because of a powerful weapon, which could destroy many children on the face of the earth.

Several very great punishments will happen in the world, one in the form of war, and another sent by Heaven. What you are seeing today, My children, is just a small beginning. Therefore, I ask you to pray a lot for the salvation of the world . By praying you can delay events.
My little children, I do not want to cause you fear, what I say is for your own good, so that you can be prepared with food and water.
I will not dwell any longer on, My little children, because on the anniversary of  My Apparition I will give another message to the whole world.
My Blessing to the sick who are here in this place and to all others who are at home and in the caring homes. Return to your homes. I give you My strength and My blessing. May you all be at peace, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and Divine God the Holy Spirit. Amen

Until the 16th,
Mary, Mother of Goodness
at Corgo da Igreja

(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires) 

videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV  _ 

Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts


Prayer for the month of FEBRUARY (04-02-2024)

O Virgin Mary, Mother of Goodness, Mother of the True God and Mother of the Church. You who demonstrate Your clemency and Your compassion to all who ask for Your support, listen to the prayer that we confidently address to You and take it to Your Son Jesus Christ, our Only Redeemer.
Mother of Goodness, grant our families the Grace to love and respect the life that begins with love. Protect our families, so that they are always united and bless the education of our children. Thus, Mother of Goodness, with the peace of God in our conscience, with our hearts free from sin and hatred, we will be able to bring to everyone the true joy and peace that comes from Your Son Jesus. Amen



Eucharistic Miracle I – Communion visible in the mouth, given by the Archangel.

  (see video)


Eucharistic Miracle II – Supernatural manifestation with the Host transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, in the Consecration at Holy Mass, and subsequently a fraction of the Host was given, by a priest, to commune in the mouth of the visionary, where the white fraction of the Host , was visibly transfigured as the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ, alive in the Holy Eucharist.

  (see video)

Message from the 16th of February 2024

(25th) Anniversary of the Apparitions


Message from Our Heavenly Mother

My dear little children, today is a day of great joy, especially for My Heart and for the hearts of all the children who have been faithful to this beautiful mission, during all these twentyfive years, in which Heaven has sent to us here, in this Sacred Place Corgoda Igreja, the Word of God. When we talk about a manifestation of Mary in the world, man often wants to find graces, healings, blessings upon blessings. And the greatest of all blessings is the Word of God, because it is the Word of God that brings us healing, it is what brings us prosperity in spiritual life, in material life, it is what defends even nature itself, it is what brings the essence of strength, courage, life, surrender, of prayer.
My children, therefore, in this Sacred Place, which is the second in Portugal, the place of My presence of body and soul here in Corgo da Igreja, God manifests Himself, because He wants peace, God is peace. I want to see you sharing peace, breathing peace. And when you are persecuted because of this Sacred PlaceCorgo da Igreja, remain silent and overcome it through prayer.
This place, My children, as I said, is already a Sanctuary. And over time, the Heavenly tendency is for this Sanctuary to grow in blessings, graces and healings, because man today is in need of healing. The great illness of man is not an illness of the flesh but of the soul. Heaven sends Me to bring this healing, which is Jesus Christ, to the world. And the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is very close to all humanity.
Our need is to have this lightness, this tranquillity, to remove from ourselves what disturbs us. In a message Jesus said: “ Let nothing disturb you ”. So, children, let nothing take away this peace, this strength and nothing can reach you. May the Holy Spirit be the Light to warm you, strengthen you, anoint you and illuminateyou. We are now in the most delicate part of our mission, My children, which is to be responsible for our yes. Our yes was founded on an immense rock that is Jesus. We cannot let the devil, with his evil and his snares, destroy our trust in God at the time when Jesus needs us most . We have to trust and be well prepared.

Where is the enemy? We often think that the enemy is the opposite of what we experience, but he is often present on the very path we are walking. Overcoming the enemy today means overcoming laziness, anger, envy and jealousy. When you are criticized, let nothing bothers you, throw yourselves into the arms of the Holy Spirit, carry your cross with patience and love. You little children have reached these twenty-five years with Mary, because I am present here with body and soul. My presence here is twenty-five years of catechesis. And who is Mary? The Mother of God. And who is God? The Light of our life. The existence of our journey here is the presence of God. Who is our guide? God. Who is our providence? God. And why is it God? Because man without God would not be able to carry out a mission like this. Man would not know how to love as he needs to love, understand as he needs to understand, accept things as itneeds to be accepted. How many times do you want everything to be Holy, but God makes you see the sinful side, so that you recognize your sin and recognize in God, in Christ, the forgiveness of your sins.
My children, Portugal can receive a very great grace, if it is faithful to God, and the world will feel this grace. This is necessary, because the world already suffers the consequences of sin. Sufferings today are bitter, painful and sad.
Pray children for the nations that kill in the name of faith. See how far humanity has come, allowing children of God to die because they prophesy their faith! Jesus said, “ The Saints also experienced suffering .” Many were martyrs, they died for being instruments in building faith, taking the name of the Lord to all corners of the earth. Because of Jesus, they suffered and were even condemned to die, showing that they are wise souls. These children, present themselves before God with a very serene purity. Jesus said: “ Faithful is he who gives himself always to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ”.
Children, today we still see nations that have faith, that believe in the Catholic Church, that assume their commitment to love the Eucharist, but even so, the Church is persecuted by the enemy, mainly because of the Eucharist. We must be aware that the Eucharist is the Living Christ.
When man receives the Eucharistic Jesus, the Lamb of God, he experiences the experience of the Lamb of God within himself, but is greatly persecuted for it. Jesus said: “ Many will be persecuted because of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but they will also be consoled, comforted and strengthened in the faith ”.

There have been so many years of My presence here in this Sacred PlaceCorgo da Igreja, body and soul, that I am delighted to see the fidelity of children who have gone through suffering, criticism, difficulties, but never abandoned their mission.
So I see the perseverance of so many hearts that knew how to overcome so many difficulties, even questions, moments of doubt, because the Divine Holy Spirit has always guided you and enlightened you.

My children, in twentyfive years of walking, how much Jesus has healed the hearts of people who pass through this Holy Place, in an authentic way. Many come moving by their feet, full of curiosity and suddenly find themselves transformed by God, and those who come out of curiosity and who are not transformed, also have no way of staying in such a blessed place, because Jesus said that the man who lives in darkness is ashamed to go to the light, because he knows perfectly well that light does not mix with darkness. So I see so many creatures who, due to lack of wisdom and fear of God, criticize the works of Heaven so much. But the proof that you walk with Heaven is the weight of the cross that comes through criticism, persecution, and difficulties.
And I, My children, can tell you that I am very happy to see, that hearts were able to overcome many things that the world offered, so that they could always have their hearts open to receive the Word of God, and be instruments to pass it on to everyone else hearts. And I’m happy, because Jesus always told Me something very beautiful. “ God does the work in whomever He wants ”. It is also as Jesus said: “ I ask the Priests to always remember that at the moment of consecration, it was Jesus Christ who was there with them, to pass on to the world the greatest mystery of life, the mystery of faith: the presence of Jesus in a simple piece of bread and a simple little bit of wine. This is a mystery of faith! This is where you children must pray for the Church, for the Priests, because they have a beautiful mission and also often suffer, because they bear witness to what is not seen by the eyes, nor touched by the hands, but seen with the heart and touched by the soul. And Jesus does much more than we see with our eyes.
Children, it is very important that you are all prepared with the sacraments, so that you are not caught off guard when the difficult and most painful moments arrive for you. I ask you again to pray a lot for the world, because in this new year there will be a great transformation,with earthquakes, tornados, floods, cold, intense heat, epidemics, volcanoes and wars. Many nations that are on and near islands will be submerged due to intense rains, overflow of rivers and seas and will disappear from the face of the earth. For all of this I ask that you pray a lot.My children, have trust in your Mother Mary, because I am here in this place.
My children, I want to warn you about the sacrament of confession. Go back to confession often and pray more. There are still few people who are responding to My messages. You must know that the sacrament of confession is very important, but be very careful, do not hide any of your sins, nor look at the Priest like any other man. At the time of confession, he represents the Merciful Jesus Christ, your Savior. Christ the Son acts through the Priests.

To you, predilectedsons, Priests, it is not necessary to tell you the great love I have for all of you. As Ministers of God, this is your task as Priests. Your heart must be humble, merciful, sensitive, pure and compassionate. You must always be at the service of your brothers in need. Know that your good feelings will serve yourselves and the aggrandizement of the Kingdom of God. Remember that pain is never in vain, it is always useful. Be patient and try to be at peace with God and with your brothers. You must be builders of peace, but peace is not built with hatred or the destruction of others.
Priests, My predilectedchildren, I want to lead you to a high summit of Holiness, therefore I ask each one of you to consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart.
My children, today I and My Archangels, will stay here until the end of the Holy Mass and you will see the Consecrated Host leaving the hands of the Priest on the Eucharist table to the mouth of this son of Mine (visionary) and transforming into the Body and Blood of My Son Jesus.My children, this is proof that Jesus is in this Consecrated Host.
It is a true and real miracle,
it shows that Christ is among you. Children, the Eucharist is a gift from God, it is nourishment of the food that humanity needs to receive. Value the Eucharist while you can have it among you. You do not know how long you will have this Mercy.
My children, I will say once again, the extraordinary signs that My Son Jesus offers you in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, are the work of His Divine power. The signs that Jesus performs in this son of Mine (visionary), who is among you should awaken in you admiration, confidence and above all the desire to imitate Christ, who is sensitive to human pain and leans over those who suffer to help them.

My dear children, I must tell you that today, at the moment you began to pray the Holy Rosary, 456 souls ascended to Heaven, including some of your families. Thank you, My children, for your prayers. Continue, My children, to pray and offer HolyMasses for the souls in Purgatory.
Thank you those children who came from far away, to everyone present here and to those who are here for the first time. My Blessing to the sick who are here in this place and to everyone else.

I conclude by blessing you all, especially these predilectedsons of Mine, the Priests, who will celebrate Holy Mass with you today. I give you My Mother’s Heart.
May you all be at peace, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and Divine God the Holy Spirit. Amen

See you soon
Mary, Mother of Goodness
at Corgo da Igreja

(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires) 

videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV  

Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts


Message 3rd of March 2024


Message from Our Heavenly Mother

My dear little children, great is My joy to be here once again with you. I want to thank you for being so welcomed on February 16th, in this Sanctuary, Corgo da Igreja. My Heart also felt very sad when I saw that some children who were here, were not in a position to receive My Son Jesus.
My children, I do not come to criticize or condemn, I come to correct you, to warn you and to teach you the true Path of Salvation. My Son Jesus came to this world just because of you, to help and guide you to Heaven, but, therefore you have to do what He asked of you, children. And you still don’t do it.

My dear children, during this month of March, which is the time of Lent, a time of silence, prayer and meditation, reflect on the love that God offers you. I invite you to prayer, faith, trust and Peace. Many of you do not have the habit of approaching the Sacrament of Confession, to ask for forgiveness of your sins, and this, My children, worries Me a lot, because in this way you are far from the Heart of My Son Jesus and My Heart. Children, you must make sacrifices and fast, offering them to the Lord with love, and He will reward you in Heaven.
In this time of Lent, I ask you children, to avoid the poison of your tongue, even if your eyes see, remember that you have no right to judge anyone, this is something that only God knows and not you. Jesus prayed, fasted, asking the Father for strength to carry the Cross, which is the cross of the sins of humanity. Today humanity is faced with an enormous abyss which is sin. And humanity no longer even respects the time of Lent. Children, this saddens Me very much.
Children, spiritual jealousy is a very terrible thing, and it afflicts My followers, who feel isolated and somewhat disappointed, because My Son Jesus chose certain children to help Me save your humanity. Instead, you must know that I and My Son Jesus love you all equally. Your jealousy breaks My Heart, especially when chosen children feel threatened by other chosen children. Each child, whom I and My Son Jesus choose, is given a different task, and asked to follow different paths. I wish that all My predilectedsons, thePriests and My seers, carry out their sacred missions to save souls. I use different souls, humble in heart, to achieve the objectives of My Son Jesus. My children,satan will always try to win the hearts of My chosen children by insulting them, after that, he creates jealousy and a feeling of hurt in their hearts. This means that instead of loving one another and remaining in a state of grace, they are tempted to look down on others.
Many followers of My Son Jesus, Priests and chosen seers, are treated with contempt, in the same way as My Son Jesus was treated by the hypocritical Pharisees. During My Son’s time on earth, they probed every word that came from the lips of My Son Jesus, so that they could prove that He was a false liar. My children, in thesame way theprophets and modern seers, will also be treated.
My Priests, My seers, do not fall into the trap of succumbing to jealousy and money. It is inappropriate and hurts My Heart. Love one another.
My dear children, My seers are the true prophets of the end times, guided by the Holy Spirit, to help convert your entire world, therefore I ask you to pray, for the Priests and the seers chosen by God.
My dear children, God’s desire is a New Earth, it is a new world, it is a world of peace. It’s not this world of war, it’s not this world of hunger, it’s not this world of injustice, it’s not this world of greed, it’s not this world of pests, it’s not this world of diseases.
There are a large number of sick children in the world. How weak the flesh is! And the spirit, how is the spirit? How are you in the presence of God?
I would like you to reflect on this 3rd Sunday of Lent, the following question: How am I in front of my Shepherd? Because it is the month in which God is asking you to be fraternal, to do something for others, so that this world deserve peace and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Triumph takes time, but it is not because of God. Yes, it is on the part of the children of God. The harvest of this triumph depends on the children of God. If this triumph does not come quickly, it is because the children do not build it, do not experience fraternity and do not embrace fraternity.
You children need to embrace fraternity, embrace the love of God in you, the love of Christ. You need to take the peace of Jesus and spread this peace among men.
You, even here in your nation, can bring peace to the nations that are at war, because God hears the pleas of His children on earth.If everyone pleaded with one voice, Jesus would already be carrying them in His arms, as He has carried at this moment those nations that are suffering the most. The greater your suffering, the greater the lap of God in your life, the greater the mercy of God in your heart.
So, ask God for this grace. You children, today were chosen to live this moment of grace, to taste the greatest food in the world, which is the Word of God, and to be worthy of the greatest treasure in the world, which is Jesus in our midst. If you do not know the Word, if you do not feed your heart with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, you will not know the greater mystery that the Word makes us understand, so that you can truly say with joy: “ Jesus Christ lives in me ”.
Jesus is among us, little children. I am sure that, today, this afternoon, Jesus will perform a miracle throughout the world. Therefore, I entrust to Jesus the world, humanity, sins, hearts hardened like stone, so that Jesus can transform them through His merciful love into hearts rich in love.
My children, Jesus suffered much more than you. He is resurrected. May on Easter Sunday, your hearts feel a new life and a new world.
And you who are His most beloved children? Will He let you die in sin? No My children, He wants to save each one of you. Everything will depend on your will and your dedication. Jesus does not force you to do anything, nor do I, everything depends on you. He loves you so much that He gave Himself up on a Cross, and humbled Himself to the utmost, to save you.

Before finishing, My children, you must, at the time of Holy Mass, hand over your desires, projects and anxieties into the hands of the Father. I also ask you to be in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist with ardorand confidence. Children, there is no better friend to tell about your sufferings and pains, than Jesus truly present in the Consecrated Host, as you saw on February 16th, coming from the hands of the Priest at the Eucharist table into the mouth of this son of Mine(visionary) and transforming into the Body and Blood of My Son Jesus (visible).
Therefore, My dear children, today, at Holy Mass, when you receive Jesus in the Eucharist, do not forget to adore Him in silence and thank Him for having received Him in the Eucharist. He lives in you, in your hearts, now and always.
I end by saying: Lent is a Blessed time! Live this Lent with the Light of God the Father, God the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit in your lives. Amen.

Until any day,
Mary Mother of Goodness
at Corgo da Igreja

(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires) 

videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV  _ 

Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts


Prayer for the Month of March (03-03-2024)

Resurrected Jesus Christ, victorious from death, through Your life and love, You gave us the Light of Our Lord. At Easter, You united Heaven and Earth and redeemed our sins. ByYou, the doors of Heaven were opened, and we who love You and bless Your protection and compassion which now we have. May Your pure love be reborn in us and may it free us from the greatest pains, may there be harmony and peace with Your grace and may the best of us, be awaken within us. Amen






See photos in: PHOTOGALLERY

Chapel in My Honour
“I say again My children, I am the Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, tell everyone, including the priests, that I want a 
chapel in My Honour in this place .”


Dear pilgrim and benefactors,

The bank account details are now available, so you can deposit or transfer your OFFERS / DONATIONS to collaborate with N.S. Mãe da Bondade, to the following bank account (CGDCaixa Geral de Depósitos):

Associação de Nossa Senhora Mãe da Bondade
NIB (“Portugal”):   0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16
IBAN:   PT50 0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16



Explanatory note:

This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”



We remind everyone that the site of the apparitions is private property , although it is still not properly closed, and is a place of prayer and Catholic devotion , so we ask people to respect the place and all those present, gathered in prayer, without interfering in celebrations, and in the surrounding spaces that are private.

All who wish to approach in the Heart of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect, and appropriate clothing without provocation, as Our Lady asked .
