Message from the month of MARCH


More information at the end of this page.

On SUNDAY 30 MARCH, there will be Way of the Cross.   (“in Fátima”)

  BUS 2025


Message 2nd of March 2025

Message from Our Heavenly Mother


My dear little children, I love you and I would like to tell you that many children come here to this Holy place, Corgo da Igreja, to wound My Heart, but on the other hand, many others also come here to alleviate My sufferings.
Children, satan, with his deceitful actions, leads My innocent children to disbelieve My presence here in this Holy place. Do not judge your neighbor, My children, because I repeat: only God is the Supreme Judge. Rather, judge yourselves before you are judged by God on the day of His Wrath.
I tell you again, I came from Heaven to Earth not to force or judge anyone. I know that everyone is a child of God and needs a lot of help. That is why God sends Me to you, to prepare you. Many children find My presence strange in various places in the world.
Today, My children, there is a large number of bishops, priests, religious and faithful who no longer believe; they have lost their true faith in Christ and in His Gospel.
The number of My innocent children who walk in the darkness of denial of God, lack of faith, immorality and impiety is growing. Bishops and priests of the Holy Church of God, teach everyone the true Catholic Morality, again. All of you, priests, must fight hard for the salvation of humanity, do not worry excessively about all material things and do not judge, because only in this way will you be able to imitate My Son Jesus Christ. And you, My dear children, must pray a lot and do not pretend to be more than what you are. Your mission is to always be in prayer before the Cross. Pray, My children, for all the bishops and priests of the entire world, especially for the Holy Father.
My beloved priestly sons, these are My times, the times in which your Mother fights against satan and his evil angels. My adversary has established his kingdom over the world and already considers himself the great victorious. But your Heavenly Mother, who acts in silence, fights with Her Angels of Light against the evil and malignant angels of satan.
My children, you must listen to My messages. It is the voice of a very distressed Mother, a Mother anguished by worries, who warns you in advance of what is coming for you. I go throughout the world, warning My children so that they may repent in time and change their lives. That is why, My children, I insist on you, convert, convert, convert, and confess, confess, confess. I ask you once again to confess weekly and not to hide any of your sins.
It is very important, My children, that all of your souls be prepared with the sacrament of confession, so as not to be caught off guard, because difficult days are coming for the Church of My Son.
I ask you, My children: pray, pray, pray a lot for the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and especially for the Holy Father, Pope Francis.
He, My children, will have much to suffer, because the enemies of God will attempt many times against his life.
I am your Mother, My children, and I show you the safe path, but to do what I tell you, to follow the path of the Lord, which is not an easy path, requires strength and courage. But have confidence, because I am here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, to help you.
Before I finish, My dear children, I want to bless all the sick in your families, who are in hospitals, in nursing homes, in their homes. I bless all of you, young people, elderly people and all who are sick and present here in this Sacred Place.
From this blessed place, I bless you all, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen.

Until another day
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja

(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires) 

videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV  

Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts


Prayer for the month of March (02-03-2025)

Almighty God, source of all thoughts of truth and peace, we beseech Thee to kindle in the hearts of all, the true love of peace, and to guide with Thy pure and peaceful wisdom those who counsel the nations of the earth, that Thy Kingdom may spread until the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of Thy Love, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.



LAND property

Dear pilgrims and benefactors, for your information, we published below, on the DGT map, the visual information and their identifying areas (yellow outline), of the 2 contiguous plots of land, which are already owned by the Association of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreja, north of S. Marcos da Serra, and which, in the next stages of our actions, will be the object of the necessary interventions for a better reception of pilgrims, as soon as the Association is able to gather all the necessary conditions, in their distinct and necessary forms, in particular, the necessary documentation and legal authorizations for the most impactful interventions in the current relief, to move from its natural and disorderly state to a more orderly and favourable horizontal plan, similar to other Marian Sanctuaries already known to many of you, so that the much desired Chapel can then be achieved, as soon as the land is suitable for its construction, and the basic and necessary infrastructures for its proper functioning (electricity, water, sanitation, etc.) are all created. The different challenges that we face are in proportion to the great and wonderful Works of God in the world, especially once there is nothing in the place.

(“The more detailed delimitations of the areas of the two lots of the association are being reviewed by the competent authorities. As soon as possible, we will renew the presentation.”)


  BUS 2025

Eucharistic Miracle I – Communion visible in the mouth, given by the Archangel.

  (see video)


Eucharistic Miracle II – Supernatural manifestation with the Host transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, in the Consecration at Holy Mass, and subsequently a fraction of the Host was given, by a priest, to commune in the mouth of the visionary, where the white fraction of the Host , was visibly transfigured as the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ, alive in the Holy Eucharist.

  (see video)


See photos in: PHOTOGALLERY

EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE in the mouth _(See Video)_

Chapel in My Honour
“I say again My children, I am the Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, tell everyone, including the priests, that I want a CHAPEL in My Honour in this place .”


Dear pilgrim and benefactors,

The bank account details are now available, so you can deposit or transfer your OFFERS / DONATIONS to collaborate with N.S. Mãe da Bondade, to the following bank account (CGDCaixa Geral de Depósitos):

Associação de Nossa Senhora Mãe da Bondade
NIB (“Portugal”):   0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16
IBAN:   PT50 0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16




Year 2024 ; Year 2023 ; Year 2022 ; Year 2021 ; Year 2020

Use the side menu for messages in “PREVIOUS YEARS

  • WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.
  • Pray for all the PRIESTS who are being PERSECUTED, because they believe in the apparitions.

  • HOLY COMMUNION kneeling and in the MOUTH    “DISCLOSURE”    
  • (…) you must faithfully live your Consecration to Me and to My Son Jesus Christ ,  , in your hearts, prepare yourselves, cleanse your hearts from hatred, (…)




Explanatory note:

This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”


We remind everyone that the site of the apparitions is private property , although it is still not properly closed, and is a place of prayer and Catholic devotion , so we ask people to respect the place and all those present, gathered in prayer, without interfering in celebrations, and in the surrounding spaces that are private.

All who wish to approach in the Heart of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect, and appropriate clothing without provocation, as Our Lady asked .
