Message from the month of JANUARY
More information at the end of this page.
On SUNDAY 26 JANUARY, there will be Way of the Cross. (“in Fátima”)
ANNIVERSARY of the first apparition (PHOTO GALLERY)
Message 5th of January 2025
My dear little children, today, on the first Sunday of the year, I come from Heaven once again to tell you that God greatly desires your conversion. In this year of 2025, as your Mother, I ask you very much to continue asking for peace for your world. Your time is running out, and for many there is little time left, because God will punish sinful humanity that has abandoned His Commandments and turned away from Him. My children, pray, pray, pray a lot in this new year that has begun, and God will have mercy on the world, otherwise humanity will have to endure a great punishment. God does not want the condemnation of any of His children, but Eternal Salvation, which is why I have come from Heaven to this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, to convey this message.
Children, God loves you and desires fidelity and perseverance from you. Pray so that you may understand that your lives are important to the Creator who created you, to bear witness to His presence in the world. God wants to pour out His graces more and more on the world. My children, you will yet see things that your eyes have never seen, and you will witness how almighty and strong the Lord is.
My children, I am here to help you in everything and to keep these dangers far away from you. This year, I also ask you to pray for families, for young people, and to pray in a very special way for all priests, more than ever, they need prayers, they need God. What great responsibilities they have! And how many today find themselves immersed in the most filthy sins, far from His grace.I will repeat again, My children, this year will be a year of great suffering for you, your world will go through a very sad tribulation, and I only ask Jesus to have mercy on each one of you, especially in this year when the battle will be very heavy, very difficult. You will encounter trials in life, many difficulties, so you must be very careful. Do not be confused; bad things will come,which appear to be good. Be attentive, wise, humble, and strive for holiness.
My children, I desire that My Holy Rosary be everywhere in your homes; that you wear it around your neck, in your pocket, on your wrist, in your car. If you knew how bitter the pain will be that will strike you, you would seek much morethe life of prayer. I only desire with all My Heart that you be prudent.
My children, today humanity has allowed itself to be deceived by the malicious poison of evil. Continue to confess every month, to take HolyCommunion with love, to participate fervently in Holy Mass, and to always say “No” to the things of the world.Open your eyes to see the “signs of the times” that are already happening in your world, so that each one of you may believe in My messages given in My apparitions.
Behold, I tell you this so that when it happens, you may know everything that is going to happen in your world. My dear little children, next month, on February 16th, it will be 26 years since My first apparition in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja.I want to invite you all, and I hope that you can come prepared with much prayer, sacrifice, penance and confession, so that you may arrive at My Feast with your hearts purified and more open, so that you may feel the Love of God in your hearts, and above all, receive Him in the Eucharist, in the humility of your hearts. Ask to remain firm in the Love of God, and that He,at HolyCommunion, frees you from all evil and from all attachment.Wake up, My dear children, you will live a year of many tribulations, a year in which you will need to pray more for your Holy Father, Pope Francis, for the Holy Church, for all the Clergy, and above allfor peace in the world, for peace in all nations.Be alert, My children, the enemy is all around you, trying to find a way to overthrow you down along the path that you must follow to achieve salvation and holiness. Be vigilant and pray a lot, My children. I, and all the Angels and Saints are with you to help you keep the doors of your senses of your soul well guarded against the enemy.
Before I finish, I would like to thank all of you for coming here to this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja.
I give you My Immaculate Heart. May you all be at peace, My children, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen.
Until another day
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of January (05-01-2025)
My God, another year begins.
Into Your Hands I place my life and my dreams.
Take care of my family and my friends.
Bless our first day of the year, and bless each step we take and make our today an overflow of great victories. Amen.
Eucharistic Miracle I – Communion visible in the mouth, given by the Archangel.
Eucharistic Miracle II – Supernatural manifestation with the Host transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, in the Consecration at Holy Mass, and subsequently a fraction of the Host was given, by a priest, to commune in the mouth of the visionary, where the white fraction of the Host , was visibly transfigured as the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ, alive in the Holy Eucharist.
See photos in: PHOTOGALLERY
EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE in the mouth _(See Video)_
Chapel in My Honour
“I say again My children, I am the Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, tell everyone, including the priests, that I want a CHAPEL in My Honour in this place .”
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Year 2024 ; Year 2023 ; Year 2022 ; Year 2021 ; Year 2020
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- WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.
- Pray for all the PRIESTS who are being PERSECUTED, because they believe in the apparitions.
- (…) you must faithfully live your Consecration to Me and to My Son Jesus Christ , / , in your hearts, prepare yourselves, cleanse your hearts from hatred, (…)
Explanatory note:
This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”