YEAR 2022
Messages of each month from this year.
WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.
Message from the 2nd of January 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, today dawns a new day, and on this new day a new year also dawns. If we look well deep inside our hearts, we will understand that in every new year, man always hopes for a better world. But today, in this new day that dawns, would be necessary to appear a new man. It’s not enough just a new year! It’s necessary men and women with hearts renewed by faith.
I say to you children, that many storms will come towards humanity. This year is a year of great tribulation, it’s a year in which you have to take care of your spiritual life, your faith: to forgive, love people, help those in need. This year is a very difficult year. It is a year in which anyone who is not united with Jesus can falter terribly.
What can I tell you children, as a Mother, the One who brings the greatest food in life, which is the Word of God? What can I alert you to, for this new year that is born? What I can warn little children, is that your life needs to be even more in God’s hands! Because you are persecuted, tormented, and often fall in the face of these torments. How many who no longer believe in the power of God! How many who completely doubt what God can and what God does! That’s why My children, in this new year a Mother’s request: Have Faith, you will overcome many and many sufferings by Faith. Oh, My children, you can hope for a better world because Jesus is fighting hard for you, giving knowledge to what is forgotten by you: the Gospel, the Eucharist, the Word of God, the Commandments of God! In this new year, it’s necessary that your hearts are consecrated to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It takes a wise people of God, people of God who are alert, alert to the danger that is present in the life of a Christian and of the one who serves Christ.
Therefore My children, let us all dedicate this new year, which is just beginning, to the Holy Church, including the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Let’s ask God for all the protection to the Holy Father in his visits. We will also include in our request the Bishops, Priests, religious men and women, for Christian families, which are all of you! Let’s all make a strong chain of prayer, asking God for the Catholic Church, for the people of God who have forgotten the Faith, who have forgotten the fear of God, respect for the Sacraments, obedience to the will of God.
We are seeing men destroying themselves with weapons which are: pride, selfishness, hatred, anger, greed, envy, laziness. Man needs to wake up to know that his life is not a tale, his life is a grace from God. Years have passed, but Jesus Christ remains with us. How many are in the Heavenly glory! And you are on your way to that glory. But humanity is getting lost so easily.
My children, the world needs to undergo a great transformation. Jesus is preparing nation by nation, and today, He teaches children all over the world to pray, truly, to unite with the true purpose of being the Church of Jesus that walks His path. Many of My children have split. Why is faith non-existent? Because many children based their faith on their interest and not on Christ, on the Eucharist, on the Gospel, on charity, on solidarity. They sought their own interest and not God’s will. And the Church got divided and became fragile. The Church is strong because has God, because we see in all the Tabernacles of this world the greatest miracle happening, today and always, which is Jesus giving Himself as Food for the world. But if we look, how many souls do not receive the Eucharist? How many people who don’t have a prayer life? Who don’t have a God fearing life? Who don’t have a life of dignity? How many children who are running along such empty paths, wanting to be a Christian by appearance and not by essence? Dear children, whoever wants to be happy and holy, walks in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, he rejoices, he is serenity, like you, walkers, who have travelled along paths to arrive here at this Sacred place Corgo da igreja. You came not as children of humans, but as blessed children of God. You came bringing your heart, your joy, because among you there is also young people. That’s why we have to look at the world and have a wise vision, not a man who wants to transform this world with hate and revenge, but with love and forgiveness. Why is man not at peace? Because he wants to conquer with revenge, with hate. The world needs to wake up to faith, to wake up to God’s plans, because in God’s plan there is a family left by Jesus, and Jesus Himself is the One who leads it, the Divine Holy Spirit, the Father, and we are led by the protection of the Angels of God. A very rich Church that contains the Saints, who were faithful to God, suffering men who were born to teach that a sinful man can also become a Holy man, knowing how to experience the preciousness of the greatest good they have, which is the life that God has given them. This life, if you look inwardly, is special, because God made us to serve others. In the words of Jesus Christ, who said: “Whoever does not know how to serve, does not know how to live.” Man doesn’t know how to serve, that’s why he doesn’t live. Man lets himself be corrupted by greed, kills because of the things that passes by, and when an illness comes he wakes up, wakes up and understands that nothing is worth except his faith. Faith will be the weapon of the son of God, the true weapon, because faith will make you overcome all the suffering that will come. From the world we will only see sadness, but from God we will see strength, justice, courage and Light. My children, the world will live what Jesus made very clear: on one side we will see justice, on the other side pain; we will see hope on the one hand and suffering on the other; on the one hand we will see prayer and on the other the tribulation. Faith will be the weapon of a Christian, because it will lead him to pray. Praying the Rosary, a prayer of sacrifice, My children! But Jesus Christ had to suffer to save you! Therefore, the Rosary is a prayer of strength, of sacrifice.
Little children, this year you will see tribulations upon tribulations, deep sorrows, most painful sufferings. You will see who has faith and will know that it is a consequence of the end times. But, those who do not have faith will feel scared, speechless, without saying why and without understanding the reason for so much suffering. But My children will have a lot of courage! Remember that your journey here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja, is not a one-day journey, it is a journey of many years, even these pilgrims who come on pilgrimage, walking every month to this place which has changed a lot your own lives.
My dear little children, I have blessed this new year, and My children, so you may become aware that you need to be a new man, a child of God, faithful, a true servant of God, because the words that comes from Heaven to us are very clear, it’s of no use dawning a new year without the need to be aware that you need to be better person. That’s why Jesus Christ spoke to us so beautifully about the family, how much you need to look after your family, your home, especially parents for their children. He also asked to dedicate this year’s to the Holy Church, which is all of us, a very strong, wise dedication.
That is why I ask you to pray, above all, for the conversion of Christians, for the unity of the Church, for the union of people with Christ. My dear children, I would like you to pray this prayer with great faith:
Lord Jesus Christ, who created a great family, who become the Living Bread, Holy and True, of this family, which is your Holy Church, the Holy Father, Bishops, Priests, religious, families, fathers and mothers and children. Give wisdom, charity, solidarity and peace. May Jesus be present in my heart and may I be to Christ the true Church, amen.
This prayer makes us reflect that Jesus Christ has left a Church, that we are the Church together with the Holy Father, Pope Francis and all the clergy. It makes us reflect that we need to be Church, to have a heart where Jesus dwells, because what the world lacks today is religion, the religion that Jesus left, My children! Man has completely deviated from what Jesus left and which is Heaven’s Door here on earth, the Church! That’s why you children will have to turn with all your hearts, to Christ Jesus who is the Church, to overcome all storms, because one of the greatest ones to come will be precisely the lack of faith and love to His Religion, the one that Christ left. Be faithful to Jesus Christ! This is what I ask of you, as your Mother, and may everyone spread this hope that only you can build a better world. Be good, serene, wise, even in the face of all the suffering you saw in these last days of the year that ended, don’t be hopeless and don’t be discredited, because Jesus said: “When everything seems lost, everything will be built.” That’s why Jesus is asking us to dedicate this new year to the Holy Church, because while people think that everything is lost, nothing that belongs to God is lost, everything is transformed! And we will see a wonder of transformation through the prayer of the people of God.
Thank you, thank you to all the pilgrims who came in pilgrimage, on the steps of Jesus and also close to My Mother’s Heart. Thank you to the children who came to experience this dawn of this new year. You children are the happiest people, because how many who are waiting for one New year but don’t try to be better people. And the Word of God teaches us that the year, if man does not try to be better, it will be more sad and more suffered, because humanity has not planted love and hope. And you children came not only to plant, but to gather from Heaven this hope and the certainty that if you look out for your family, pray for the Holy Church, for Portugal and for the world, you can certainly have a New Year of great peace and love. Be in peace My dear children!
May God the Father, Son and Divine Holy Spirit bless you and bless also this New Year, especially for Portugal that needs so much Peace.
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
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videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Prayer for the month of January (02-01-2022)
Holy Mary, Mother of God, I ask for your protection in this new year that is just beginning.
Always stay by my side and with the brothers I love so much.
Help us to make this year the best year of our lives.
May we all know how to let go of the burden of the past, helps us to forgive all who have wronged us, and ourselves.
Give us Peace, Light and Love!
Father of Kindness, in this month of January we celebrate the conversion of St. Paul, and by his example we realize that sin in our lives is not a definitive obstacle to holiness.
You are a Father of Mercy and ask us to live the openness of our being, to recognize and ask for forgiveness.
May Paul’s example be a path that takes us from our limitations to the love and holiness of our destiny.
May your example motivate us to witness to the Gospel by sharing Love and Solidarity. Amen
Message from the 6th of February 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, I feel very happy in this month of February, you will celebrated the anniversary of My apparitions here in Corgo da Igreja, and also the apparitions in the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes. There is only a few days left for you to commemorate these apparitions, what I most ask of you, as Mother of Goodness and Mother of Lourdes, is that you be faithful to Christ.
My children, first of all I would like to say, these twenty-three years of My presence here in this Sacred place Corgo da igreja, have been a great grace for you. It is through My presence here that your nation, and those of the whole world, have received many graces. I also know My children, that humanity needs a great transformation, the world urgently needs the return of Jesus Christ to earth, because materialism has corrupted everything. Today men are only concerned with power, linked to politics and money, forming powerful forces, such as Freemasonry and others, to infiltrate in several key places in the nations, in the Churches, including the Vatican.
My dear children, in My message of the 1st of November 2015 , I asked so much that you pray for your country because it was at great risk. In the elections, My children allowed themselves to be dominated by the interests of the parties.
At Cova da Iria in Fatima, I warned the whole world of the danger of communist ideology that is spreading across the world. A Catholic cannot support any form of socialism, Marxism or communism. Once again, My requests were not fulfilled. Therefore My children, a lot can happen in your country (Portugal) and in the whole world. My children, this is a reality of today’s world. A world divided and oppressed. My children, this is why My Son Jesus Christ will come very soon. Don’t worry, but cleanse yourselves from your sins, before everything happens.
My children, pay close attention, there will be several very great punishments in the world, war, earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoons, torrential rains, droughts and fire. My children, what you are seeing today is just a small beginning.
That is why I ask you to pray a lot for the salvation of the world and for the conversion of all those children who have turned away from God.
Little children, I will not go into further detail, but on the sixteenth, I will give another message to you and to the whole world. At this moment, from this place, Corgo da Igreja and from the Grotto of Massabielle in Lourdes, with much love, I bless you, My dear children, and I bless these sacred places, in them you will have a refuge and salvation. Stay in peace, all of you, in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
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videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Prayer for the month of February (06-02-2022)
Lord, my God, we praise you for our family and we thank you for your presence in our home. Enlighten us so that we will be able to assume our commitment of Faith in the Church. Teach us to live your word and your commandment of love, following the example of the family of Nazareth. Grant us the ability to understand our differences in age, in character, to help each other, forgive our mistakes and live in harmony. Lord, give us health, work and a home where we can live happily.
Teach us to share what we have with the most needy, and give us the grace to accept illness and death with faith and serenity when they approach our family. Help us to respect and encourage the vocation of our children when you want to call them to your service. May the trust, fidelity and mutual respect reign in our family, so that love may strengthen and unite us more and more.
Stay in our family, Lord, and bless our home today and always. Amen.
Message 16th of February 2022
(23rd Anniversary of the apparitions)
4th Anniversary of the Eucharistic Miracle
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, it is great the joy and love in My Heart. I warmly welcome you on this day, day in which I appeared twenty-three years ago, in this humble Sacred place Corgo da igreja, as the Lady Mother of Goodness. I come to renew My maternal appeals, and give you a message of peace and love.
My children, thank you so much for the great honor and homage you pay Me, your Heavenly Mother. On this festive day, I bring My parents Saint Joachim and Saint Ana, who will give you some messages:
My children, I Saint Joachim, father of my daughter Mary, and my grandson Jesus Christ. I really wanted to help you in these very sad days in your lives. Don’t let evil take away your happiness, your holiness and your peace. Bend your knees, ask God for mercy, mercy and compassion for all humanity, for your family, for your children! Don’t let the devil erase the footprints of my grandson Jesus Christ who teaches us to love, respect and believe. My children, the Holy Rosary is one of the best weapons to defend against the war, hunger, thirst and an epidemic.
There is no doubt my children, that the predictions and promises of my daughter Mary will come true. She predicted the second world war and even a warning sign that would precede it, She warned about this epidemic that is on your planet.
Now children, I’m going to give the turn to my wife Santa Ana:
My children I Saint Ana , mother of my daughter Mary, and my grandson Jesus Christ. I want to speak first with the mothers of the earth, I want to help you. Do not be very sad during these days, watching your children who have to put up with the decisions and trials of the last days.
Our dear mothers, do not cry alone, because there are many mothers in Heaven, Saints, who also suffer with you. I offer you our Love and our assistance. We love you all and every one of our descendants, praying for their souls. Rest assured that we will help you all. Call to the mothers in Heaven, they will assist you. We love you all mothers of the earth.
My dear children, did you listened to My parents. As a mother, I see in the hearts of mothers and young people a great need for a new life. That’s why Jesus invites us to live this great missionary life of fighting for the youth, fighting for the faith. For that, you need good will. If we have good will, we will fight, and above all, together with the youth and with the families that each one has, have a little more zeal for each one who loves you.
My children, it is so beautiful when a family is united, and it is so sad when a family is divided. Today, I see families in discord, families in destruction. We need to light the flame, since we have a mission here, which God has placed here in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreija, the grace of being more than a Sanctuary, a Sanctuary of the Family. But also My children, we cannot forget that the nature of this world needs to be respected, because it is also our family. So you have to respect it, stop attacking it. Nature is being attacked by greed, vanity, the caprice of matter. Man is walking over everything that God has done for him to be happy. So, little children, it is necessary to take more care.
My children, look at the suffering you are seeing near you today, caused by the search for power. But who can do everything is God! It takes discernment to know that God is the one who can do everything. Man cannot go on wanting to do his own will. Therefore, it is necessary to pray for peace, pray for your family that you love so much, for the children, for the youth, for fathers and mothers, in short, for the Church that Jesus loves so much.
Remember that Jesus Christ enchanted the people, teaching them about love, inviting them to follow Him and to walk with Him, for the sweetness that He had in His Heart. Likewise, be sweet! Evangelize with love! Sometimes, when you love, you have to give to the youth some guidance, sometimes severe, strong, but do it with sweetness and love. With love they will gladly accept guidance.
Today, man can’t stand evil anymore, everything you look at, everything you see, there is evil. Even the way people guide each other is often malicious, performed with malice. No one respects others anymore, no one even wants to be aware of the problem, they just say: the child is just like that! The young man is like that! The family is like that! This is the reality that God’s children are living. It’s the end of time! Truly, this is a reality suffered by the people of God. Today, we live surrounded by a lot of suffering and a lot of pain. Humanity needs to accept that it is often necessary to renounce sin. When you see something very difficult, you have to renounce the situation, because otherwise it ends up in war. That’s the life for the young people too. The father and mother, the educator, the catechist; the one who is ahead has to know how to guide with love and set an example with love. It is necessary to know how to sow with more faith, with more good will, to be a witness to an enriching alliance, which is the Holy Trinity. God has done a lot with us, transforming the hearts of God’s children here on earth.
My children, I know that there are many sick people here asking for their healing and the healing of their relatives who are at home, now, each one will make their request to God. You will offer your life to Jesus Christ and ask Him to heal your heart. So, with joy I will bless all the children who are here in this Sacred place Corgo da igreja, and those who are in your homes: singing My children, the
“Give us the blessing…
… download the Song GIVE US the BLESSING .PDF
I blessed you all as you sang.
My dear children, let’s ask God for the healing of the world, especially for the healing of this epidemic, which has led the world to greater suffering, this suffering caused by all the sins committed against the Merciful Heart. May He have mercy, mercy and mercy on all sinners. Keep praying My children, for this epidemic, with your sincere and perfect prayer this virus will be defeated from this world, according to God’s plans.
My children, today I ask My Son Jesus for the healing of humanity. This is the greatest gift I wish for the world – no revenge, no envy, no lies, no jealousy, may the world just be filled with peace.
Prepare yourselves little children for Lent, with fasting, prayers, penances and works of charity. Go to confession. Your confession is the best way of reconciliation with God.
Before finishing My children, I wanted to thank very much My daughter who offered the banner of the Holy Family, which will be good for this prayer group. My children, I also thank you for your prayers for the souls in purgatory, continue to pray, because today 445 souls ascended to Heaven.
I love you and thank you for your presence in this Sanctuary, Corgo da igreja . I want to address Myself especially to My children, the predilected priests, to My children who came from places far away. Return to your homes with the Peace of God. I say goodbye to you all, with the Love of a Mother who in these twenty-three years has been heard, followed and glorified by you.
Remain in peace! Under the blessing and protection of the Holy Family, the anointing and shelter of My parents Saint Joachim and Saint Ana and under the blessing of the Holy Trinity, which is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
In Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE in the mouth _(See Video)_
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
… download the Song GIVE US the BLESSING .PDF
Grant us the blessing, O Virgin Mother,
sure pledge of the highest good. (2x)
You are the rose of pure love,
soft breathing in a heavenly scent. (bis)
The white lily has splendor,
but it does not match your radiance. (bis)
From humility, the sweet flower
greets you, Mother of the Lord. (bis)
You are our life, you are our light,
O dear Mother of my Jesus. (bis)
Give us your grace to live,
faithful to serve you until we die. (bis)
Message 06th of March 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, today in the silence of peace in this sacred place of peace and prayer, let us all be united to the Heart of Jesus, with the nations that are at war. I know that today, the situation in the world is sad, but I understand that God’s mercy will rescue and save the whole face of the earth that is at war. I only ask you children to pray for peace, because many children are not prepared for war. War, in today’s times, is like saying, everything will be destroyed. That’s why I fear this war! Man, son of God, image and likeness of God, learned to kill, to create destructive bombs! Why did man not learn to love or forgive, if Jesus Christ died on the cross and left this teaching? But, as Jesus said: it is much easier to get lost on the way than to walk on it! It is much easier to leave the cross behind than to carry it forward, to assume its weight. My children, it is up to you to prepare yourselves, because man wanted so much, that man himself in the face of so much greed for power will destroy himself by it!
We are in the season of Lent, the only appeal I make to you with great urgency, to the children who are in the power of the great nations, is: do not make war, make peace.
Yes My children, the world is getting very bad. And we can feel in every message that Heaven brings us, the appeal that Heaven makes to us, telling us about terrible trials that will come, the difficulties that will arise. We cannot be discouraged, because the path that leads us to eternal life is difficult, because the way is the narrow way. That is why whenever I am with you, body and soul, I seek to strengthen you, to give courage to your hearts so that you are not afraid, because through the Holy Gospel, we are still going to experience very sad events, and we truly need to be very aware that without God’s mercy we can do nothing! Without God’s mercy, we are nothing!
If today we have a reason, that reason is the happiness that God has given us: life. And it made us so aware that we need to do something to earn eternal life. Therefore, let’s offer this moment of prayer to the Sacred and Merciful Heart of Jesus Christ, asking Him to wash the hearts of the great leaders of the great nations, as not to make war. The earth is especially dust, and man is truly a child of God, and it is this child of God that the enemy is persecuting today with such great temptations, sufferings that only destroy. Therefore, prayer is the healing, it is the Holy Rosary. The Holy Rosary to bring peace to the world that today is so tormented by hatred and revenge. It is a world where men must serve for peace and not for destruction. My children Jesus Christ said: There will be days on earth when the weapon that will defend the world is not a firearm, but the Holy Rosary. I conclude by saying that in this time of Lent there is still hope for each one of you to convert. Convert, My children, for your own good.
I bless all of you who are here, in this humble place Corgo da Igreja, and all who could not come, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, Mother of Goodness
In Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE in the mouth _(See Video)_
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of March (06-03-2022)
Merciful Jesus, we beseech Thee; lead the whole world to obedience: obedience to God the Father and His teachings; obedience to the true values of fraternity, sharing, justice and equality. Make us aware, Lord, of the value of obedience so that we may know how to love you and serve you in our neighbour. Give us obedience so that we may be worthy of Your Mercy; wisdom to understand that suffering exists because of disobedience, and humility so that we may place ourselves at Your feet to pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is Your presence in our midst. Amen.
Message from the 3rd of April 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, how beautiful it is to start this month in the beautiful presence of peace, which is the Risen Jesus Christ in each one of us, in our hearts.
My children, you who made Lent with entire love for God, how happy you will be when you receive the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.
Therefore My children, on Easter day confess yourselves and reconcile with God and with your neighbor, it is very important that you all have your souls prepared with the sacraments, so that you are not caught off guard when the more difficult and more painful moments arrive to you. My children, I ask you to pray for peace, especially for Ukraine and Russia, who are at war.
To the rulers of these nations and other nations who are also at war, I say that in these battles which you have with each other: Peace does not give war, it does not take away tranquillity, it does not cause hunger, it does not make the innocent suffer. If innocence was with peace, it would be a paradox for My Son Jesus Christ to make those who are with Him to suffer. Also My children, pray a lot for your world, because today it is more than ever on the verge of a great transformation, with seismic shaking, earthquakes, tornados, floods and the threat of volcanos. Many islands will be submerged due to the intense rains, overflowing rivers and seas, which will disappear from the face of the earth. For all this I ask you to pray, and a lot. Have confidence in your Heavenly Mother, because I am here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja and in other places where I appear to help you.
I continue to tell you My children, that you must be by My side, with prayer groups, because the world is in great need of your prayers, of My help and the Mercy of My Son Jesus Christ.
My children, I ask for your prayers and sacrifices, in favor of peace in the world and the conversion of sinners. Know that I desire your conversion as quickly as possible. For centuries I have come to the world through countless apparitions to ask for your conversion and your consecration to My Immaculate Heart. I do not come to oblige you, but what I say must be taken seriously.
I, your Mother, am permanently interceding before God for your world, and God in His Goodness, accepts My intercession and keeps postponing the hour of punishment. Yes children, He keeps postponing it, because He is good and compassionate, but He is also just, but His justice will be applied, because many children do not know how to fulfill their duties as children of God, do not respect Him, do not love Him, and many do not even remember that He exists.
My dear children, I know that some of you still doubt about My presence here in this holy place Corgo da igreja , because they say that I could heal this son of mine(visionary), yes children I could heal, but I can’t, because he wanted and was chosen to suffer for all the sinners of the whole world. He asked Me to receive My messages standing or sitting and to relieve him of his pain a little. My children, satan desperately seeks to get his hands on him, to collect false accusations, even in the pen he was writing My message in March. My children, pray a lot for him, if you want him to continue to receive My messages much longer. I love you very much, despite your defects, because the most important thing is your great desire to correct yourselves. Do not accumulate any sin in your heart. My children, if you look at the celebration of Easter, of the resurrection, it is fundamental for you to always obey God. Never stop living what God asks of you, never stop doing a Holy Lent and a Holy Easter, because what your world needs now is a lot of mercy. And you can be sure of what I say to you as a Mother who catechizes the world, only can live true mercy those who live a Holy Lent and a Holy Easter. Then you know the value of mercy.
If you children look a little further away, you will see that Jesus Christ, many, many years ago, died for you. Therefore children, what I ask of you is to never let the presence of Jesus Christ, who is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life, erase in your lives; our Resurrection.
My children, before I finish, I invite you to pray again for the rulers of the great nations, so that they reconsider for a moment and do not give rise to terrible moments such as a nuclear war.
I leave you My Peace, I give you My Peace.
Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. I bless you with love, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
In Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE in the mouth _(See Video)_
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of April (03-04-2022)
Lord Jesus Christ, who are Mercy, who are forgiveness, who are salvation, cover us with Your Rays of Light. Lead us to true devotion to Your Merciful Heart. Defend us, relieve us and have mercy on us. To Your Mercy Lord, we consecrate the world, Portugal, our families, our children, our youth, our priests, the Holy Father, Pope Francis and all the Mother Church. Merciful Jesus, grant us Your peace. Amen
Message 1st of May 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, it is a great joy for My Immaculate Heart to receive today such a beautiful tribute on Mother’s Day. I am the One who says to be the Mother of all mothers, and that is why I congratulate all the mothers present here, for this very beautiful gift that God has given you, which is the heart of a mother, the generosity, the grace and above all the Light of God reflected in us, through the most precious thing we have, our children.
For the world, for all humanity, for Portugal, I feel happy to be the Mother of all mothers, the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of Goodness, the Messenger from Heaven, here today in this afternoon bringing you The Holy Food which is the Word of Salvation, the Word of the Lord.
My children, many times you hear Me asking you: pray the Holy Rosary, make your life a life of prayer, avoid sin. My children, I don’t want to see you destroying yourselves like today I see so many souls being destroyed, condemning themselves in the face of sin, I want to see you happy, I want to take good care of what God has given Me: which is you little children! Of what Jesus Christ bestowed on Me, which is to be a Mother of all nations, a Mother of all races, a pilgrim Mother, a messenger Mother, a Mother who comes into the world in the likeness of each people, of each race. God has given Me an immense gift, and I cannot fail to appreciate this treasure that has made Me precious, which is you little children.
My children, so My joy in being able to evangelize, like today to see Portugal on this journey of evangelization, because this year Portugal in addition to receiving the grace of dedication to the Holy Church, in so many nations people are not aware of the warnings that are coming from Heaven, and at this moment God is leading Portugal with the joy of receiving the Heavenly Mother, in body and soul, as a messenger of these end times.
And a very beautiful thing that Portugal received from God was that God sent Me here twice, as Mother of Fatima, Mother of Goodness, for all races.
Today there is great discrimination in the world, even in the face of so many things that have already been catechized and taught. But people discriminate against each other, because of poverty, color, language, and today Portugal awakens in the world, solidarity, fraternity, unity between peoples, showing that everyone is children of God and children of the Mother of God, that I am the Mother of Fatima, the Mother of Goodness, the Patroness Mother of Portugal.
My children, God needs each one of us, and we can say that we need God much more, and that is why we are here in this Sacred place Corgo da igreja, in union with the whole world, with Portugal which is a nation of My Heart. Today I am here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, saying to you children: I love the whole world, I am the Mother of the world, the Mother of all peoples, that Mother whom God truly made the Mother, the Immaculate Conception.
I ask God that the words that are built today in the hearts of those evangelizing children, that they are in the construction of the peace that this world needs so much. Today we are going to ask God for mothers and family members who are crying because they have lost their children and family members in wars, especially the war between Ukraine and Russia.
How many mothers today are with their hearts in pieces because of these meaningless and reasonless wars. The world doesn’t have to kill, the world has to save, give life, God made us to build and not to destroy. So we have to ask God for these mothers and families who cry and suffer.
Today the devil is causing people to live torn apart with so much pain, but Jesus Christ comes to build this strength in us, and Portugal will be a very strong nation, because it is a nation consecrated to My Heart, it is a nation consecrated to the Heart of Jesus, it is a nation that has people who pray, and this is people who pray, do all that God wants to accomplish. What good would it be if Portugal was consecrated to My Heart and My Son Jesus Christ, but if the Portuguese people were not people of faith. Therefore faith moves Portugal today, and faith will move the world forever. Therefore children, let’s all walk by faith, follow by faith, lead by faith, feel really enlightened by faith.
One important thing is that all the children of this nation have an open heart to live in solidarity,
Portugal is a very supportive nation, people embrace each other’s needs; this is very important, especially now in these end times, where we have to be for each other and God for all of us.
Therefore, the most sacred thing here in this Sanctuary Corgo da Igreja, is prayer. The living work of the fraternity is Life, Mission and Prayer.
My children, at this moment raise your roses for Me to bless them. Then take it to your mothers, even for those who have died you should put the roses on their grave, or at home in front of a photograph.
Dear little children! I blessed them with all My Mother’s love. I was very happy with this moment of prayer, with the presence of My predilected sons the Priests, and all the sons and daughters who are gathered here, the children who came from so far, to find graces, comfort, and especially the Light of God in your hearts, with the full certainty that this Light has already been brought to you through this message, My blessing and the blessing of the Father who loves you very much.
May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit enlighten the world and cease the conflict of war and bring peace to the world. May all remain in Peace, under the protection of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
In Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
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videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Mother’s Prayer (01-05-2022)
My God and Lord, here I am in this Sacred place Corgo da igreja, to thank you for the gift of being a mother. It is an immense grace, which I cannot fully understand. I bow reverently under this mystery, as did Mary, the Mother of mothers. And I try to live with your graces this mission to which you called me. I thank you, O good Father, for the joys that my children sow in my life, and for the courage you have given me to face difficult moments: misunderstandings, rebellions, illness, provocations… in other words, thank you for the crosses that with your strength, I was able to assume and embrace. They increased my faith, and I learned that having problems in life doesn’t mean having an unhappy life; it is possible to win many battles by putting my knees on the ground and my life in your hands. Thank you Lord for my family, it completes my existence. Allow us together to seek to harmonize our differences, to build day-to-day, our homes, our lives. Bless the country of my children, Lord. And inspire me to be a mother after your heart. Amen
Message 5th of June 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, first of all I will address a few words to this son of Mine(visionary), chosen by My Son Jesus Christ: Son, ignore what the newspaper said about you and this Sacred Place chosen by My Son Jesus. Your fidelity to Me, to My Son Jesus Christ and to this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, is tested every day. Many try to prevent your mission, but they cannot, because of the Holy Protection. Those who cause you pain, suffering and persecution will be punished. My Son Jesus will not tolerate such actions. Therefore son, I ask you to continue to ignore the obstacles placed before you and ignore any hatred or arguments generated. Our enemy wants to withdraw you, your mission and your faith.
We want you to continue this mission. Remember that I and the Archangels, are always at your side to defend you from all dangers.
Pray for everyone and live with Me united by love.
Now I am going to address these children who are here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja: Children, what I said to this son of Mine, I say the same thing to you, ignore everything the newspaper said about this Sacred Place. Our enemy wants to retrieve you, take away your mission and your Faith. If you pay attention to hate, it will spread. By ignoring it, it will die.
Dear little children, I know that among you, there are children who are sick and ask Me for their healing. My children, accept illness and suffering with love, as Jesus Christ accepted it. Christ, Son of God, innocent, knew suffering in his own flesh. Therefore, do not despair in your illness and suffering, your sufferings are precious to Him, insofar as you accept them and patiently bear them. And today we see all the discouragement, so many diseases that are affecting the children. The enemy, when he cannot attack the soul, he tempts the flesh. That’s why how many who served God and at the end had their bodies wounded with pain. Jesus Christ Himself was a living example of all this. Even the wounds suffered by Jesus were enormous, because the cruelty of evil, as evil acted cruelly in the lives of those who hurt and mistreated Jesus.
Many children are afraid when talking about God. We must not be afraid, we must have joy, respect, awareness that one day Jesus prepared His Heart to give the world the greatest complete wealth, which is forgiveness and salvation. Therefore My children, I would remind you that this year is a year of a lot of tribulation, of a lot of pain, of a lot of suffering and that you need to be aware and prepared, because no one knows how the enemy will act, how he will release his poison here on earth. I know many are afraid, but that’s not good little children. I would even remind you that fear only makes a person to have weakness, to be weak. Trust more in God! I have immense confidence in Heaven, because I believe, and to believe is to believe, My children! No one can be with God and at the same time be in fear, no one can be on the way to Heaven and at the same time be in the way of fear. I have in Me what the Holy Spirit is for each of us: strength, light, courage, dignity, authenticity. A prepared heart is a heart always capable. However hard the war and the disease may be, God is always with us! And we have to feel uplifted by this Father, not fallen, not weak, and not afraid. Therefore, My children, I would ask you to examine more your heart, avoid judging, avoid looking at people only with the eyes. Sometimes people think they are the wisest in the world, but they forget that He who was full of wisdom did not judge anyone, He just taught the world that whoever loves forgives, whoever loves saves, who loves builds. And if one day someone was condemned, it was not because Jesus looked at you with eyes of pain, with eyes of sadness judging you, but because you did not know how to look at God with the eyes of your soul and heart. Because God is good, children! I know that you children fully know today that the world will go through terrible suffering and that many will lose their souls. And many are already losing, but it’s not for lack of Heaven’s love, it’s for lack of awareness from men. Because men don’t want to alert to what God wants. I children, I give an example to one of you, not talking about the loss of the soul, but sometimes God is showing you that what He wants from you is not that, and He insists, insists, insists! And then I ask you children, where will you get with your human stubbornness? If Heaven is clearly speaking everything, and you unfortunately out of human pride do not want to listen to Heaven? And then I ask you, where can you get with this stubbornness of yours? Because when Heaven speaks, it is because Heaven loves, when Heaven asks, it is because Heaven knows what it is asking.
Today dear children, it’s not time for games, no! Today, what we do, is soon reaped! You don’t get too far ahead, no! Because it is the time of mercy, breathing this justice, what we plant we reap! I would like to see the world planting the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, because I would like to see the world reap the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart!
But God is the truth! At this moment, I tell you children that so few men on earth are planting this Triumph. Much of humanity does not even know the contents of My mission on earth. How many pass through this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, and cannot experience what I bring directly from God to you. Many see but so few are aware of what they are you looking for, why you are coming, why does God brings you? Humanity is very blind! Man at present is floating on the illusions of the earth. Many times, even being inside the Church in front of Jesus Christ, man is not aware that Jesus is there. Humanity floats before this thought, which stems from the thought linked to matter. Man lives for matter, he does not live the work of God every day in his life. He doesn’t put himself, he doesn’t surrender, he doesn’t mature, he doesn’t evangelize himself, he doesn’t want a life building peace. The construction of peace is done through conversion!
Children, we have here a catechesis from Heaven, which teaches us every step of the life of Holiness. We have to know how to differentiate, to see, this is a thing of God, that is a thing of the devil! And accept the divine designs! Because we have love, and as much as people love you, I Mary, I still have a love for you. My children I am asking Jesus Christ for mercy, because I know that many of you will be surprised by the justice of God, and you will suffer a lot, because you are used to think about mercy and forgetting about justice!
My children, I remember what Jesus said: “you are getting closer to My righteousness” Indeed the Word of God tells us of the great wrath of God, and that wrath of God is the righteousness of God. That’s why My children, I told you: Bend your knees, pray for peace in the world! The world needs conversion, a change of life! You must take the commandments and reflect on them, one by one, and live them! The way you are living, the only thing you will reap will be the destruction of life, which is your soul, your heart! We see the devil wanting to destroy what God created of most sacred, which is the family. Open your hearts to love, love always and do good to everyone, even to those who try to harm you.
Before ending, I would like to ask you this month to pray a lot for the Holy Father Pope Francis, he is somewhat weakened by his illness. This pope that you have today is a great warrior of the Lord, a son who fights for peace, for justice, who suffers a lot when he sees the world with so much lack of spiritual wisdom.
Now I will bless you, My dear children, but first I will bless all objects and your rosaries.
Raise all the rosaries. Everything was blessed.
I bless you, as the Father blesses you through the Son and with the Holy Spirit. Amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
In Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
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videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for June (05-06-2022)
June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We begin the month by consecrating ourselves to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and let us ask God to grant us a great and loving heart like the two of Them, before our brothers. Let us pray together:
I offer you, O my God, in union with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the prayers and the works, the joys, rest and sufferings of this life, on this day; in reparation for our offenses and for all the intentions for which the same Divine heart is continually interceding and sacrificing itself for us on our altars. I offer it to you, particularly for the intentions of Your and our Holy Mother Catholic Apostolic Church.
Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I trust and hope in You. Amen
Message 3rd of JULY 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, this is the day of the Lord. Day to worship immensely Jesus Christ. I invite you this afternoon to make a serious and beautiful reflection on the value we are giving to Jesus! How many times have people put things above God. And few times they put God above all things! The human being cannot wake up to the Light of God and to the love of God only in the most difficult moments of battle, or in the hour of pain, or suffering, or infirmities and losses! It’s sad to look at the world and see that people’s hearts don’t know how to wake up to the power of prayer. There is great emptiness, there is great suffering! It can be difficult! This suffering is too great! And humanity has not realized the gravity of this suffering, this disobedience, this lack of prayer, this lack of respect for the things of Heaven.
My children, this month is the month to pray for peace. We must ask for peace! Pray for your nation, so that it knows that it is useless to face suffering with anger and hatred, it is necessary to face suffering with prayer, with silence and with trust in God, this is how we walk towards good.
Today man believes that with the poison of evil, he will be able to heal the world. But, he can’t! The poison of evil only harms the world! It is with silence, prayer, good example, good witness, that will cure the world of this poison! It is what will wash all the sorrows from the face of the earth! Sometimes it’s hard to believe! But, as Jesus said: It is in prayer that evil is overcome. If man prayed, he would have much more happiness, and his mission would be founded on Christ, not on the crumbs of the devil!
Today what is destroying man? It’s the appearances and the greed! Man thinks that he will live forever on earth, that he can do everything while he is full of health in his body! He thinks he is the owner of truth, that he is the king of wisdom! That is why, today man is so sick! Sick of selfishness, sick of pride, of vanity. Man has forgotten that in his life God is the present! If man mirrored himself in the beatitudes of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the world would not need the Heavenly Mother to come to earth to ask Her children to convert and return to the Heart of Jesus Christ! I come because it is necessary, children! I do so by the will of the Father, who grants Me – by the honour, by the Mercy of the Son and by the anointing of the Holy Spirit – the grace to bring Light to the world that is without Light! The world really needs to be Light! Families, the Church, everyone needs to shine, but shine with the Light of God! The Light of Good! The Light of Peace! I bring this Light, which is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, interceding for the world, and especially, for the souls most in need of God’s mercy.
Each one offer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ his life, his cross, whether in sickness or in the mission to fight for the Kingdom of God, for peace and for fraternity. Each one offer our children, our young people, the Church, the Holy Father, Pope Francis to that Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.
Today, here in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, we feel the perfection of the Heart of Jesus. Who doesn’t want to be in that heart? Only the very ignorant soul! The humble and serene soul wants to be worthily in that Heart! My children, it’s beautiful to realize that when we have God, we have a beautiful soul! And re-shines wisdom.
Today, as a Mother, as a Messenger, as a Mediatrix, I feel that souls are already in God, because of many years of catechesis and teachings from Heaven. The souls that thirst for God are already bringing this Light, because they are humble and serene souls! And the souls who ignore this Light are hiding. But Jesus have mercy on these souls too! Let’s ask Jesus, that these souls do not allow themselves to fall into temptations, covetousness, afflictions and to turn to Jesus.
I wholeheartedly blessed all of you and the requests you are making to Jesus. I want to place these requests in the Heart of My Beloved Son, so that He may bring graces to every child present here. So that Jesus may give graces to families, children, young people, the Holy Church and missionaries. I wish you to remain firm in your mission, Jesus said: with faith, love and trust, you will win, sons!
I wish you all that God the Father, God the Son and God the Divine Holy Spirit guard the hearts of these beautiful children chosen by Heaven to be here today in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, receiving the blessings of the Mother of Goodness .
With great affection, I blessed you all. Amen
The Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer month of July (03-07-2022)
O Virgin Mary, Mother of Goodness, Mother of the True God and Mother of the Church. You, who show Your clemency and Your compassion to all who ask for Your protection, listen to the prayer that we confidently address to You and take it to Your Son Jesus Christ, our only Redeemer. Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of Love, protect and help your Ukrainian children, so in need of Your maternal protection. Put Yourself by their side, giving them strength and courage to face with courage the miseries and hardships of war, and comfort them in the unspeakable pains and sufferings they suffer. Have pity on so many mothers, distressed by the fate of their children, on so many orphans, on thousands of children who have become soldiers without preparation.
Have pity on Ukraine, on which so much ruin is looming!
Put in them a firm confidence in Your help and final triumph, O Mother of Mercy .
Message 7th of August 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, in this very special moment of wisdom, faith and prayer, let’s surrender to Jesus Christ our life, our journey, our mission, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach us to be instruments of great authenticity in the hands of God. My children, how many beautiful manifestations God has led through thisSanctuary,Corgoda Igreja, who came to erase all evil and sin in the world and warn the world about the things that today need to be valued. Above all, praying the Holy Rosary, love, charity, sharing, each one being fraternal, knowing how to help those in need, not being proud of the gift they have, but knowing how to use it in the practice of true evangelization, because many say they are instruments in the Hands of the Lord, but few are those who give themselves to the service of thework of the Lord.
Therefore today we need to ask Jesus to cultivate in our hearts the seed of good. Children, we are living a very difficult phase, which is tribulation, and in this tribulation we will see in the world: very strong depressions, diseases that have arisen mainly in the course of current times:all caused by sin.
Children, today when talking about the things of Heaven, few value them.
Today, we are here, on such a beautiful afternoon, let’s look within ourselves and see the life that God has given us.
Children,it is a grace to be here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja.
Your life, your seconds, your minutes, your hours, your day, everything belongs to God. We are gathered here among children, young people, fathers, mothers, children with more capacity for wisdom, children in search of wisdom, in search of spiritual learning, but one thing is certain, My children, we are all the same, God loves each of us. We have a wonderful gift which is faith. Faith is the mainstay that makes us present here in this Sacred place, which is the very rich presence of God’s love. It is through His Holy Will that I am here with you, children, as the Mother of Goodness, teaching the world to live in these days, a life of peace.
Therefore My children, I ask you to pray a lot for your world, today and always, it is in a spiritual, material and temporal decadence. Man does not know how to love himself, love his neighbour, love what God created. Disrespect for nature, for the family, for the children, so when there is no love, there is decay.
My dear children, I know that there is very little time left of My presence in body and soul on earth, because the events are near. I don’t know if you’re feeling it, but every day we feel that Jesus really needs to come to meet us, to meet humanity. Never has humanity been so lost as it is now, without unity, without dialogue, without faith, a humanity that often walks in many paths, and does not walk on the right path, which is Jesus Christ.
So My children, the world really needs Jesus. I know that the work of God here in Corgo da Igreja is very great, because I, like you, have to thank God for My presence here, because it is by Him, My children. I wouldn’t be here if God didn’t say to Me like this: Go to your children and transmit My Peace to them. I’m here by Him. I know that many of you suffer because you are the Church, you walk in obedience to the Church, and your greatest desire today is to be united to the Church, and she is also united to you. This is what I ask Jesus most: that My children, thepredilectedPriests wake up to the spiritual treasures that exist on earth, which is a unique benefit for the Church of God, unique, Holy, led by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. But I ask My children to be patient. The Saints had to have a lot of patience, because they were rejected by the doctors themselves, the wise, but they were welcomed by the Creator of all, God.
Before I finish today, I want to make a very special request for the sick. Let’s stop for a little while, reflect on the great need of those who are faced with infirmities, in hospitals, at home and in caring homes, at the moment of total surrender of their lives to God. But, My children, Jesus Christ is the great medicine of Salvation, He is present in the lives of the families of the sick, and the sick themselves. Jesus is with you, giving you peace and gentleness. He is taking the pain out of your heart and relieving your soul.
Children, pray! Bend your knees! Don’t be ashamed to turn to God, because everything that is happening today God has been warning you for so many years. And man is sleeping before grace! To pray, few want to! Loving the Eucharist, few want to!Sin many want! That’s why the suffering is so great, the pain is so great, and the world is living darkness after darkness, pain after pain.
So let’s turn to Merciful Jesus asking Him to wash us with the Blood of His Mercy.
I wish you all much peace, may Jesus protect you, enlighten you. May these blessings be extended to young people, Priests, Bishops and above all to your Pope Francis.
I bless you, in the Holiness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
In Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer month of August (07-08-2022)
Almighty God , we ask you today for peace in Ukraine, which suffers from the barbarity of war.
Enlighten those who have the power to stop so much violence, above their own interests.Have mercy on the most defenceless, on so many innocent human lives.
May the most vulnerable feel your embrace through the Priests, Religious and lay people who make up the Church in Ukraine.
Give them the strength and grace to be consolation and hope in these moments of so much injustice and suffering.
Mary, Queen of Peace , intercede for Ukraine, for Europe and for the whole world.
Message 4th of SEPTEMBER 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, it is so beautiful to be able to be here in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja , and to be welcomed with love by the children I love so much.
Today on this afternoon of the Lord’s Day, the Lord is everything in My soul, in My Heart and in the hearts of all of you. I thank God for these children, for this beautiful Sanctuary and for the presence of Jesus here, bringing joy to all hearts, bringing hope to Portugal and pouring out graces to the whole world.
Let’s ask to God for Portugal. God sends Me in this blessed place Corgo da Igreja, chosen by Him. Let’s ask God for this country that has grown in virtues, in sanctuaries of blessings, of graces, which God grants Me the honor of,as Mother of Goodness, to be your Patroness and of the whole world.
I am very happy for all pilgrims who come to this Sacred place Corgo da igreja, who come to visit this fraternal community built by the hands of the Creator who is the Father, the infinite Mercy that is Jesus Christ, the Son and the splendid Light of the Holy Spirit. And I am absolutely certain that the faith of these children is a faith based on the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary. That is why I see these simple children of God, who made a pilgrimage in prayer to be able to be here thanking withMe, the Mother of Goodness, the Immaculate Conception, to Heaven, for being part of this great mission in the struggle for peace, for hope in the family, for the edification and holiness of heartsand truly raise the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
This place is so tiny, and Heaven is so big, and this Heaven so big loves the little one. That is why the pilgrim who always comes to the feet of the Mother, wherever he may be, is a humble, simple, serene and small child, but great in love, faith and courage. I feel that during this entire journey of evangelization, My children saw Me with the eyes of their soul and heart. Today I can see in the hearts of so many children present here the love they have for Me, the Mother of Goodness. I know that there are countless children here who are faithful, devout, simple and true. There are often those questions from all hearts, even from My Church that I love so much. But what we have to learn is that we are living a real event here today. That’s why we are here in this place Corgo da Igreja, in silence, in the silence of a day that is part of our life of thanksgiving to God, because once Heaven illuminated this Sacred Place and made My presence illuminate all the children who are thirsty and hungry for God!
So our life must be in God’s hands. The right day and time to achieve more graces like the Eucharist, celebrations of the Holy Mass, that belongs to God. It belongs to you children to value the Word of God, which leads us to be Christians, not halfway Christians, but Christians of heart, soul, and dedication.
Your enemy, we often think that he is in theopposite to what we experience,but he is often very present in the path we are walking on. To defeat the enemy today is to conquer laziness, anger, envy and jealousy. My children, today the fantasies of the world are very destructive. Children are very easily deceived by what the enemy offers, because he offers it directly to the eyes, ears and hands. Here we receive what is given directly to our heart.
My children, I say to you that the place where God is most present, is where the devil attacks the most the children, because the one who is already walking on the broad path is already lost, but he who is walking on the path of mercy is preventing the enemy from being even more treacherous. Therefore My children, today you have to be very careful, even in what you say and think, because you are here in a place chosen by God! I know perfectly well how valuable this place is! Jesus already told Me: In the end times, the main target of the devil will be the family.And I know, children, that this family of God the Father, will always be protected, and has great value in the eyes of God, because here love and sharing are lived. The bread that is eaten here is the love that is brought by each one of you – even materially, even if it is transformed, that multiplies. They are grains that come and multiply. Everything that is brought, is brought by the providence of God. This is the most beautiful thing there is. The most beautiful thing there is here, is the sharing. Even in the meditation on the Holy Eucharist, Jesus shows that we share it: He gives Himself as Food for our heart. The great sower, the great food, the great sharing, the great feast.
Today we are happy to experience a little bit of this fraternal work, participation, prayer and silence, because you are here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja, and each one has its way of acting, its way of being, of thinking, each one came with his needs, each one brought his problem here. But God grants here everything that can provide a solution to all needs: love, faith, peace. Where there is love, faith and peace, it is because there is union, there is charity, there is sharing, there is good.
And in that place, My children, there is goodness, even with human smallness, the limitations of human men, there is something here that today in the world is no longer seen, and if God brought you here, is to feel what many times in your house you do not live what is here, and whichyou must live. Children, have you ever thought that your family sometimes forgets to pray with their own children?
How many times My children do not teach their children the true catechism and lead them to the true religion.
My dear children, I will repeat it again, My Son Jesus and I have chosen seers so that everyone may know that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is near. Prepare as quickly as possible, pray, pray, pray a lot and convert as quickly as possible, because your world is experiencing strong tensions and is on the verge of a world war. The world to be saved needs a lot of peace, to find that peace will need much to find God. Return My children to God as quickly as possible.In this time invaded by darkness, you will then be true children of Jesus Christ, spreading His Light around you. Therefore My children, pray a lot for the leaders of the great nations, who have power in their hands, not to spread violence in the world.
My children, when God comes with some manifestation, He does not come to play. God does not play games and is not afraid of the powerful. I’ll pray for God not to punish them. God says: Save yourselves, pray, do penance and convert. With prayers you can get everything. Therefore children, pray a lot, so that you can understand all that God grants you through My comings. Have confidence in Me and in My Son Jesus, because We are here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja, to help you and lead you to a new path.
My children, before finishing, I know what happened on your Stations of the Cross in Fatima, don’t do anything, the Archangels will solve all this. The enemy wants to arrange more war, he wants destruction, he wants discord, he wants violence and the children of God is peace. Then may you be moved by the Holy Spirit. Don’t worry so much about your human ego, worry about the presence of the Holy Spirit that will erase that ego of yours.
I say to those who were in theStations of the Cross, that today I can look and see hearts that are firm in the journey. Firm, faithful, dedicated, true! That’s why I want to say to you children, listen to the Mother! Always be faithful to God! Even if the world goes completely astray from Heaven, don’t follow, return to the way of life! It’s Jesus Christ! He is the way of life! Follow Him! Even if you cry and suffer, because you, children, will smile eternally, because He is the way to life.
May everyone be blessed, especially those who are present, who also embrace Me with their hearts in this beautiful mission of love.
May we all remain in peace, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Mary Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of SEPTEMBER (04-09-2022)
My Mother, teach me to walk the path of sacrifice, do not allow evil to deceive me with easy things and let me see the broad road as the perfect path. Open the eyes of my heart: I want to be strong to overcome evil, to renounce it and live the anointing of Holy Baptism.
I wish dear Mother, to change myself through sacrifice and suffering, I want to stop being an old man and assume the happiness of being a new man, leave aside the slave man to assume the grace of being the servant man of God, a happy man!
I want to live in a state of grace, to live the Eucharist, Prayer, the Holy Rosary, charity and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Finally, I want to live the most beautiful work: the work of love. I want to love as Jesus loved us, as Jesus loves us and as You Mary, know how to love.
Message 2nd of OCTOBER 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear children, today is a day of grace, an afternoon of happiness for every Christian who truly knows the power of God, and who loves with his soul and heart the plans of God in his life.
Children, first of all let’s put in the Hands of Jesus Christ the life of each one who are present here, in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, your needs and everything that you came to place here in My Heart, your requests.
I feel a great joy in being able to collect your requests, and I always have in My Heart the happiness of taking each of these requests to My Son Jesus Christ, who is Mercy.
Let us try today to live this moment of prayer with joy, but also with wisdom, respect and dignity. Let’s let Jesus Christ be reborn in our heart and transform it.
The world, we can no longer even question. Suffering is everywhere and in every part of the earth. The tribulations have arrived! And man is becoming more and more involved in the poison of evil, he finds himself poor in spirit, fallen into darkness and suffering.
The suffering that man is experiencing today, is a suffering which mainly harms the soul and the heart, it is a terrible pain My children. That’s why Jesus is so concerned about bringing us the Remedy for Eternal Salvation. And He is that Remedy! So your presence here today, of all the pilgrim children who came to this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, is a moment to be close to God, in the grace of God, examining your conscience, making a deep reparation in your hearts and seeking to return from here as new children: with faith and humility.
Children, what God is asking of us is not a demand, it’s all that we need to be happy.
He wants the happiness of all His children. And our happiness today is to fight in a wise and dignified way to build the Kingdom of God.
Children, and all this that humanity is experiencing today is written in the Holy Gospel. Even the change of time, the anguish that is inside people, the depressions, the sadness that is present in everyone’s life, the sad man which every day looks at the world and no longer sees so much meaning, because today he has completely lost the happiness. The meaning of being happy is in the grace of God. And man today lives for everything but the grace of God.
It is necessary that God send Me from Heaven, to be present here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, body and soul, to warn My children. It is such a great poverty of spirit! Man finds himself in such a great lack of love, of sharing, of holiness, of comprehension, of understanding and of preparation.
My children, have you ever stopped to meditate, to reflect on how much man has lost himself in darkness? We are seeing it there every day clearly!
You children do not come here for a simple reason, but for a very special reason: to redeem yourselves for God! We have to fight, and fight with our hearts open. Because today man is getting further and further away from the true religion. Because the truth, Jesus Christ has founded and built. We are a living stone of the One who is the Living Work: Christ! We are not a story, we are the people of God who walk towards Eternal Life.
Our great objective today is the salvation of souls, your soul, the world!
Because this, children, is what makes Me present here, is to worry about your souls, because if they were just dust, I wouldn’t be here. But you children have a life, a life that God has given you. And today man is living in an unjust, wrong, incorrect and reckless way. Ignorant! Man today has everything to be happy and live happiness, and he, out of ignorance, abandons the Light and follows the darkness.
Children, this is what is happening to the world, and Jesus is speaking to us. The tribulation has just begun. What we are living now – the worst that we are seeing – is just the beginning of everything, it’s just the beginning of everything that you will pass, that you will live.
I worry a lot about you, children, because I know that very few are those who are prepared to conquer, because there will come so much tribulation for the world, so much despair for the earth, so much pain that whoever is not praying, will not remain firm.
Look, My dear children! For you, who walk with Heaven, Jubilation will come, when the Triumph of My Heart comes. Because until the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, it is you those who walk, who will suffer the most, be criticized, persecuted. How many creatures that will persecute the true missionaries on earth! These are the words of Jesus Christ, because He has always taught the world: “If you want to follow Me, take up your cross and come!” And today, in addition to asking us to take up the cross, He asks us: “Love the Cross!” The suffering will be so great that we must not only have to take up the Cross, but love the Cross. Because whoever doesn’t love the cross, won’t conquer. Therefore children, if we are going to meditate today, the protection that we are having from Heaven is very rich! We are here in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, built by the Hand of God. How many children should pass through this place and see the peace of God present here.
My children, here, is already a great Sanctuary of Faith, known to the Pilgrims of Faith. What I love most about the manifestation of God in My life is that He has always placed men of faith in My path. Because all Marian Shrines on earth are made up of souls of faith, by fervent souls, by humble and simple creatures who come bringing their requests to the Immaculate Conception, with all titles, take them to God.
And today I know, as the Mother of Goodness, that you bring a request for grace, for strength, for light, for hope. I also know that you place your life here in God’s Hands, even knowing that here there are humble, sinful people, but thirsty for holiness.
My children, I want you, as you look at one another, to seek to see God. This afternoon of ours is an afternoon in which we are directly united with Heaven: God the Father, God the Son and God the Divine Holy Spirit! The Holy Trinity is here to heal the holiest soul and the most sinful soul, to heal the man who thirsts for God and the man who thirsts and needs to have his hunger for justice and peace satisfied. The grace of God is here to protect the one who comes with a temporal or spiritual request, a grateful grace or a grace he needs to receive. The grace of God is here for all the children who pass through here, in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreja, which they need to receive.
That’s why children I say to you! Let’s pray, be prepared, because from now on, we have only one certainty, when Triumph comes, everything will be at peace! But until Triumph comes, it will be difficulties after difficulties, depressions after depressions, sufferings after sufferings! A disbelief! A very great lack of religion! That’s why children, you must pray a lot for your world. Because holiness is the greatest example. The greatest example of those who follow God is holiness, even when they are criticized, persecuted. Because today there are so many paths that men follow, that they criticize the True Path: Jesus Christ, the Eucharist.
If we really want to be happy, and to live in peace, let us be a humble Church of God, that God knows that on the human side it is sinful, but on the divine side it is Holy.
Therefore children, value the grace of God in your life, and thank the Lord for everything beautiful that the Lord has given you, especially for the faith, which today makes you present here in this Holy Place, Corgo da Igreja. Present not only humanly, but with soul and heart.
And it is with the presence of God that I, at this moment, will bless you and intercede to My Son Jesus Christ with much strength and light, for Portugal and for the whole world. Let’s all glorify Jesus Christ! Let’s praise Jesus, all of you who have your Rosaries in your hands! Let’s glorify Jesus, in this month of the Holy Rosary. Let’s ask Jesus to make the world pray more the Holy Rosary. Well, prayer is the weapon you have to defend your life and of your family against all the snares and evils of the enemy.
Do not stop praying My children, love the Eucharist and worship the Blessed Sacrament. Do not fail to be obedient to the Holy Gospel. Do not be vengeful creatures of hatred, anger in the heart. Be humble and meek, serene. Always let Jesus Christ dwell in your life. When He dwells, everything turns into peace!
May God bless all the pilgrims who came here. Thank you to the children who came from so far, to everyone present here and to those who are here for the first time.
May the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit bless and protect you. This blessing is very special for a daughter who is here, who has given so much for this Sacred Place. Amen
Mary Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer month of OCTOBER (02-10-2022)
Lord My God, a new month begins, and within me a new hope coming from Your heart to colour mine. May the Lord be with me in every step, in every decision, in every struggle, in every moment guarding me, protecting me, strengthening me in faith and in the certainty that every day Your presence will go with me wherever I go.
So be it, Amen.
Message 06th of November 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
First of all My children, I am going to address this son of Mine (visionary), as your Mother that I am, I will help you to bear these sufferings of yours. What is happening with your pains, are signs of the wounds of Jesus Christ. You will feel the same pains but you will not shed a single drop of blood. You are offering it for the conversion of sinners, because more and more are appearing each day. Listen carefully to what I say, communicate it to the whole world. If you do not change and continue to abuse the Mercy of My Son Jesus Christ, the world will be involved in a great war, several nations will be destroyed, there will be many deaths, clouds of fire will fall that will scorch the earth. All this will be the most horrible that humanity has ever seen. My childrenignore My messages, but know that the punishment is very close.
Say prayers, confess your faults, repent, for God will punish all humanity. May you all repent, as I am appearing in many places, constantly giving messages of warning.
Yes My son, many souls are being saved, offer your pains for all of them, also help Me and My Son Jesus to bear them. I know My son, is very hard, but you must suffer, at least to save a third of humanity.I know My son, that you are asking for the Priests. Many of them are not even worthy of a prayer, they are the ones who are constantly offending My Son Jesus. Some Priests, ministers of My Son, because of their bad life, their mistakes and irreverence, their bad disposition, when celebrating the Holy Mysteries, for the love of money, honor and pleasures, lack the due purity.Oh My son! Poorbe the inhabitants of the earth and the ministers of the Church, God will cast His punishment and no one will be able to escape so many evils together.
My son, some Priests offend a lot My Son Jesus, many of them are not worthy to celebrate the Sacred Mysteries because of their lack of faith, and their hands stained with impurity. A great punishment will come upon them, for they have even more responsibility than others, because they are condemning many souls.Yes My son, certain leaders and guides of the people of God neglected prayer and penance and the devil clouded their intelligence.
My son, ask all children to pray for them, with your prayers, so that they change.
My son, to your spiritual directors, tell them not to have so many doubts about what they have said. In fact, the Body of My Son Jesus was not consecrated. Sometimes the Body of My Son is not consecrated, because some Priests, with their hands stained by sin, have lost faith in My Beloved Son and have no intention of consecrating. During the Mass that He celebrates,He does not invoke Jesus, He does not think about Jesus, and My Son does not descend, and He does not descend because the Priest does not believe in Him.My Son Jesus has a very intense pain, He feels in His Heart the offenses done by some of them when they give communion to the faithful in the hand.
My son, I know you were very happy for the prize I gave you, to see your mother and father who are glorious in Heaven, thanks to your prayers. Continue to obey, so that your glorious day may come, and you join them.
My son, continue to pray for the souls in purgatory. You cannot imagine how many souls are ascending to Heaven through prayers, despite My sadness for so many sinners who do not want to be saved.Before finishing My son, continue to be humble, not giving interviews to any newspaper or to people who want to know more about you.Follow My advice and those of your spiritual directors, for they are good children of God. Look, the enemy is always on the lookout for something, but My son, here you have Me and My three Archangels, to comfort and save you.Now I will address My children who are here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja. These warnings I gave My son are also for you, children.My children, this month is very special for you, where you remember souls, remember people who were truly very special to you and will never stop being. I am sure that a son or a daughter will never forget a mother, a father, just like a mother, a father will never forget a son or a daughter. Never, My children!Today I want to bless all of you, and in a very special way, all the children who are present here, those who today bring a beautiful memory in their hearts, of those people who were so dear to them, so special, and who today are already in the presence of God. And pray also for the souls that are not yet in the presence of God, so that today, on this very special day, Jesus can gather more souls in His Presence, saving them with His Mercy, which is Love. We put our needs in His Hands, because He is happy to accept your petitions.That’s why we’ll always have the joy of saying, Merciful Jesus, have Mercy on us.Before finishing,I am going to address this My predilect Son, thePriest:You cannot imagine how happy the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart are to see You here once again in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, chosen by God. I know You are going to celebrate Holy Mass. Son, Make it with Joy, and continue this mission of Yours, always giving Your witness of Faith to these pilgrims, the children, who really need Your help to witness these apparitions.My children, lift up your roses now for Me to bless, after blessing, you must place the roses on the grave of your deceased relatives or in front of a photograph at home.
My dear children, I leave My Heart, and I take with Me the hearts of all of you!
May all remain under the Mercy of the Father of the Son and of the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen
Mary Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer month of November (06-11-2022)
Oh sweet Jesus Christ! You who are a living and true miracle, put Your Heart in my heart, and make this heart of mine, which many times Lord, stops loving you, that it may love you and respect you, and receive you with dignity and love. For my heart needs Yours so much.Grant me the gift of silence, to hear Your voice, that asks of me today, evangelize! Give me Lord the gift of the word, so that I may speak and evangelize, because my heart will be the channel of grace, because at this moment Jesus, my heart is part of YourHeart. His heart lives in me, so I want to tell you: I love you Jesus. Amen
Message 04th of December 2022
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, today on the Lord’s Day, My Heart is truly filled with the perfume of the love of each one of you. I, Mary Mother of Goodness, the Immaculate Conception, Mother of the Church, want to speak to you about the love of God, especially because here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, a place of prayer – God’s grace has been greater each day.I am very happy, because this month I will be crowned, for the affection and love of My children! To be the Immaculate Conception is to be what God accomplished and did in My life, in My entire life! What I am most happy about is having an Immaculate Heart, because today so few creatures know the value of having an Immaculate Heart.That’s why children, when God made Me the Immaculate Servant, I felt immensely victorious. And a victory that brought Me humility, serenity and gratitude to God. In this month, My children, in which the Church, which is all of you My children, together with Jesus, brings Me this homage. And I, as a Mother who always wants to give My children the best I have, what I want, children, is to consecrate you to My Immaculate Heart. It is the greatest gift I can give you and the greatest gift I can receive: consecration. Mainly because how many creatures no longer have religion, no wisdom and no discernment.
This year, that is coming to an end, has been a very difficult year. At various times when I was bringing God’s Message to you,I could feel the difficulties that you were going through, the suffering that accumulated in the life of the family.
When Jesus Christ asked you to make a very rich devotion to Him, leading your hearts to the beautiful Mercy He has for you, I felt immensely that God had done wonders during this year of devotion to God’s mercy. Wonders! I have seen apostolates born!One very important thing, My children, is that as a fraternal family – who is gathered here in this Sacred place, being and living in the construction of being – God does a beautiful work, but a work full of humility. This work that should be publicized in a much more intense way, today is a work that Jesus does in what really is the most beautiful way:humility. We don’t even feel how much we are contributing to the salvation of the world. Because if you feel immensely, you can fall into pride, weakness, consider yourself more important than others, holier than others.Therefore My children, one very important thing that Jesus Christ watches over your experience here in this family, is humility. Humilitywhenever you see yourselves persecuted, criticized, humiliated. But very anointed, because in that year you took a very big step in the evangelization of the Merciful Jesus. One very important thing is that everything you are doing here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreja, is reflecting on the whole world,It’s the knees bending, it’s the creatures having this interest in resorting to Merciful Jesus, learning to pray the Holy Chaplet of Mercy.
One very important thing that I am feeling, seeing, is that in times of illness man is resorting more to Jesus, in times of agony, affliction, tribulation, and this makes Me really happy, like the Immaculate Conception, Mother of this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, chosen by Heaven. Very happy! I know that you still need to refine many things in your life: to live and to act. You children, have to let the Divine Holy Spirit mold your life more.And for this, appearances are not needed, but concrete actions, blessed actions, actions of good will. That’s what Jesus is saying to us: there’s no need to go out screaming the name of the Lord to the world! It is necessary to bring the Lord to the world!Therefore, My dear children, today is a very special day for Me, it is a day when I thank God for the marvels He does and continues to do in My Heart, because God is always beautiful, present! It is a rich gift in our life. Life is not a dead thing, life is an ever-living thing. Life says it all! God always works wonders in our lives, especially you who are here in this passage, in this land full of surprises, full of difficult moments, more difficult than easy moments, full of tribulations, of confusion. What God is doing for you today My children, you have to bend your knees and pray. Even when you suffer, and are persecuted, because what I have as a great reflection: all the work that God has done in my life, was the cross of suffering – it shapedMy soul.
Children, even when you suffer, even when you are saints and suffer, your souls grow even more, because you are sinners, you suffer, and many times you are responsible for the sufferings, because you practice them. You practice the bad things and reap the bad things. But never, never question the suffering in your lives, never. Never question that trial that God has placed in your hands, never children.
My whole life was surrounded and is surrounded by a holiness that is God, but everything I have lived, everything I suffer is for loving you, children, for being today the chosen Mother of God, the Mother who carries the Word to the world . Today I see the big questions, people’s lack of faith. Man is summed up simply in the human part, in human science.Man no longer has the science of God, the science of humility, understanding, surrendering. It’s like Jesus said: “No one says anymore: Lord, into your hands I commit my soul”The world is completely killing the spiritual part of Man. Man, he is often more dead than alive. He has attentive eyes, but a completely closed Heart. He is a man who practically lives with his eyes open and his heart dead. Because what the devil has done to the world, children, reigning, has led families to total misery, which is only not greater because we see Jesus Christ in our midst – in the Holy Eucharist– we see the great work of authentic missionaries, creatures who place themselves at the service of God, as did the Saints, who today are fondly remembered, because they were great victorious heroes. But before they were heroes, they were first persecuted. Many were martyrs, but they suffered for a great cause: for the love of God.
ThereforeMy children, I see all My journey as the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of all titles, today known as Mother of Goodness, of Fatima, of Lourdes, of Peace, of Love, of the Holy Rosary, as the Mother who protects, who has all the titles, because She is a Mother. Just as children have different languages, nations, generations.And this is what the Immaculate Conception makes Me, because God has done wonders in My life! Wonders that when God called Me to be an instrument of His beautiful Work of Salvation, I began to see the thorns, the difficulties, the suffering, which was precisely the evil of the devil over men, and how much men let themselves be seduced for this evil. My children, if today we are going to reflect, we are going to reach a great meditation: why war, why violence, why evil, if God gave you such a beautiful soul, such a beautiful heart, why children, all of this? That’s where there are so many creatures who don’t believe, who don’t have confidence, who don’t truly surrender, who don’t even move their feet to the Grace of God.And today we are hikers, pilgrims on the Way of the Lord, where we move our feet in the construction of God’s work in our lives. The world has reached such great misery, My children, and today many say: ” I don’t believe the devil exists “. Man today, he is so unbelieving that he wants everything, he wants to live in a way full of freedom, and a freedom that enslaves man much more than he can imagine, because it is not God who enslaves, God frees, but the devil, what he has done with families, with young people, with children, is a sick slavery, My children!Look at the evil of men, they kill in such a cruel way, many times they kill for pleasure, for drugs, for the pleasure of domains that enslaves that man, who has much more than a body, he has a soul, a spirit, and that when is condemned, he suffers terribly.I see this misery, that’s why I fight. I fight for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, I fight for peace in the world, for the conversion of sinners, for those who have not converted. I fight and pray to God for those who don’t know how to have faith, for those who live completely abandoned in this world of suffering.So today, as Immaculate Mother, Lady of Goodness, I want to ask you, little children: let’s ask God for the conversion of the world and the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart!Children, I also would like you not to go through the suffering that is approaching you, because today I already feel the world in so much suffering, man disillusioned, restless, sad, unhappy. And many times, in the silence of My Heart, I ask Jesus Christ: ” My Holy Son, relieve the suffering of My children “! Because I know that great suffering is going to come: illnesses, persecutions, tribulations. The world is on its way to the Triumph! The devil’s wrath is huge, huge, huge! And the closer man gets to this triumph, the more the devil’s wrath will be very great.
Now I am going to say a few words to these two predilected sons, thePriests.To one I say, you promised to come every month to celebrate Holy Mass here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, and you didn’t, I hope you didn’t abandon what you promised, predilected son.
To the other predilected son I say, you were yet another victim of temptation, doubt and criticism in relation to this apparition of Mine. Do not embitter My Heart with your criticism and your lack of faith. Your doubt and uncertainty are My adversary’s interference. Take care My predilected son,Priest. I ask of you to believe in My presence here in Corgo da Igreja and in every place where I appear to My chosen children.
I am, the Virgin Mary, Mother of Goodness, if My appearances here were a hoax, I would already have punished and overthrown all this lie.I also know that My appearances here are a thorn in the throat of many. It doesn’t matter, My predilected son, Priest, I don’t want to force anyone to believe, but I will pray that God enlightens and touches them.My children, this month you will also celebrate the Birth of My Son Jesus. Children, for Me, Christmas means everything in My soul, it means the gift of the living God in My soul, Christmas means the Light, because He came, Jesus, to erase the dark from the darkness, pain, misery and suffering. That is why, My children, Christmas for Me is every month, it is a time of meditation, for those who really have faith, because it is a Light that enters our lives, it is the Baby Jesus who is born in the lives of all of you, and He is born to reign, and His Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven, totally different from the evil, from the greed that today dominates people here on Earth.
My children, I wanted to make a request: Long live the Baby Jesus, with lots of love! Take away your sorrows from within your hearts, this suffering from within you, don’t carry the pain with you, carry love with you. Let’s all forgive,My children! Forgive yourselves! Look into your hearts and say strongly: Jesus is forgiveness!
Best happiness children, because there is no greater happiness than the birth of Baby Jesus in our souls. May our hearts be blessed because the Child Jesus makes Himself vividly present in us. Therefore, what I wish to you all is a Holy and very happy Christmas. Be at peace, under the mercy of My son Jesus, and under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary Mother of Goodness
in Corgo da Igreja
(Publication revised by Brother Fernando Pires)
videos at: _ MaedaBondadeTV _
Mother of Goodness, monthly broadcasts
Prayer for the month of December (04-12-2022)
Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lady of the world, who do not forsake or despise any sinner. Cast your Immaculate gaze upon me and obtain for me from Your Beloved Son the forgiveness of all my sins, so that I, who now venerate Your Holy and Immaculate Conception with devotion, deserve to attain the prize of full life in Heaven.Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns forever. Amen
See photos in: PHOTOGALLERY
Chapel in My Honour
“I say again My children, I am the Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, tell everyone, including the priests, that I want a chapel in My Honour in this place .”
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(05-05-1922 to 05-07-2020) (98 years)
We inform all the Pilgrims, friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, that Fr. Padre Manuel Vieira passed away on the dawn of the 1st SUNDAY of JULY (05-07-2020), at the Hospital São Bernardo in Setubal, Portugal.
Explanatory note:
This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”