YEAR 2020
Messages of each month from this year.
WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.
Message from 5th January 2020
… download message , scan the MANUSCRIPT .PDF
(Message from St Michael the Archangel)
My brothers and sisters, I Michael the Archangel, come today to tell you: Fight, fight for the Lord, fight for the Mother of God, fight for the triumph of the truth.
Fight, do not wait, do not wait for us Archangels and Angels to do everything. No! You brothers also have to fight. If you fight I will fight for you, and overcome all the enemies that are against you and also against the Mother of God, the Lord and the Holy Catholic Faith. Fight, pray, make prayer groups as our Mother of God has asked for everywhere, defend the truth of the apparitions of the whole world, this one here in the Corgo da Igreija, and do not let the evil ones spread their lying poison throughout the world, without the voice of truth being heard through you brethren. Fight, fight , fight with courage, and I will fight with you. Every day try to read and meditate more on the life of the Saints, the life of the Mother of God, so that truly the examples of Her holiness, the examples of holiness of the Saints are imitated and reproduced in your life. Hasten brothers, your conversion, soon the Secrets of the Blessed Virgin given here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija and elsewhere will begin to happen. And humanity, the hard hearts that would not listen to Her messages, will groan and weep as one condemned to death.
Pray, convert my brethren, for soon the Lord Jesus Christ will do justice to all those who persecuted His Mother and made Her suffer by despising Her and not wanting to recognize Her as their Messenger.
I, Archangel Michael, I’m already ready with My faithful Angels to do justice to all those who would not hear the warnings from Heaven, the voices from Heaven that so often called all to salvation.
I will not dwell any longer, because I have yet to convey to this brother Fernando the message of Our Mother of Goodness, I bless you all with love, pouring on you all the graces that Heaven today has given Me to bring to you. See you soon brothers.
Archangel Michael
(Message from Our Lady)
My dear little children, peace be upon us! The living presence of the Father who is peace, of the Son who is peace, of the Holy Spirit who is peace.
We are beginning today a very special time. Every heart here present has had the happiness of living a very special year – which was the year of Mercy – no heart can but embrace the Holy Trinity on this day. So much beautiful things that God has planted in our path, that flowed in all our feelings, especially the noblest of all: love.
And today, all of you children, gathered here in the face of such a beautiful simplicity, of such a merciful love that no one can but give thanks.
Jesus has done and does wonders in the lives of those He loves. It’s so beautiful when you look and feel that Jesus loves you, especially when you have no direction, you can no longer walk, you are lost; without courage, without faith, without love; and He carries you. This is what I saw Jesus doing with you during all these years of My mission on earth: Jesus carrying each one, giving them the Word, Food, conscience, serenity, obedience; flowing this love that makes them have courage and believe in the impossible. Many times you look at this world and see so much destruction that you children have no hope. But Jesus, children, is the hope, and it was the hope that was shed throughout the experience of Mercy. The most beautiful little children, is to know that the year goes by, but the Mercy remain.
It is beautiful to feel the brotherhood.
If you children look at the importance of the work that God has done and does in your life, God’s plan in your hearts is wonderful! Your children already are part of a living work in which God needs you very much, God has made you an instrument of this work, therefore the work has life, has joy, flows joy from it. I am sure, as Mother, that even in the heavy battle, the difficult journey, the narrow path you little children will always win.
Today we come to a point of our mission, matured, we have learned that the mission on earth has difficult times, times of pain, but also moments of great joy. That is why I am so happy, even with tears in My eyes, to radiate the presence of peace in this year; the peace that will not leave us, the peace that will be the fortress in our lives, the balance of all of us, the peace that will enable us to win the battle, however difficult it may be. And God’s love will not fail us, we will experience the fullness of this love.
It will be so beautiful My children, if the world loved with the heart, if the world listened with the heart, if man had the joy of tasting the presence of God’s love in his life.
I am sure My children, that Jesus has worked in the hearts, enlightening our hearts so that we may be able to restore in us the fullness of faith.
In this new year we will have an immense search for faith, even by the hardships. Our foundation of strength, the foundation of our lives, will be faith.
Jesus catechized us and catechizes us!
To believe is to trust, to give oneself, to have in one’s heart always the richness of knowing. And who knows? The man of faith, the man who trusts, that does not only hears the murmurings, but who listens the silence.
A beautiful experience in our life is silence. In the noise no one listens, but in the silence we can hear a sweet, soft, gentle voice, which is the voice of God. The One that comes gentle, blowing and bringing us the grace of knowing, of building and renewing.
What does God want from us? What does God want from you, son?
God wants your love! Yes, God wants your love! God wants you to wisely put your whole life in His hands. That’s why God wants your yes. But a goodwill yes. Man cannot but have good will.
The Word catechises us: Blessed are the men of faith, the men of good will, because they will be closer to the Light, will fight for the Light and the Light will build their lives.
Finally little children, we have to fight for the richness of the Triumph of My Motherly Immaculate Heart. And where is the greatest force to fight for this grace?
Where does all this force come from? From the Faith which you put, because being a walker is not just following the path, it is knowing that this path leads us to one big goal: to grow. Look at nature, look at the road ahead, the sun, the night and see that God is Father, that He did everything because He loves, and all He did ask was to respect and watch over what He created.
That’s why your walk is so important. Jesus makes you see what you often do not know how to see with your own eyes, and embrace with all the love, which is the perfume of the goodness of a Father who made you a son.
I am very happy for the love you place on this pilgrimage, for the testimony of faith and for the desire to always move forward. The faithful son is the one who always walks forward, does not look back, always goes on and wins.
Therefore My dear children, at this time make your thanksgiving to God for the family that you have all become, for the unity, for the fraternal communion and for God to bring and pour out so many blessings upon you. Let us thank God for all the hearts here, for all the flowers that are offered to My Heart, for all the children who came to pray for this new year, for peace in this new year. Many who are so close to you need peace, often war is within your home, your community.
My dear little children, Jesus, today, made us start the day by saying: “ Peace be among us! “
May God’s peace be in families this new year! In the hearts of all young people, in the hearts of our children. Peace be at the heart of all God’s guided instruments. Try this new year to be a new man. Do what you have not yet understood and failed to do, do good, forgive! Forgive that soul that you love and which you must forgive, forgive your family, forgive those who have forsaken you, who have despised you, forgive those who mistreated you. Sometimes it’s so hard to think of forgiving, but it’s so good to forgive, you will find such peace, a peace so great that you receive. In this new year, love your family more. Pray more. “ Pray and watch! “
My children, prayer is also very important! Everything in life is something we need: the work, the food, the sun, the stars, the rain, the earth.
That is why we need to love. Love and embrace those who need it the most, those who often ask us for this love, children.
Fathers and mothers love your children more, value your children more.
Ask Jesus to heal your family, to defend it against all evils, both body and soul. In this new year be more humble, have more humility, overcome pride, overcome selfishness, overcome vanity and have humility. Know that everything you need from God, God will give you as long as you fully trust in Him. It will be a year of peace, but also of much struggle. It will be a source of grace, but also of thirst. Therefore, do not forget that your strength is to trust and give your life fully to God.
I end My children, wishing that this new year will be a year of much love, of peace to all your hearts! At this time I will bless all the children who have come here to this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, to all the hearts that are gathered here and to ask Jesus, who is Mercy, the Father and the Holy Spirit, together with Him, who is the Trinity, who will pour out blessings of peace and love upon you. Amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreja
video on the site _ MaedaBondadeTV _ Message
Prayer of January (05-01-2020)
… download prayer, scan the MANUSCRIPT .PDF
Mother of Goodness, I come to ask you on this new year, health, strength, wisdom, peace. I want to look at the world today with eyes full of love, to be patient, understanding, fair, prudent. I want to see beyond appearances your children, as you see them.
And so, see only good in each one. Close my ears to all slander. Keep my tongue from all evil. May only of blessings live my spirit. May I be so kind and joyful, that all who come to me, feel Your presence. Mother of Goodness, during this day may I reveal you to all. Amen
video on the spot _ MaedaBondadeTV _ Prayer
Message from February 2nd 2020
My dear children on the 16th of February you will celebrate the twenty-first anniversary since My first appearance here in Corgo da Igreja. Prepare your hearts well for My Feast.
In this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, I want you to continue to pray and venerate My Name, Mother of Goodness, do not allow, My dear children, to make it disappear from this Sacred Place something so great.
I would say to the ecclesiastical authorities, who are responsible for approving or not these messages, which have lasted for several years, as Gamaliel said, in the Acts of the Apostles: “ if the work is of men, it will end by itself, but if it is from God, no force in the world can end it.”
Children, we do not need the words from Gamaliel, it was God who chose this place, I like this place, and I want to continue to manifest Myself in this place, because God wanted it so, to convert the whole world.
Dear children, you must know that without prayer you cannot have peace, so pray, pray, pray a lot.
Once again I say to you that the world is increasingly on the verge of a great catastrophe.
Continue to pray for cardinals, bishops and priests. Today, the scandals caused by them afflict My Heart. They want to go their own way without listening to the Holy Father, Pope Francis. It is very sad, My children, but it is true, if there is no obedience to the Holy Father by the cardinals, bishops and priests, the Holy Church may lose the faith. The truths need to be clarified. Here in Portugal and around the world there is a large number of shepherds who do not guide their flocks with love and fidelity.
Today, My son the Pope Francis, suffers from the betrayal and abandonment of many, even those closest to Him, often disobey and hostile him. Only you My dear children can help Me with your prayers. The enemy seeks by all means, to destroy My plans.
Children, I will not stretch any further, on the 16th of February I will give another message to the world.
Everyone be at peace, with the blessing of God the Father, Son and Divine Holy Spirit. Àmen
Mary, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreja.
Prayer for the month of February (02-02-2020)
My brothers and sisters, I the Archangel Gabriel, I will give to our brother Fernando, a heartfelt prayer, from a mother who has already left and is in Heaven with our Mother in Heaven and Jesus Christ.
On this very special day, open your heart and say everything you think and feel, with sincerity and love. Know that your mother is now an Angel who is always by your side, and who watches over you at all times.
Mother in Heaven, Adored Mother, to me you are the star that shines the most in the sky. I know that you are still by my side, and that you look after me, at all times of my life, and every day I say the Rosary. I dedicate to you My most joyful smile and my purest love.
Ò sweet Mother you are my model and the source of all the affection in which I was raised.
I ask Our Lady, Mother of Goodness, to guide my way and to be at my side. May Her blessed light illuminate you and may you rest in peace.
Today I give you with all my love, from this eternal son of yours dedicated. Àmen
Message from 16th February 2020
(21st anniversary of the apparitions )
(2nd Anniversary of the Eucharistic Miracle)
Dear little children, today is a day that brings Me a lot of joy, because it is the day that I appeared in this humble place, precisely 21 years ago, to bring you love and peace.
I am also very happy, because here in this Sacred place, many of My children have already been converted and many hearts have opened themselves to God.
Continue My children, to honour and venerate this Sacred place Corgo da Igreija. Many do not believe and criticize without seeing, it does not matter, I do not want to force anyone to believe, but I will pray that God will enlighten them and touch them in their hearts.
My children, I Mary, Mother of Goodness, I am not here by chance, I’m not here to just look at you! I am here because I fight for you, I fight for the salvation of your families! I fight for your world, and I will fight forever! This is My mission as the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Goodness.
My children, I just wanted to tell you that My coming to this place is only God’s plan. I still have a mission to accomplish here, and the moment I have accomplished it, I will end My coming here. But My mission here still has something to accomplish. For this reason, I will be with you fighting for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and for Peace in all parts of the earth.
You must know My children, that you are the Church of Christ, and that God is in front of us, so I desire that you follow in the footsteps of Jesus who is in front of us! Follow Jesus and not the life of the world. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is nourishment, He is the Stronghold. Let us, little children, be worthy of this Jesus who loves us and welcomes us.
Let us also turn to Jesus for ask for strength for all of us who are together on a pilgrimage to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. I Mary, the Immaculate Conception, here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreija, as Mother of Goodness, I wish you to be aware that from now on we need to be much more stronger, the path will become a much narrower path, the difficulties will arise in a much more violent way.
That is why My children, pray, because your example is the main key so that this Shrine can be recognized as quickly as possible. Value this piece of ground blessed by Heaven. Remember that this Sacred Place is not based on the will of men, but yes on the will of God.
Be humble, persevering, strong in faith, do not be overwhelmed by criticism. Jesus said that all good works are covered by suffering. In the moments when you are criticized, joyfully embrace your cross and offer consolation to Jesus, asking Him for His kindness and mercy for the world.
My children, I tell you, in this new year of 2020, very difficult times are coming for the Holy Church and for all the followers of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. That is why My children, I have chosen seers all over the world so that everyone may know that the Kingdom of God is closer.
Prepare yourselves My children, prepare yourselves My children, prepare yourselves My children. I am your Mother, I am interceding at all times for you, that you be preserved from the greatest punishment that will come to your world. What you are seeing today is only a small beginning, I repeat My children, convert, convert, convert and do not stop praying the Holy Rosary, so that you will not have to go through what the other children will suffer.
I Mary Mother of Goodness, wanted to see all My children with the Holy Rosary in their hands, praying, due to the situation of the great sacrifice that is approaching over the earth.
The world is so sick, the human being has completely lost the direction of what Christ is. Jesus is Holiness, Kindness, Tenderness, Balance! The world is living disequilibrium. Today, I see the world in the presence of the grace of God and feel the needs of the children, this is a world that needs to fight a lot, to fight for evangelization, and the fight is made with the Holy Rosary, with the Word of God. It is a fight that aims to show the human being that he needs to obey the Ten Commandments, if the world disobeys, the world will reap the fruit of that disobedience. The fruit of disobedience is not a fruit of peace, it is not a fruit of love, it is not a fruit of light, but yes of pain! So let us all wake up to live the commandments, Let’s put these commandments into our lives. God asked us to obey them for our own sake, for the happiness of His children.
My children, as always been said, the earth is just a passage, but it is a passage that leads us to eternity. I ask you to be more prepared, reading the Gospel (Luke 21, 25–28 and 34–36), reflect how much Jesus today shows us that we are in the signs of the end times. You little children need to be alert and hold on to your Holy Rosaries and pray, loving the Eucharist and living the Christ in us. This Christ wants to be inside our hearts and teach us to be light, even in the face of so much pain. The Light of Christ is the Light of Victory. May God entrust you with much Light.
May you never lose the faith. Faith will always be the right direction in your life, because it is Jesus who will lead you, It is Jesus who will enlighten by your faith. As He said: Your faith has saved you!
May you children, continue to be guided by His Heart and His Soul. Do good, love your brothers, forgive, evangelize and hold hands to one another. Jesus said that He hates sin, but that He loves the sinner. Then give the sinner a hug, but teach that sinner to hate the sin and to love Christ.
At this moment My children, there are so many children in need of your prayer, there are so many souls confident in this strong appeal of mercy to God through the praying souls; you are the praying children.
Your surrender therefore is a virtue, to become pilgrims, and today you are workers in the harvest of the Lord, you are part of an army of prayer for the Triumph of the Heart of the Mother of God, the Mother of Goodness.
My dear children, continue to pray a lot for your Pope Francis, he needs much of your prayers, pray for him daily because he needs a lot of protection at all levels, to defend him through the torment that lies ahead.
The enemies will prepare his fall, through the media.
As I have already told you My children, the Church will go through great trials, will be disorder in the Vatican, with bishops against bishops, cardinals against cardinals, because of powers.
It is important that My children be alert for any new Pope who may follow, as he will not be from God.
Here in this Sacred Place, there is two favourite children (priests), without their vestments (not to be noticed by the pilgrims) do not be afraid My favourite children (priests), this place is God’s work, It is a reality, it is an offering that will endure, because everything that belongs to God is eternal. To these priests I tell you, have more respect for the Sacred places where I appear, for I am truly present in those places. I know that My appearances here are a thorn in the throat of many. Do not judge My apparitions. You saw it with your own eyes, now go and tell what you saw in these apparitions to your bishops.
My children, the Light(from de candles) that you received here in this Sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, on the first Sunday of February, today you can pass it to the other brothers who did not receive it.
I, Mother of Goodness, Lady of Light, of Sorrows, of Conception, bless all the candles that you are now going to light:
My dear little children, may this Light be able to illuminate your world and your homes.
Remember, whoever is faithful to the end will be enlightened and saved. With My Heart I keep you, with My voice I protect you, as Mission I watch you and with My Mantle I free you from all the dangers of the whole world.
My dear children, many children in prayer ask Me questions about the Chinese virus. In My message on the 6th of November 2005, I spoke “the world is on the verge of a great catastrophe, One of them will be a great epidemic, you will have to have masks at home” No My children is not this virus, it is another one that will come, so be sure to pray a lot for this virus that comes to the world.
I thank all the children for these beautiful flowers that are found in My Altar. I also thank all My children who welcomed Me with love and care and I will not forget your requests that you made today.
May God make you strong, may God bless you and in a very special way, today, for the 21 years of My coming here.
I leave you the joy of My Immaculate Heart, and the joy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Sacred Hearts will triumph, be sure of this My children, and happy will be all those who will be within these Our Hearts.
I was also very happy with the songs that were addressed to Us, to Me and My Son Jesus. Thank you My children.
Before I give My blessing, I want to tell you My children, keep praying for the souls in purgatory, I must tell you that today, the moment you started praying the Holy Rosary, 545 souls went up to Heaven.
For all of you, My blessing, which is very special for My favourite son (priest) who is here, even though sick, he never stopped coming. To this priest, I thank you, thank you, thank you very much for coming to this Sacred place.
From this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, I bless all the sick, from your families, who are here, in hospitals, in caring homes or in their own homes. I bless all little children, the old and young. I bless all pilgrims, especially those who came for the first time and those who came from very distant places, to those that are celebrating their birthday this month, may Jesus grant them serenity in their journey, in their mission as servants of the Lord.
The flowers were blessed. I children always ask Jesus to bless the flowers for the healing and deliverance of the sick of the body and soul.
Return children, to your homes, take away all the peace of God and the certainty that this Sacred place Corgo da Igreija is also your home. I say goodbye to all of you, with the Love of a Mother who in these years has been heard, followed and Glorified by you.
I give you My Strength and My Blessing. May God the Father, Son and the Divine Holy Spirit bless you and keep you. Amen.
Mary, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreja
Manifestation of the Eucharistic Miracle. (16-02-2020)
Once again, the Eucharistic Miracle occurred in the tongue of Brother Pires’ (visionary), with Holy Communion to be given by the Archangel S. Miguel, which becomes visible by touching his tongue.
Prayer on the postcard (16-02-2020)
Blessed Virgin, Mother of Goodness, you were conceived without original sin and for that you deserved the title of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. And because you avoided all other sins, the Angel Gabriel greeted you with the beautiful words: Hail Mary, full of grace.
We ask you to obtain from your Divine Son the necessary help to overcome temptations and avoid sins, and since we call you Mother of Goodness, assist us with maternal affection and help us to live as Your children.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreija, pray for us.
Message from 1st of March 2020
(Saint Michael Archangel)
My brothers and sisters, I the Archangel Michael, I want to tell you that God loves you and wants you to bring your concerns to Him.
However there are two things that prevent God from giving you what you ask in prayer: sin, or asking for something that is not of His will. God knows what is best for you brethren, but because sin separates you from Him, you must seek forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for your sins. If you do this brothers, the barrier is removed and God will answer your prayers.
Brothers, God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son Jesus Christ, so that everyone who believes in Him will not be lost but have eternal life. Jesus said: I came to give life, and in abundance, a complete and purposeful life. But there is a problem brothers: you all did, thought or said wrong things, which the Bible, the Word of God, calls ” sin “. The Bible, the Word of God, says: all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God. The result of sin is death, the spiritual separation from God. The good news brothers is: God sent His Son Jesus Christ, to die in your place so that you could live with Him eternally. But God proves His love for us in which Jesus Christ died for us, while you are still sinners. But His death on the Cross was not the end, He is risen and is alive today! Christ died for your sins, He was buried and three days later He rose from the dead. Jesus, brothers, is the only way to God. He said, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me. Brothers, we cannot gain salvation, we are saved by the grace of God when we place our faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Brothers, all what we need to do is admit that you are a sinner, believe that Christ died for your sins, and ask for His forgiveness. He knows you and loves you. The attitude of your heart and your honesty matters to Him. Brothers, let us say a prayer like this to receive Jesus as your Saviour:
Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry for the wrong things I have done in my life. I ask for Your forgiveness and now I leave behind all these things. I thank you for having died on the Cross for me, to free myself from my sins. I ask you to enter my life and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, to be with me forever.
Thank you very much, Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore brothers and sisters, listen to this recommendation, engrave it in your hearts, live it, and you will find peace. We the Archangels, protect you and must guide you to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Before I leave the message of Our Mother in Heaven to our brother Fernando(visionary), I remind you that in this time of Lent, there is still hope for each one of you, that you can be converted.
Remain with the Blessing of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen
Archangel Miguel
Message from Our Mother from Heaven:
My dear little children, today is Sunday, the Lord’s day, the day of being in communion with Jesus, in communion with His teachings. Today is also a day of joy, because we experience the beautiful reflection, the beautiful meditation of the Holy Eucharist, which is the Body and Blood of Jesus, the most sublime food of all food, for the body and especially for the soul. My children, this is a time of penance, time to look into your heart and ask Jesus: mercy, compassion and piety. Jesus loves you, He will look at your heart that needs peace and joy. Let us place your world here, the needs of your country (Portugal), of all the peoples and nations of the earth, let us plead with God for peace and mercy. Peace because God is our peace, mercy because God is mercy. In the midst of so many battles, spiritual, material and temporal, we need to return to the One who loves us and waits for us, the Sacramental Jesus, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a time when humanity needs to value more this encounter with Jesus, this search, you need to be in His presence, bend your knees, have that unique moment of faith between you and Jesus, who is God! This is the moment when the Father and the Holy Spirit gave to your hearts the grace to feel, live and touch Jesus. Lenten time invites us to live with Jesus, that is the greatest joy, this is what we can do best, it is our return to Jesus. The world is tired and hurt, the world is lost, because man lives individuality, indifference and inequality. This is a time of worship, of meditation, of examining your conscience, of going deep into your heart and seeing where it hurts, where the wound is. Look for that wound that needs healing, but which you out of pride, selfishness, do not seek to heal, which is forgiveness and conversion. The devil, My children, attacks you by the noise, he disturbs you by the noise. It is often not even that noise of the voice, but of bad thinking, when you cannot think beautiful things, good things, things that produce fruit, things that lead to growth, to multiply. The enemy, the demon takes advantage of the discussions between families, to put one against the other, therefore children, you have to look at Jesus and reflect: What would Jesus do to us? How would Jesus deal with us? He would embrace us, understand our pains, and this is what we need to do with each other. Even if something seems difficult to accept, you children will accept your cross, your battles and your struggles, praying, you will achieve this through prayer, worship and the encounter with God. You have to be humble, be there for each other, be fraternal, meek, wise, prudent and true. Many things you will not be able to understand. To win the battle, you need Jesus by your side. Man, with his pride and ego, is destroying what is most precious in life, which is the grace of living happily. Family is happiness, mission is happiness, walking with Christ is happiness, being a Church is happiness, having faith is happiness. If you children, look at Jesus and present your joys, you will overcome your sorrows, and if you present your victories to Jesus, you will overcome your battles, whether due to your weaknesses, family or work problems, or a cure you need, of a grace, you present to Jesus what you have best. Presenting the difficulties to Jesus is easy, but presenting what is good is difficult. Look at the qualities, the beauty that is within a heart. The fragilities present in the world are enormous, especially in the lives of young people, in the difficult time they live, because human science has forgotten about Divine Science. Divine Science is what makes us aware, leads us to grow, teaches us fraternity, cultivates sharing and values gifts. It is necessary My children, to have this happiness so that you may live this time of Lent, placing Jesus at the centre of your life. Because Jesus is the way to happiness. That’s what Jesus wants to give you, He wants to offer you the peace you are lacking, the joy you lack, the courage you lack, the strength you lack, He wants to tell to you My children: You are experiencing a battle. Often you want your own will to be done, but you must place God’s will above your will. See My children, the struggles, if the world were at peace, I would not be here in body and soul bringing this teaching to you. The world needs a conversion, needs a transformation, humanity cannot continue to live in this world of illusions, sins and destroying its happiness. You have a wonderful knowledge which is your soul, your heart, which is what God has given you. What was most beautiful about the Father, He gave you: life, the breath of life. And to be able to be here in this little Shrine, to see an enormous gift, the Faith, prayer and fraternity that I saw on My Anniversary of the apparitions. You have to look at this nation Portugal, and pray for it, for respect, for unity. Nobody gets to victory without the union. It may be just two, but they must be united, the world needs this union, this experience of union. You dear children, need to bring peace to the world which today is so tormented by hatred and revenge. It is a world in which people need to smile for peace and not for destruction. This time of Lent is the time of worshiping Jesus, being with Jesus and having that joy of saying: Christ lives in me! You children need to have this joy. This way you will feel the transformation that the whole world needs, which comes from within, and that has the power to transform everything, because God is Father, children! This is the time to have a lot of serenity, My children. We are so close to a major transformation in the world, God wants this transformation, many are already tired of seeing so much suffering in the world. The great wrath of evil is to try to seduce man and lead him into deep darkness. But God has placed us as the light of the world, therefore, the great missionary task begins within the family, within the home, the home is the Lord’s greatest servant, is your family, it’s your home, it is your house. You little children are the greatest instrument of God’s love. In your heart He works the great miracle of love, in which He gives man the possibility to flow and bear fruit, to have the great productivity that the family manifests in the world, which is the covenant of love. The covenant of love is the great sign that humanity needs to live in these times when the enemy, the devil, tries in every way to destroy your family. It is necessary to pray a lot because there are many families that let themselves be destroyed, there are many families, there are many children without the foundation of their parents union. The situation in the world is serious today, children! We need to rekindle the flame of the Holy Spirit, the flame of Faith, through a deep examination of conscience, through an act of love, by which you children, will go to where only Jesus can go. Wounds need to be healed, especially inner wounds. The lack of love, the things you stopped living and that today cause you so much suffering, they are sufferings that flow within the family, it’s like the rays of the sun, when we let the sun’s rays into the house, light comes in, heat comes in, so also when you allows suffering to come in, pain comes in, sadness comes in, what is destroying your family comes in. My children, Lenten time makes us live this in a beautiful way, because it is the time when humanity goes through the greatest content that is when Jesus becomes the Lamb of God, the Lamb of the Father, it was the moment when those who followed Jesus felt lost, they felt empty, but Jesus manages to transform, to calm those hearts, Jesus calms this storm, the fear of emptiness. They went through fear, but Jesus shows us the great resurrection, which came in a beautiful way through the prodigies of the Father’s love. These mysteries we have managed to live them to this day, especially now, that the world has gone through so much suffering in the flesh, in the soul, in the family, in the journey. It is not easy to be faithful to God, to be a servant of God, at all the times My children, the enemy tries to bring you down because you have God. My children, on Easter Day, the day on which we celebrate the Resurrection of My Son Jesus Christ, I Mary, the Mother of Goodness, the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of Love and Mercy, I tell you: Rejoice with Me My little children, because Jesus Crucified and dead, resurrected with His Glory, Immortal, Unmoved, never to die again. So My children, always know how to love your mission, always be faithful to what God asks of you, even in difficult times, do not be discouraged, God chose you, My children, you were chosen for this mission, just as Jesus was chosen to carry the cross. Take advantage of this time of Lent My children, there is still hope for each one of you, everything I ask of you is for the good of each one in particular. I end by blessing all of you, who are present here, all who could not come, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Àmen.
Mary, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreija.
Prayer for the month of March (1-03-2020)
Brothers, for this time of Lent, here is a long but powerful prayer, attributed to Saint Benedict. It sums up the desire of someone who wants to be a good person and intends to openly renounce any sin that might rule their life. Although it is not a magic formula, it is a good starting point for those who want to change their lives and embrace God’s will.
To God our Father, I praise You and thank You.
I place myself in your hands and dedicate myself to you.
I commit myself in doing your will in all things: To
love the Lord God with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength.
Not kill
Not steal.
Not covet.
Do not give false testimony.
Honour all people.
Do not do to others what I would not like them to do to myself.
Do not punish the body.
Don’t look for pleasures.
Love fasting.
Helping the poor.
Dress the naked.
Visiting the sick.
Bury the dead.
Comfort those in sadness.
Keep away from earthly things.
Do not prefer nothing but the love of Christ.
Do not give way to anger.
Do not encourage the desire for revenge.
Do not deceive the heart.
Do not promote false peace.
Do not abandon charity.
Do not swear falsely.
Do not return evil with evil.
Speak the truth with your heart and your tongue.
Do no harm and patiently endure any harm done to me.
Love my enemies.
Do not curse those who curse me, but bless them.
Withstand persecution for the sake of justice.
Don’t be proud.
Don’t overeat.
Don’t be lazy.
Don’t be a complainer.
Put my trust in God to reflect the good that I see in me in God.
Dread the day of judgment.
Being afraid of hell.
Desire eternal life.
Keep death before my eyes daily.
Keep a constant watch on my actions.
Remember that God sees me everywhere.
To appeal to Christ to defend me from the evil thoughts that arise in my heart.
Guard my language against sinful words.
Read only what is good.
Look only at what is good.
Pray often.
Ask for forgiveness daily for my sins and look for ways to correct my life.
Obey my superiors in all things by right.
Do not wish to be considered a saint, but seek holiness.
Fulfil God’s commandments for good works.
Love chastity.
Don’t hate anyone.
Do not be jealous or envious of anyone.
Do not love conflicts.
Do not love pride.
Honour the elderly.
Pray for my enemies.
Make up after an argument, before sunset.
Never lose hope in your compassion, O God of mercy, lift me up and teach me that perfection is You, and I must strive for perfection, not to demand from others what i must be.
Here I am before You, give me to drink Your Love and purify my will.
Here I am, my God my Father, I ask Your forgiveness.
So be it Amen.
Message from 1st of APRIL 2020
My dear children, on Easter Day be attentive to the events and pray a lot.
Sometimes My children, you may ask why Our Heavenly Mother asks us so insistently to be very attentive? I answer you My children. For some time now I have been inviting you to pay attention to the events that happen because I realize that sometimes even My predilected children, the priests, are unaware from the voices of Heaven and the signs that unfold in the world. Pray for the Church, as from today it will pass through a terrible confrontation, many bishops, cardinals and priests will reportedly take paths contrary to those of the Holy Father and will drag many after them. The Church of My Son Jesus, in the future will be marked by a great division and a sad religious dictatorship.
My children, I am sorry to tell you this, not everything comes from the Vatican, but also from interpretations made by some cardinals, bishops and priests, as they wish to say it and communicate it to you.
Everything that concerns the Church of My Son Jesus and to the Faith of My children, they are Divine matters, and there is no person, cardinals, bishops and priests who has the right to change them separately from the whole Teaching of the Magisterium of the Church, including the Holy Infallibility of your Pontiff, Pope Francis.
I saw with amazement the false changes, and poorly informed, that have been made since they published the declarations of the Magisterium of Church.
Few are those whom take it carefully, very few are those in order to discover the errors compare them with the original documents in Latin and the public statements or citations.
There are many who believe from the heart that bishops and priests cannot do evil, and therefore everything they do is correct.
No My children, this is an error of judgment.
My dear little children, I was very sad to see many who today accompany My Apparitions, receiving My Son Jesus in the hands. What a great sacrilege My children, for the most simple and humble children, it means “sin”.
My warnings are not being respected, how often do I ask in My messages, that you should not receive My Son Jesus in the hands. If your priests, My children, do not give it on the tongue, stay in your seats, make a spiritual communion with this prayer:
I believe my Jesus, that You are
present in the Blessed
Sacrament of the Altar. I love You
above all things and I wish to
possess You in my soul. But
as I cannot receive You
sacramentally now, come at least
spiritually to my heart.
And, as if I had already received You,
I join entirely to You, and never permit me
to separate from You again. Àmen
After the prayer, My children, say one Our Father and a Hail Mary.
My predilected children, the priests, your faithful need to receive the greatest food which is the Eucharist. Jesus said: I will make the hands of the Priests sanctified by My blessing, by the blessings that Jesus bestowed on their hearts.
I repeat again My dear priests, I ask you: do not give Consecrated Hosts in the hands of your faithful.
My children, we spent the period of Lent and now Easter, and I have seen and I will see many children being dispensed from all penance, and from any method that would help them to purify their souls, because they closed the churches. This is something scandalous, because of a virus. No My predilected children, priests, My Son Jesus would never permit that this virus contaminated the faithful within the churches.
Open the doors to your parishioners so that in union with My predilected sons, the priests, and in obedience, celebrate an hour of Daily Eucharistic Adoration, so that the human creature does not resist to the Divine Love.
My children, over the years I announced to you that difficult times were approaching you and the Church of My Son, but you did not pay attention to My messages, thus allowing evil to advance in humanity and in your hearts.
Many Holy Masses in Portugal and in other parts of the world, are being invalidated by My Son Jesus, due to the changes that the priests on his own have made. Many Holy Masses have become meetings where the laws of the Most High are no longer observed.
How many are the bad priests given into sins and against the truths of the Church, and how many are those who aspire to this sublime grace of being priests which comes from God, but who are true servants of Satan.
All this My children, I had also warned you here in these apparitions Corgo da Igreja, and in several places of My apparitions.
My children pray, pray, pray a lot, difficult days will pass in the world, many will suffer what has not yet ever been seen, many will see signs that will still appear in Heaven, Miracles, Prodigies that God will perform among you, have confidence and renounce the works of Satan.
My children, have total trust in Me, in My Son Jesus, in the Archangels, Saints and in all your Angels, and we will not fail to help you.
Before I finish My children, as you cannot leave your homes, you must respect the recommendations issued by the health authorities in your area of health, due to the virus, your visit to My Cova da Iria, Fatima, and to Corgo da Igreja(apparition site) are provisionally dismissed until June.
But My little children, in these months make your houses the Churches, praying to God, to the Angels and Archangels, so that this virus will be alleviated, and that the Lord have mercy on us, mercy and aid, we ask mainly for the elderly.
I conclude by asking Jesus Christ for Mercy by His Holy Wounds, deliver us from the virús.
May the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, give strength this Easter, to the children who are at home in prayer, bless you and protect you from all evil and make you faithful to Heaven. Amen
Mary Mother of Goodness In Corgo da Igreja.
Prayer of April (01-04-2020)
My Father, My God, we ask You with confidence: May the epidemic do not cause anymore harm; Protect me, my home, my Church as family, my neighbourhood, my work and all the nations of the world, against this epidemic; May this epidemic be brought under control soon; May health return to those affected; And peace may return to the affected places.
Have mercy on people who die from this epidemic; Support and protect health professionals who fight against it; Inspire and bless everyone who works to control it.
Lord Jesus Christ, Doctor of our souls and bodies; We feel powerless in the face of this international health emergency; but we trust You; give us health and peace.
My Mother Mary, protect us and continue to take care of us.
Being the Humanized Mother of God, who expired for us on the Cross, what will you ask My Mother to Jesus, that the good Jesus will deny You?
Celestial advocate of this poor humanity, ask for forgiveness to us from the Divine Majesty.
Dispel the cruel epidemic, powerful intercessor, as you crushed the head of the deceiving serpent.
Our Lady, the nature obeys your Son, and your Son who rules it may not resist to Your prayer. So be it.
Message given by Archangel Gabriel 3rd of May 2020
My dear brothers and sisters, I Archangel Gabriel came from Heaven to this chapel of our brother Fernando, at the invitation of Mary Most Holy and of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to bring the message, as an announcer of the Kingdom of God, an evangelizer of peace, a builder of love. Brothers, I’m going to talk about what the world is so afraid of talking about today: the presence of God, the things of God, the power of God.
My brothers and sisters, know that I Archangel Gabriel, am always with you and with all the visionaries, all those who need my help and all those who have the mission of spreading the messages of the Mother of God to the whole world, as in the world, I had the mission to translate the Bible so that everyone today had it in full access. Today I tell you that I am the protector of all visionaries who write the continuation of the story of humanity revealed in the messages from the Mother of Heaven. I remind you brothers, you have the need to reborn, to start again, to convert to enter Heaven and live in eternal joy, with the certainty that the Virgin Mary will help you to pass through the terrible scourge of this pandemic. My brothers, use the scapulars, the three ribbons on the left wrist, the medals from Saint Benedict and Saint Joseph to protect yourselves. Brothers Our Mother from Heaven, She is committed to the unity of all human beings around the Catholic religion, and confirm the victory of His Sacred Heart, God will destroy and rebuild His church according to His wish. The divisions that have occurred in the Church over the centuries will be corrected.
It is obvious my brothers, Our Mother in Heaven is referring to the children who abandoned their mission before God, and today in particular they carry out their activities as if they were sloppy employees, beings that belong to the world without commitment to God, and the other christianity’s that have spread throughout the world are contaminated water.
My brothers, the essence of the message from Our Heavenly Mother, is intended to prepare us spiritually for Christ’s coming into this world. Just as Jesus Christ came through Her the first time, so it will be the second time, and through Him, He will lead us to a civilization with a single religion and a single pastor in which evil, as we know it, will be exterminated.
My brothers, only Jesus Christ can lead us to a perfect society. Our Heavenly Mother affirms in Her messages to the whole world, that the heretics will be converted and pagans will have a chance to accept Jesus Christ, it will be in the Catholic Church that we will find the balms for the wounds that will open in our spirit and it will be the victory of the Church.
Jesus Christ, brothers, made it very clear that the king of this world was not Him, but satan, he will materialize in the figure of the antichrist and will rule the world for a period. Brothers, Our Heavenly Mother and Her Church will be a great adversary for the devil, and She promises that She will expel him from this planet, She is Our Mother and our Queen and it is She who will take us to victory in this spiritual battle.
My brothers, we must realize that there is a being who wants evil on us, and that we are no match for him. To protect ourselves from his actions, we have to ask for help and protection, without which we cannot live for the good. Our Heavenly Mother has always told us about the influence that the devil has acquired over us and the importance of being aware of his power.
For example, brothers, in one of the messages She spoke to us about the domination of the Marxist ideology in the Church, She warned us that the Church was taken over by priests who entered it for the sole purpose of reforming it, with their theology of liberation.
My brothers, we will witness the humiliation of the Catholic Church. So in order for the Antichrist to carry out his plans, he needs the Catholic Church to be destroyed, and God will allow it to be attacked, God will throw it in the bottom of the well, will place it under the heel of its enemies, but then through His power, He will elevate it to the highest degree of Holiness.
In the Vatican, there will be a dispute between the Pope and a Cardinal, will be a new Judas. From this discussion a great schism will arise for the Church. It was infested by bad shepherds, human beings who are there not to build the glory of God, but to destroy it. There are two strands within the Church that want to destroy the Church: the communists with their liberation theology, who do not believe in God and want to implant an anticlerical government; and the ecclesiastical freemasons who refuse any supernatural view of the world, these elements already attend the highest echelons of the Church, and are ready to impose their evil intentions in practice. In addition to this, cardinals, bishops and priests who simply have no vocation to represent Christ here on earth.
My brothers, I will not go on any longer, because I still have to read to this brother the message from Our Mother of Goodness .
See you soon
Message from Our Heavenly Mother:
My dear little children, on May 13th, you cannot celebrate My first apparition, in Cova da Iria, Fatima, to My little children Jacinta, Francisco and Lúcia, because of this pandemic.
Pray, pray, pray a lot My children, pray for the Church of My Son Jesus, because the Apparitions in My Cova da Iria and in Corgo da Igreja are above all ecclesiastical. The Final message in Fatima, the final part of My Secret is all or almost entirely directed towards the Church, and this part will be made known to you not by revelation, but by the actual development of events itself.
My children, speaking of the pandemic, My predilect children, the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and even your Pope Francis, hastily reacted badly and moved by panic by forbidding and close the Churches, while supermarkets, pharmacies, transport were open and accessible. They were not extremely creative in meeting the health authorities in the area of health, a way to celebrate Holy Mass and provide the Sacraments, even for a small group of faithful.
My children, great trials were opened with this pandemic that attacks the body of My children, and using this, those who feel they own the world want to lead you to apostasy, by the suffering they want to lead people to believe that they have been abandoned by the Most Holy Trinity and by your Most Holy Mother. No, no, no My children! My Archangels and Holy Angels were sent to fight against what attacks the people of God. This virus, My children, cannot survive in the Eucharistic Body of Christ, soon it will be burned. The world needs at this moment to know that there is a God Creator and Father who loves, that this Father wants to see His children on the path of Holiness.
Pray, pray, pray a lot for those who dedicate themselves to the health of others. Here I want to reveal that illnesses will grow, because this virus is not the greatest suffering, this is just a small alert, a new virus will appear with much greater pain, much greater suffering. So I warn you again My children, you must have masks, food and lots of water in your houses. The disease will come to humanity. Be aware My children, that the cure for many diseases is not in the medicines, but in the Faith.
My children, this epidemic, is undoubtedly a divine intervention to punish and purify the sinful world and also the Church. We must not forget that My Son Jesus Christ considered physical catastrophes as divine punishments.
The only appropriate reaction to tribulations, catastrophes and epidemics and similar situations, are instruments of the hand of Divine Providence to awaken people from the sleep of sin and indifference to the commandments of God and to eternal life, is the penance and conversion to God.
My children, the current situation provides reason enough to think that we are at the beginning of an apocalyptic time, which includes divine punishments. My Son Jesus referred to Daniel’s prophecy: “When you see the abomination of desolation established in the Holy Place, that was predicted by the prophet Daniel. My children read and understand well (MT. 24, 15). In the Book of Revelation it says that the Church must flee for a time into the desert ( AP.12,14). The current assignment , almost general, of the public celebration of the Mass could be interpreted by My children as an escape into a spiritual desert. What is unfortunate in our situation is the fact that many members of the Church’s hierarchy do not see the present situation as a tribulation, as a divine punishment, that is, as a divine visit in the biblical sense. These words of My Son Jesus, also apply to many clergy in the midst of the current physical and spiritual epidemic. The situation of the public assignment of Holy Mass and Sacramental Communion is so unique and serious that a deeper meaning can be found behind all this. This occurred almost fifty years after the introduction of Communion in the hand and a radical reform in the Mass Rite, with its protestant elements and its style of horizontal and instructive celebration, moments of free style, celebration in a closed circle and towards the people. The practice of Communion in the hand during the fifty years quickly led to an intentional and unintentional desecration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ on an unprecedented scale. For more than fifty years, the Body of Christ has been trampled under the foot by clergy and laity in Catholic Churches around the world, the theft of Consecrated Hosts that I have seen has increased at an alarming rate. The practice of receiving Holy Communion directly with your own hands and fingers is more and more like the gesture of eating common food. The practice of receiving Communion in the hand, My children, weakened Faith in the Real Presence, in the Transubstantiation and in the divine and sublime character of the Sacred Host. In time, the Eucharistic Presence of Christ became unconsciously for these faithful a kind of bread or a sacred symbol. The Church cannot continue to deal with impunity, in such a minimalist and insecure manner, the Holy of Holies in the small Consecrated Host.
My dear children, you still have a long and painful way to go where your faith will be tested. Confusion has settled between the people of God and as My Son Jesus told you: every kingdom divided against itself will perish. Therefore children, resort to prayer so that you will always have wisdom and discernment, so that you do not fall into the trap that satan prepares for each one of you. Be prepared, pay attention to Rome and its leaders. Evil advances and satan through his followers wants to get you out of the Church of My Son Jesus, that is his desire.
In the fight that will take place inside the Vatican, an important religious will emerge for the Church and he will gather together with the enemies, in other words, communists, socialists, ecclesiastical Freemasons and other people who hate and physically will invade the Church, causing great confusion. In the midst of this confusion, the antichrist will arise to discredit the Catholic Church and will use it to confuse people’s faith in Christ, he will gather together scientists, historians, artists and political leaders.
My children, you don’t have to be a genius to know what the outcome of this meeting will be. The Church’s dogmas will be attacked, like the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, His Resurrection, My apparitions will be ridiculed. This will be a disaster for those who are Catholic, for those who are not it will be a delight. The Church of My Son Jesus Christ, will be discredited. Laws will be created around the world against the Church and the Catholic religion, Churches will be closed and men and women religious will be prohibited from spreading their Faith.
My little children, evil has always walked in the world, being represented by the figure of satan. Just as God acts in the world, he also acts, his plan gained strength when the human being started abandoning religion, when man did this, man opened the door for evil to act. We have lost the protection of the religion that guided us in this poor spiritually world and we are falling into the evil plans of satan. Remember My children, that he does not fight against God, because he knows that he will lose, he fights against you, who are weak and arrogant.
Children, believe Me, if God will allow it, is because it is necessary. God is not futile and does not act without purpose. Your civilization needs to die in order to be reborn, renewed, according to the will of Christ.
My children, the Church of My Son Jesus Christ is internally divided and threatened to lose true faith. Many errors are being spread inside, and the real culprits are the bishops and priests who do not obey Pope Francis. Many bishops, priests and religious are solely concerned with social problems, these are forgetting that Jesus died on the Cross and was resurrected to obtain the great gift of redemption to save souls. In this way, the teaching of the theology of liberation is spreading more and more, leading countless children to the path of perdition. The theology of liberation, with its deceptive tactics, works openly to destroy the Gospel of My Son Jesus.
My predilect sons, Priests, you must fight hard for the salvation of humanity, do not be overly concerned with all material things, because only then will you be able to imitate My Son Jesus.
In these months, My children, turn your homes into Churches, watch Masses on television, at the time of Communion do the Spiritual Prayer (see April 2020), with that same inner desire to receive the Eucharist Christ.
Faced with the desire to receive the Holy Eucharist, the previous Communions flourish and give relief to the soul. My children, do not accept a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, nor do believe in those who tell you to forget your guilt. The truth My children, there is only one: Christ present in the Eucharistic Miracle, therefore the Priests must live for Christ. Those consecrated to the Priestly Ministry are tested.
My dear children, long time ago since I wanted to tell you all about this, today in a very special way, for the children who pray in their homes, in this period My children, if possible until the month of July, stay in your homes, with your children, relatives and friends.
The whole African continent needs to raise altars for God, and only then will the Light of My Son Jesus Christ shine with abundance. I do not want to frighten you, but that you surrender to My Son Jesus as soon as possible.
Hatred My little children is the seed of evil. Love overcomes evil. Love one another. Seek peace.
My children, today is Mother’s Day, I would like to remind you of the Holy Family of Nazareth, this very humble family, so it is of no use My children, being a family and not having humility in the heart, in today’s difficult time on earth, a time of great tests, and which you will see great signs in the world, mainly signs of suffering. Before I finish My children, do not allow yourselves to be slaughtered or be destroyed by the current conditions, but always keep alight hope of a better tomorrow. You have a Father in Heaven and a Mother who loves you very much. I impart My Blessing and My Heart to all those sick with viruses, the children, the poor, the marginalized, those who are in distress, well, to everyone.
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless humanity, and the rays of Mercy, little children, protect the world from all evil. And may you know how to be strong to overcome this time of Divine Justice.
May all the children of the whole world remain at peace.
I bless you in the Holiness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mary, Mother of Goodness.
Prayer month of May (03-05-2020)
Lord, my God, here I am, in your presence to thank you for the gift of being a mother. It is an immense grace, which I cannot fully understand. I bow reverently, under this mystery, as Mary did, the Mother of mothers. And I try to live with your graces this mission that you called me. I thank you, O good father, for the joys that my children sow in my life, and for the courage that you have given me to face the difficult moments: the misunderstandings, the rebellions, the disease, the provocations … In other words, thank you for the crosses that with your strength I was able to assume and embrace. They magnified my faith, and I learned that having problems in life does not mean having an unhappy life; it is possible to win many battles, putting our knees on the ground and our life in your hands. Thank you Lord for my Family, it completes my existence. Let us together seek to harmonize our differences, to build our home, our lives day by day. Lord, bless the father of my children’s, and inspire me to be a mother after your heart.
Message from Our Lady Mother of Goodness 2nd June 2020
(from St. Archangel Raphael)
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning. I the Archangel Raphael, the Divine Healing Angel, I come again today to give the message from Our Mother from Heaven, but I would like to say a few words about what happened between Jesus Christ and His disciples on the Mount of Olives.
My brothers, while Jesus was with the disciples on the Mount of Olives, He heard the following question from one of them: Lord what sign will come from You about the coming and the consummation of the century. Jesus then enumerated several signs indicating His return to earth, some of the signs presented were fulfilled initially in Jerusalem and served as models to illustrate the events of the end, other signs, however, are being fulfilled nowadays. Every day we read, hear in the newspapers, radio, television about countless events, there is several tragedies, earthquakes, hurricanes, murders, robberies, abandoned children, epidemics, diseases, hunger and wars. What does the Bible say about these events? Brothers, we are going to analyse the signs around us in three parts: 1st the signs of the social world; 2nd the signs of the natural world and finally the Divine signs.
1st the signs of the social world are described (Matthew 24-6,7) and 10. Brothers, Jesus prophesied that before His return, the world would be involved in wars, famine, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, betrayal and hatred among people.
In the second letter Timothy (ch. 3-1,5), tell us brothers about difficult times: unemployment, hunger, selfish, greedy people, people blaspheming against God, disobedient children. These signs in the social world are from Satan and not from God.
2nd the signs of the natural world (Mat. 24-7-29) speak of signs that are happening and that have already happened: the sun has darkened, and a stunning fall of stars has occurred. These signs, brothers, which were already fulfilled, and once more before the coming of Jesus Christ will be repeated with greater intensity the signs of the natural world: earthquakes, hurricanes, epidemics, volcanoes, fires, floods. Brothers, these signs indicate that Satan is at work even in nature.
3rd In the religious world(Mat.24-4.5), talks about religious deception that will occur in the end time (Mat. 24-11), refers to the increase of religions.
Brothers, satan has the power to charm people, shows himself differently and presents the truth in a twisted way with his means of deceiving. The signs and wonders are pure and according to the Bible, we are living in the last days, and satan knows that there is little time left, for this reason, his anger is intensely directed against those who follow the commandments of God … satan wants to lead you to commit iniquity and to turn you away from the true Gospel of Jesus, for he also has his gospel to deceive, to twist and change truths. Who will win in your hearts, the deceptions of satan or the truth of Jesus Christ.
We saw, brothers, that the signs predicted by Jesus are being fulfilled, indicating that soon all the evil in the universe will end.
What is missing for Jesus to return brothers? First reason, the true Gospel needs to be taken to the whole world, secondly, Jesus is giving more opportunities each day, He is patient and awaits a decision from each one of us beside the truth. Brothers and sisters, continue to hear the voice of God, soon we will contemplate Jesus coming on the clouds from Heaven with Power and Great Glory to save us.
My brothers, the truths need to be clarified. A large number of Bishops and Priests, they are not guiding their faithful as well as they should. They treat the Eucharistic Body of Christ as if it were something. God must be Adored, Loved and Honoured by each one and not despised as many do, this is very sad brothers, and Jesus feels and suffers. Now they have found a way for the faithful to attend Mass, and must be made an appointment, they insist on giving Communion in the hand. My brothers as a Divine doctor, and protector of doctors, of the sick and patron of Priests, I am always directed to the hospitals, institutions and caring homes, I am convinced that Communion in the hand is less hygienic and therefore less safe than Communion in the mouth, besides, brothers, didn’t they told you every day not to touch in everything, to wash your hands, to disinfect them, not to touch your face with your hands, your eyes, your nose? My brothers, you have to follow some rules of health that are useful. Do not be afraid brothers, as soon as you enter the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ would not let you be contaminated by this virus, do not make speculations, and much less seek commercial interests. My brothers, out of this epidemic, many are doing business with it, large firms are developing a vaccine to cure this epidemic, but my brothers, this vaccine is for other purposes and not to control the virus.
Be very careful, don’t get this vaccine.
Before reading the message from Our Mother from Heaven to this brother, I would like to say a few words to our brothers journalists: brothers, you must be aware that through a report on radio, television and in the newspapers, good or evil can be done to others, sometimes an errata is not enough to restore the dignity to a person, especially on the internet. Be more humble, avoid stereotypes, master the rush, find out the facts before telling them and commenting on them, you must be sincere in their disclosures. I finish my dear brothers and sisters, get converted, for the good of all and for the good of each one in particular. Remain with the Blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit .
Always seek Heavenly Graces and Blessings, Amen
Archangel Raphael.
Message from Our Mother from Heaven
Message from Our Lady Mother of Goodness
My dear little children, humanity needs to prepare itself for God’s justice! The time for justice has come, everything that man has planted will reap. That’s why My children, you do not need to be afraid of suffering, you need to pray to overcome suffering. Children, I do not speak only of the suffering of pests, of diseases, I speak of the suffering of the soul, of the heart, this wound that is in the heart and in the soul is a sin. Your heart needs to placed inside the Merciful Heart of Jesus and seek holiness, because if not you will suffer by the justice, and whoever is not in will be charged for!
How is today God’s justice in the world, and what do I ask for the world? Conversion! The world is not seeking the alert of the signs of God, and what does Jesus Christ wants with this warning to the world, which today lives this plague, which is very painful, because it affects everyone? It is the union of all peoples, unity and fraternity. Therefore children, look for your conversion, look for Jesus, He waits for you, He is always knocking on the door of your heart and asking you to open it, Jesus wants you to open the door of your life to Him, of your home, of your family, and of all the nations of the earth.
My children, prayer is the miracle, you will break down all barriers by the power of prayer. With complete trust in the Mercy, faithfulness to God, have responsibility, be living testimonies.
Children, you are here before the Archangel Raphael. Who is Archangel Raphael? He is one of the seven Angels who are always present and have access to the Glory of the Lord. This precious Archangel, My children, is responsible for caring for the Angels and the sick, He assumed human form and lived among you humans for a time, He cares for those who need help, those who live a glorious life on the path of Jesus Christ, He is also a messenger, who brought My message. You children who hear a message from Heaven are also messengers, because you hear a message from Heaven, whoever hears a message is a messenger from God. No one can be a messenger of God in half, whoever is a messenger of God must carry a message of Holiness. It’s difficult? Yes! But it is important for My children to seek that Holiness. The Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of the message, of the Word, the announcement and the Healing. Then children, the messenger of God enters this Fraternity, so that you may be pure instruments, announcers of the Word. Why has God gave you this grace? If you children don’t have conditions, then get out! But do not remain in a place where the messenger of the Word wants you to announce the Good News, because everything you planted in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, reflects on the world, and the sooner you get converted in this place, the more the world will come out of this plague. Everything depends on each one of you, your yes, your surrender, it’s people of God praying for the world, praying for the nations, praying for humanity to bend their knees before the Merciful Jesus, of the Holy Cross, and with the Blood and the Water of the Heart of Jesus Christ, be converted! Therefore children, receive this Archangel and announce the Good News with you testimony, do not be afraid, wash that dirty heart and embrace Heaven! It is Jesus who calls you, He’s the great path, do not be afraid to follow Him, children, because the time of justice has fallen on the earth, and the righteous, the wise, will overcome. Even though many will have to give their own yes, give with love and joy, because God needs to make all things new, so that the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart may take place in the world. It is a very strong fight from now on, and you children are the true instruments of God, soldiers of Christ, who are on their way to this grace today. Many signs are coming towards earth.
My children, I am going to give you a Mother’s advice: do not let the voices of your world shake the convictions that God has placed in your souls. Never trust those who cry out as energetic against Jesus. Grace, My children, never lies! And never forget, if you want to follow My Divine Son Jesus faithfully, you must prepare yourselves to face setbacks and denials.
Get up My children! Convert, because the time has come, don’t wait any longer, now is the time to bend your knees and ask God for forgiveness. Children, Jesus will deeply bless you and touch you, so that together with Archangel Raphael, you may be announcers of the Good News, of the Kingdom of Heaven, of the Word and Salvation.
Today He asks again for prayer and penance. Children, I do not want to cause you fear, what I say is for your own good, so that you can be prepared. Great sufferings are about to befall humanity. There are countries that will suffer more than others. I will repeat My children again, in few places on earth will be drinking water. Where there is fountains, streams and lakes, take good care of them, so that they are conserved.
Pray, pray, pray a lot, especially for the leaders of the great nations, for those who have power in their hands, because they do not pray, they only have time to prepare war and spread violence in the world.
Your world is heading towards total disagreement, because of a powerful weapon, which could kill many of My children. Many nations will be destroyed because of hatred, greed by their rulers. There will be a lack of control in the world economy, unemployment, hunger and disease. Following this weapon, in the coming years major earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and droughts will arise, great nations will be swallowed up underground and in water. Yes children, in those places where there is more sin, there will be more punishment.
Children, everything that My daughter Lúcia said at Cova da Iria (Fatima) is about to happen, many nations will disappear from the face of the earth. Nations that are not with God will be a scourge: doom, plague, epidemic, suffering, calamity.
My children, you must not wait for a call to prayer and penance, neither from the Priests, nor from the Bishops, nor from the Supreme Pontiff. It is time already, My children, that each one of you do works of holiness and reform your life, according to My Calls.
The devil wants to take possession of all that are Consecrated souls; uses all the cunning to update religious life, they are using it to confuse the Catholic Christian Religion with other things which are not Catholic, like spiritualism, Freemasonry, sects and pseudo-spiritual movements, which claim to know and predict the future, and confuse the Divine Revelation or the Word of God given to His Church, with the words of men and demons. And with sadness, My children, I must say that those responsible for the Church, should guide you in this discernment.
Now, My dear children, I want to communicate more facts about the situation, the global climate and social concern. I told you that there will be a global food shortage, and I asked you to have food supplies at home, in addition to plenty of water, I told you that there will be an economic collapse, I told you that demons are deceiving you during this time, as they take advantage of the tragedies of the whole world, to carry out their plan to guide the world, I told you to sanctify your houses, praying together with your families, I told you to have images of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in your homes, I also warned you to place Crucifixes and Medals from Saint Benedict on all windows and doors and sprinkling holy water all over the house. About all these things, My children, I have warned you, to be aware, because Me and My Son with all the Heavenly Armies, we have been so concerned.
Before I finish this message of Mine, I would like to say a word to all My predilect children, the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests around the world, I ask you for more fidelity and loyalty, do not give in to your selfishness, the flattery of the world and the suggestions of the devil, and don’t judge any of My children before you hear them in confession.
My dear children, I ask you today, look more for love, not the errors and mistakes in other brothers, and do not judge them.
My children, now I am speaking simply and directly in My messages, but you must read everything carefully, several times, so that you learn all My teaching.
I have blessed you by asking the Merciful Jesus to bless all of humanity, those who are distressed right now, and who are going through this dark pain, of that suffering that hangs over the earth, may God bless and strengthen you in this moment of battle, but also in this moment of victory, because Jesus is with us.
With all My Motherly Love, to the children of the whole world, I give you My Strength and My Blessing, I do it in the Name of God the Father, Son and Divine Holy Spirit. May They bless you and keep you. Àmen
Mary, Mother of Goodness .
Prayer for the month of June (02-06-2020)
Lord Jesus Christ, on our knees and with hands in our hearts, we beg you to welcome Portugal into your Merciful Heart and to lead it to obedience, firstly to God, to your teachings, to the values of the Land of the Holy Cross, which are the fraternity, the sharing, justice and equality. May we know how to take the Holy Rosary and pray with Faith, may we repent of our sins so as to receive Eucharistic Jesus with dignity, that we learn from the Word of God not to judge or question, but to love, forgive, listen, reflect and silence. May we be aware of the value of sharing to escape individuality, selfishness and pride. May we be wise not to cultivate a colourful garden just around us, but wherever we go, we may do good all the way. Lord, we place the world at the foot of Your Holy Cross, so that embracing Your resurrection, we may have complete joy.
Message from Our Lady Mother of Goodness, 5th of July 2020
(From St Gabriel the Archangel)
My brothers and sisters, I the servant of the Mother of God, I am Archangel Gabriel, the Angel of the Annunciation, I speak to you for the Glory of the Lord, of His Mother, the ever Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, and of Saint Joseph.
I came from Heaven at the invitation of Mary Most Holy and of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Know my brothers, that I Gabriel, I am with you and with all the visionaries, all those who need My help and all those who have the mission of spreading the messages of the Mother of God to the whole world.
Brothers, you live in a time of great divisions and trials, where love has been abandoned and hate embraced, received by you and accepted in your hearts. You must be united in the Faith of Christ, and in Christ in love, because only in love for Love can you reach the essence of God and recognize your true essence.
Brothers, do not be frightened by this epidemic and with the advance of evil and the fall of many souls, who for you, in your eyes, were persevering and faithful, but pray for these souls, and you be careful not to be dragged by the tail of the dragon, by the illusions and pleasures of the world and by your wrong inclinations.
I won’t prolong any more. Read well the message from our Heavenly Mother, which I will now pass on to our brother Fernando (visionary). Draw your conclusions.
I bless you brothers, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Message from Our Heavenly Mother
My little children, here I am with a Heart pierced with pain by so many souls who are constantly offending Us during this epidemic, they are outraging Our Hearts. How many souls, My children, are looking for their own condemnation, they desecrate the Body of My Son Jesus, they despise the Redeeming Blood of Christ, they continue to receive the Body of Christ in their hands, even those children who read My messages and who go to My Holy Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreija. How ungrateful they are! They live in a great mortal sin. Know My children, that I am always asking for the conversion of Russia. Russia is introduced in the Churches of My Son Jesus, in some of My predilected children, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, they are destroying the things of God. They do not imagine the punishment that they will pass. They don’t want to know about My warnings. Poor souls, what a pity they give to Me! My children, I repeat again, do not receive the Holy Consecrated Host in your hands!
My predilected children, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, you already know that I and My Son Jesus, have chosen seers all over the world, so that everyone may know about many things that are happening in the Church of My Son Jesus. They scoff and make fun of the current prophets (seers). We can see that nothing has been learned from the past! As in the days of Noah! As in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
A conspiracy is being planned in the Vatican … pray, pray, pray a lot My children, for your Pope Francis, who is suffering more and more at the hands of his enemies. He is a prisoner in the Vatican. The Pope, My children, is actually a prisoner in his own home, to the point of dismissing his opinion, by issuing decrees, saying they were signed by him.
All this infiltration in the Vatican, My children, aims at the establishment of a single world government, under the command of the antichrist.
Now everything is ready for the total capitulation of the Church, in the hands of the enemy who runs the synagogue of satan.
I ask My children to pray for all Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, because many of them are politicians of destruction. I want them to think about what they are doing and should do more about this epidemic, and that they regain their senses and return to the glory of the true Faith.
My predilected children, search every day for a place to pray, and offer sacrifices to My Son Jesus, through the Holy Mass offer prayers for these renegades and heretical prelates, bishops and priests, who profane My Faith and the Church of My Son Jesus.
It is an abomination that has not gone unnoticed in Heaven. In fact, to each one of them it will be asked to justify their actions before God. Many will suffer the pains of hell, and many more will pass through Purgatory. I told you before and I say it again, I wish that My predilected children, the Priests, fight more for the Church and defend it, above all, keep the Church in Faith, in Doctrine, in Tradition, in Integrity. I also wish that when your faithful need a Priest, they should be a pastoral Priests, prayerful Priests, and not business priests. Oh no!
There will be only one function, to serve the faithful, to celebrate the liturgy, the Sacraments and devotions. As you see My predilected children, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, the time has come for humanity to convert and return to the true Catholic Faith. This Church has reached the null point and there is no possibility of getting back the Holiness of the one true Catholic Church.
It is a sadness to see My predilected children, how they step to the floor the churches, My Son Jesus can no longer recognize His own Church. My Son Jesus and I wept bitter tears for this inter-religion, which bears no resemblance to the true Church of Christ. Predilected children, profess for the one true Church and celebrate the Holy Banquet of My Son again, as it has been celebrated for a long time, with Holy Communion in the mouth and on their knees. Only then, the Church will again be filled with believers.
Remove this table of meals from your churches, with communion in the hand, as this is satanic. You worship the people and not Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Where is the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross of Jesus Christ? Have you totally forgotten what you have promised in your hour of consecration, My predilected children? Do you want to enter the altar with this grave sin? You are in this responsibility and you cannot escape from it.
I warn you My predilected children(priests), return to the tradition of Holy Communion in the mouth. Your faithful yearn for the truth and you reject to them Holy Communion in their mouth. Doesn’t this hammer your conscience day and night? I would love to win you over, you are indeed the elected of My Son Jesus Christ, you are called to be Apostles of the Catholic Church, and you are in charge. How do you want to be a good example for the faithful? Where is your Holiness? Put on your cassock again, so that you can also operate in the name of God. Do they even recognize you as a Priest? Why should we resort to your advices? You mingled among the people and you are not there to be recognized as Priests. How do you want to be a spiritual confessor? In the Churches there is no longer Priests exorcists, the Priests do not accept any person possessed, the person is admitted to psychiatric clinics and is stunned with medications. Psychic illnesses grow, because love for others has faded, the other is not taken care of, because man has become selfish, each one has its own concern and does not care for the other who is in a situation of need.
My dear little children, pray the Holy Rosary, with this prayer you will fulfill the Holy Commandments, take frequent advantage of the Sacraments, seek to carry out your Christian duties with perfection, what God wants from each one of you, My children do it with great devotion. For each Rosary you pray, many souls are saved. Offer it for the conversion of sinners, for it is what we most need. May those poor souls repent and ask for forgiveness of their sins.
My children, I repeat again, build in My Favourite Place, Corgo da Igreja, a chapel in honour of My name, to meditate on My Son’s Passion, because men do not think about what He suffered on the Cross for all men! May the chapel also serve for spiritual exercises to be done on it, in order to prepare your souls.
I promise My children, when this epidemic passes, all those who made your homes a Church, who daily prayed the Holy Rosary, and receive Communion, the Lord in the mouth on the first Fridays of the month, I will assist them at the hour of death.
You don’t think about life after death, because after death everything comes to an end. This is also said at the funeral in the urns (cremation). At each two Catholics one already allows to be cremated. My children, I repeat again, this is a serious sin. Return to the truth and do not be deceived, reject this form of burial and decide to be buried on the earth.
My dear children, what a great joy to see that in spite of everything, I have souls who are sowing good seeds and who will then receive the fruit in the Heavenly Paradise. For I Myself will be very acknowledged. And continue to fight My children, without ever forgetting that humanity is in great danger, and the Heavenly Father wants to apply His justice over men. If this happens, this time He will punish with more severity than when He did with the Flood. The great will perish, because in the eyes of men they are great, but in the eyes of God they are miserable, they are hypocritical Pharisees who are deceiving and dragging many souls to sin. And therefore they will receive their justice, what they deserve. God is going to punish them very severely because they have a double sin. What a pity My children, what a pity this humanity, they are empty and think of nothing more than having fun. Do not forget My children, only the true Christians, those who believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, will be saved.
Look at My Heart My children, how it suffers for all of you without distinction of race. To Me, pain is always present, not only did I suffer at the foot of the Cross, but I continue to suffer day by day for all of humanity.
My children, the nature of God also came to a complete disorder. Nature is rising against you, you cannot feel well anywhere, everything was manipulated. A new world order is being prepared, man will become a transparent individual, he is controllable and men own freedom will be taken away. Because a chip will be implanted in each one and not a vaccine against the virus. This chip, My children, will be under constant monitoring. The freedom of each person must be taken away to be able to manipulate it. Be very careful My children, do not get this vaccine.
At this moment My dear children, let us ask for all those who are carrying the cross of illness on their bodies, especially this epidemic. For this reason, your pilgrimage to My Shrines, to Fátima and here, Corgo da Igreja, awaits to the health standards of your area of residence, until new government orders.
This disease is a consequence of the sins of humanity. It’s a very big weight! We need God’s strength. And why My children? Because God Himself died to Save us, He made us strong! Made us victorious!
My children, God is greater than this epidemic! God is greater than this suffering! Never think that this is bigger than God! He’s much bigger! The strength of the Holy Spirit is much bigger! Pray, pray, pray My little children, your faith at this time is very important, because as never before you must be aware, be prepared for strong trials.
Little children, in the midst of the great spiritual confusions of your time, a time of great agitations, remain with the Faith, remain with the Church, remain with My Divine Son Jesus Christ, remain with My Immaculate Heart.
Be very attentive My children, after this epidemic, the human being will be surprised with a great destruction.
I will not leave you alone and will protect you from all evil. Do not be afraid. I Mary, Your Mother of Goodness, I am with you and walk among you.
Before I finish, I make a special request to the families, who are making their homes the churches during this epidemic, pray to the Holy Spirit, ask Him for grace, and very soon you will have a beautiful answer to this moment of pain that you are living on earth!
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless all humanity and may the Rays of Mercy protect the world from all evil!
Children, be strong to overcome this time of Divine Justice. It is God’s justice! May the Father’s will be done here on earth always, little children! This is the great request of the Mother of Goodness to the Holy Trinity.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Àmen
Mary Mother of Goodness.
Prayer for the month of July (05-07-2020)
Lord Jesus, Saviour of the world, hope that never disappoints us, have mercy on us and deliver us from all evil. We ask you to overcome the scourge of this virus that is widespread, to cure the sick.
Lord You who have shed Your most precious blood on our hearts, grant us strength and mercy at the moment when it is most needed.
Keep this epidemic away from us and all the blindness that leads us to sin and give us the Light of the Holy Spirit that leads us to you, to eternal life.
Message from the 2nd of August 2020
My brothers and sisters, I the Archangel Michael, is with great joy that I come from Heaven, to bring you the message of Our Mother in Heaven.
Always keep in mind my brothers and sisters, that the plan of those who oppose Christ to implant a single world government, unreservedly follow their real desire to the total control of man and of everything created and the eradication of the Word of God. For many years, your government’s have been like puppets, manipulated by the so-called illuminated, saviours of the world, and this happens even here in your country ( Portugal ), no matter how much you are omitting the facts.
My brothers, the Church of Jesus Christ will justify the scandal within. The truth and the Sacred will be despised and the true Church will appear to be destroyed. Pray my brothers and sisters with perseverance to be able to withstand these bad days and of great persecution, where you will walk aimlessly due to this epidemic and desertion, to the removal of some priests from their own fulfilment and vocation.
My brothers, a great crisis of Faith will come to those who are in fact faithful. Be prepared. As Our Heavenly Mother told us, make your houses Churches. Pray my brethren, so that in the tribulation you do not deny your Faith. Be aware that these last events will be caused by those who claim to be lords of the world, because they are emissaries of the one who is the prince and lord of this world.
Pray, pray, pray a lot my brothers. May your Faith not waver and may your lamp remain lit and watched over with great attention by you.
With affection, I bless you brothers and sisters, in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Àmen
Archangel Michael
Message from the Heavenly Mother
My dear little children, first of all I would like to thank you for the affection you had with My predilected son Manuel Vieira(priest that passed away), he was the victim of some bishops and priests, for having helped and publicized My Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, with dedication, zeal, firmness, patience, tolerance, affection and love, at the service of the Kingdom of God.
Even for many, My children, it was a great relief that he departed. That is why My children, Me and My Son Jesus Christ, have come to take him close to us. He is fine, but he is spending a few days in Purgatory, to purify himself, to go afterwards to the Glory of God.
To these bishops and priests, I want to say, be teachers of the truth, nothing of authority, as Christ Himself has entrusted to you. As Mother of the Church, I see that in this time of epidemic, a true union between you bishops and priests is necessary. This is My desire and the desire of My Son Jesus Christ.
Predilected children, bishops, priests and cardinals, be extremely creative to provide to your faithful, even for a small group, a good celebration of the Holy Mass and the reception of the Sacraments. Such was the pastoral behaviour of all the priests who were confessors and martyrs during the persecutions.
A true priest will do everything possible to visit a dying son. Many priests did so even when it meant putting their lives in danger, whether in the case of persecution or in the case of an epidemic. We have many examples of these priests in the history of the Church, they gave Holy Communion with their bare hands in the tongue of the dying which were infected.
After the end of the epidemic, I hope that My predilected children, will resume a new hunger for the Eucharist in the mouths, as the church cannot continue to treat with impunity, in such a minimalist and insecure manner, the Holy of Holies in the small Consecrated Host.
I and My Son Jesus, hope that these words will became true for many Catholic children. This applies of course, to those children who truly believe and love the Eucharist.
This epidemic, My children, is undoubtedly a divine intervention to punish and purify the sinful world and also the Church. We must not forget that My Son Jesus Christ, considered physical catastrophes as divine punishments.
The current situation, My children, is sufficient to think that we are at the beginning of an apocalyptic time, which includes divine punishments.
My dear children, what is God saying to us? Wake up to the great suffering that is to come to Portugal and to the whole world. The problem is not just this epidemic. This country needs much more the Spirit of God to overcome many sins. Sins of greed, sins that today have led Portugal to suffer with division, with disunity, with discord. Portugal should and could be an example of love, it was here that Me and My Son Jesus chose two sites for My apparitions, Cova da Iria, in Fátima and Corgo da Igreja, here in S. Marcos da Serra.
Think careful My children: what God wants to say to you, to this country, through the presence of the Holy Spirit? Especially when we look at Him and see that gift of Piety. This is the moment when God has pity on humanity, it is now My children, today, you must ask God for that pity. Ask because you feel, because of the great battle you are facing, that God needs to have mercy on humanity, in order to overcome this epidemic. Let us also ask, My children, to the Divine Spirit for the gift of intelligence. Humanity lives as if it were in the dark. Are all children aware of the reality of the world, and where is it going? This world in which everything is allowed: kill, steal, rape, spill the blood of many innocents. This world where no one lives God’s commandments anymore.
My dear little children, what is the greatest sign that God has ever shown to you? His faith! Because His faith made you move your feet, hands, heart and soul, and finally, your whole being. His faith has transformed and healed you.
And that is why I want you children, to have more confidence and surrender, do not think about what will come, but be prepared for what is here and what can come.
Prepare in a vigilant and healthy way. Don’t get sick! The devil wants to see you sick. And the worst disease is despair and sadness, it is a lack of confidence, joy and hope.
As I told you, My dear children, your world is experiencing great tensions and is on the verge of great conflicts.
Me and My Son Jesus Christ, We cry and suffer, because many of My children do not appreciate and ignore the Holy Eucharist, continue to receive the Consecrated Host in the hand, where My Son is present. Because the enemy is in your midst and confuses you.
The things of God, My children, are serious, they are Holy and no one can challenge Heaven! Heaven is fair! Even for those who look and say, “Jesus died”. But, Jesus died for justice! He died for victory! He died for loving too much each one of you! Children that today again without wisdom, lead Jesus to the crucifixion.
My children, I Mary, am not here on earth by chance! Things are serious for your world! I fight for you! I fight for the salvation of your families! I fight for the world and the earth! And I will always fight! For that is My mission as the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of Goodness. And you, little children, do you fight for it?! Many fight, and others don’t. There is children who do not contribute with their love, do not contribute with their forgiveness. And therefore, that’s why Jesus asks you to live that faith and have good will! Jesus said: “It will not be charged from those who do not know Me, but from those who know Me and have rejected Me” .
Therefore My children, what is really needed now is to dive into the life of prayer, sometimes people live every day worried about their tomorrow, with their year yet to come, and forget to appreciate the blessing that Jesus is giving you, today! This blessing that will overflow your life, the strength to fight, because the beast that needs to be defeated is suffering, is sin, which today is the cause of all the disrespect to God.
And don’t think, My children, that the battle is easy! It is much easier to fight a beast of the world than the devil! That is why you need to have dignified souls, pure and just, where you really know how to be of God and to be what God wants you to be.
I end My dear children, saying: Trust in the Lord! Wait on the Lord and you will be freed from this epidemic. Not only from this epidemic, but mainly from the worst plague which is sin.
Each one will carry this message from here, this desire to be always with Jesus, to truly love Jesus and to never stop walking on Heaven’s path, because it is in the living presence of Heaven that you will remain here under the beautiful blessing of God the Father, Son and Divine Holy Spirit. Àmen
Mary, Mother of Goodness
(Publication reviewed by Brother Fernando Pires)
Prayer for August (02-08-2020)
O my Jesus, you are the Light of the earth and Saviour of the world, a hope that never disappoints us, have mercy on us and deliver us from all evil! We ask You to overcome the scourge of this virus that is spreading, to cure the sick, to preserve the healthy, to support those who work for the health of all. Show us Your Face of mercy and save us by Your great Love.
We ask You through the intercession of Mary, Yours and our Mother, who faithfully accompanies us. O my Lord and Jesus, answer my prayer, and save all your children from this terrible evil.
Message from 6th of September 2020
Message from the Mother of Heaven
My dear little children, I asked you to come here, to give you a little joy. Your brother and My predilected Priest, Manuel Vieira, is already in the Glory of God. At this moment he is here next to Me. He will say a few words to you:
(“Brother Fernando Pires reveals that in the vision he saw Father Manuel Vieira dressed in a priest’s tunic until his feet”)
My brothers and sisters, I, your Priest Manuel Vieira, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me on earth.
Our Heavenly Mother gave me the privilege of being here again in this beautiful sacred place, Corgo da Igreja, to see you and give you a little message.
Brothers and sisters, on the first day that I came to this Sacred Place, I had my doubts and uncertainties about this Sacred Place, Corgo da igreija. I doubted Brother Fernando Pires, whom I apologize a lot. After continuing to come here, I started to believe everything, but I was weak because of my illness, and I was surrounded by many brothers, who wanted me to stop promoting this place, which today I see that I was not mistaken in the truth of these apparitions of the Mother of Goodness. I spent a few days in Purgatory, I saw many fellow priests, bishops and cardinals, some of whom I met here on earth, asking for help. I ask you brothers, pray for everyone who is in Purgatory, they really need your help. Today I and all the Angels and Saints, pray and intercede for you before the Father, for which you must be secure and confident. My brothers, I conclude by saying that in Heaven, I have a lot of peace and joy, with all the angels who suffered.
I also understood that the earth is only a passage.
Do not suffer for me, I am in a very safe and beautiful place, and I want all brothers and sisters to come here as well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much to everyone who cared and prayed for me here on earth. I too will intercede for you in Heaven. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye brothers and sisters.
You heard My children, this testimony that My predilected son made. My dear little children, how many souls can be saved by penance and sacrifice, as it was the case with My predilected son, Manuel Vieira. He has always promoted this place, firmly, with dedication, zeal, patience, tolerance, in the service of the Kingdom of God.
Like many priests, My predilected children, they deny the real presence of My Son Jesus Christ, and how many no longer wish to follow Him. Know My children, that many souls are needed to offer themselves as victims for the priests. Many of them are opposed to their bishops and many never admit that they may be wrong. Offer, suffer, and pray for them.
My children, offer your prayers for the priests, because most of them no longer know what the will of God is. The few who really remain faithful to Me and My Son Jesus, are afraid to expose themselves, and so they live on until My Son Jesus decides.
My children, you must remain faithful, steadfast and converted so that the storms of this moment do not take you to other waters, due to the confusion of this epidemic. The devil is quick to introduce mistrust, intrigue, division into prayer groups and above all, to magnify the human ego in My children, he knows that in this way he wins, as he is right now. The devil has caused erosion in those whose lives are centred on My Son Jesus, so that in one way or another, they integrate into the world and find comfort in the world, which absorbs them until they fulfil their mission.
As I already told you, the work of the devil is already infiltrating, even in the Church of My Son Jesus, in such a way that you are seeing cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops, priests against priests. The Church of My Son, is full of those who accept commitments and the devil took advantage of many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
The thought of losing so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If My children’s sins increase in number and severity, soon, there will be no forgiveness for them. Nobody prays anymore because of many mistakes, because prayer for many children, no longer exists. Then God the Father will once again show the power of a great punishment, not yet for the time being, because He expects you to ask for forgiveness. Great scourges are directed at humanity and the conductors are the ones who concentrate the penalties in the Heart of My Son and the Father.
Only your sacrifices can stop the wrath on the world. May the Priests do not expose themselves to temptations or lead to despair the souls chosen by Me and My Son Jesus, because they will go to eternal fire. Many souls were lost because of My predilected children (priests). Let them think of their duty, because one day they will cry.
Starting with the bishops and priests of My Divine Son Jesus Christ, you all know, unfortunately, that there are bishops and priests involved in the webs of the world, and they only think with the worldly mentality, they only think about belonging to the world, forgetting their sacred priestly mystery. Becoming worldly men, forgetting all spirituality and of giving the Word of My Divine Son, who must make known to the people.
There are many Churches, where the Words of My Son Jesus Christ are changing, they say that the Church has to modernize, because it is very old-fashioned. No My children, the Church was, and will always be the same, following the doctrine of My Divine Son, throughout Eternity.
God is peace My dear children! He is present in the hearts of his children, bringing that hope and taking away all that suffering from the body, the soul, and may God heal, liberate and transform the world. My Children do everything to make this happen. Pray a lot, because the only way to prevent this suffering from covering the world in a terrible way is your prayer. So embrace this cause, pray! And ask the Merciful Jesus to place the whole world in His heart.
May you children, have that peace and that strength to remain firm in the faith. Remember this in the most difficult moments of your journey, from now on.
My children, as from October, you can come to My sanctuaries in Cova de Iria, in Fátima and Corgo da Igreja in São Marcos da Serra, but with great moderation and still complying with the health authorities in your area of health.
My children, I wish as a Mother, that you have learned a little from this battle that you are experiencing. I also hope that the world can be edified in a spiritual sense, building the pillars of faith in your life.
Because from now on, little children, you will have to hold tightly in the hands of God. You will need to be sustained by the Divine hands.
Courage, faith and prayer! That is what you will need in these times of epidemic.
Children, always place yourselves in the heart of the Merciful Jesus, and He will give you liberation, bringing to you the cure of all ills of body and soul. Do this my children.
Before I finish, I am going to address to this predilected son, the priest. I know you have a lot of problems in your parish. There are many disagreements, jealousies, envy and controversy between your bishop and colleagues. You must always remain faithful to My Son Jesus Christ and everything will be resolved in God’s way.
Predilected son, you cannot imagine, how happy My Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ feels to see you here again in this Sacred Place, Corgo da igreija.
Go and celebrate the Holy Mass in this Sacred Place. Do it with determination and joy and remain firm in this Mission. May God always be Praised, because of this determination, this Love and this Faith. Always give your best testimony of Faith to these pilgrim children, who need your help to witness these apparitions.
My dear little children, pray, pray, pray a lot for priests and religious who make great sacrifices and carry great crosses, so that God may give them strength and comfort. Pray that many priestly vocations will flourish around the Eucharistic altars. May they not fall into the temptations of the evil, may Jesus keep them in purity and holiness. Pray for seminarians. Pray also, My children, for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, that God will give him health, strength and courage, and do not let Him fall into the hands of enemies and protect Him from all evil.
May God bless you, My beloved children, and enlighten all who came from afar to this Blessed Place. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your affection, and for your commitment to Faith. May I Mary, Mother of Goodness, the Immaculate Conception, be always surrounded by the love of My Children. I give you My Immaculate Heart. I wish you all Peace and Light, the presence of God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Àmen
Mary, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreja.
(Publication reviewed by Brother Fernando Pires)
New Manifestation of the Eucharistic Miracle (06-09-2020)
Once again, the Eucharistic Miracle occurred in the mouth of Brother Fernando Pires, with the Holy Communion to be given by Archangel S. Miguel, who becomes visible by touching his tongue.
video at the Corgo da Igreja site _ MaedaBondadeTV
September Prayer (06-09-2020)
Lord my God I enter Your Holy presence at this moment to put my life on your altar, I pour out my heart before you at this moment, because I know, that the Lord takes care of me at all times and knows my walk, talk and think. .
Lord, another month begins and together with him comes the hope of new things, new times and achievements and that is why I want to put the month of September in your hands. Open the doors that were closed and pour out blessings on my life during this month, my God, may I be in your ways at all times and may September be a month of victories for me in the name of Jesus. I give my life in your hands and the month of September, believing that the best the Lord has already prepared for those who serve You.
Thank you my God, for my life, for another month that starts and that I may walk with you during the whole month and for my whole life.
Message from the 4th of OCTOBER 2020
Message from the Mother of Heaven
My dear children, this month will be for Me as the Mother of the Holy Rosary. My joy is to be able to be in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, present in body and soul, and to feel every child who is here today, praying My Holy Rosary.
With joy we are all going to ask the Holy Trinity for Portugal and for the whole world.
Why is the Rosary the weapon that fights the devil? Because the devil has horror to the prayer that the Angel – with beautiful words said to My ears and My Heart about the greatness of the presence of Jesus, about the treasure of the descent of the Holy Spirit, who performed the miracle of Jesus, in the life of each one of us.
Why will the Holy Rosary heal many of you, children?
Because everyone is sick. Being sick children, is not having a wound in the flesh. To be sick is to have a wound in the soul. He who has a wound in the flesh, has an illness, a trial, a cross. There are many Saints who have had this wound in the flesh. There are many chosen ones of the Father who today have this wound, but are not sick. The sick are those who lack God, who lack prayer.
My children, the world is in the moment of greatest suffering. The greatest! It is a lot of suffering. It is an invisible suffering, but one that is making people sick, seriously ill. It is the lack of dignity, honesty, justice and forgiveness.
That is why, little children, Jesus taught the world to follow in the way of prayer, of the Eucharist. Jesus fought to save humanity from this disease, but men has been making wrong choices. God gave you freedom, but men doesn’t always wants that path. God wants you out of love, not out of duty, of obligation. God gave you the freedom to walk His way. Whoever chooses this path, of love, of fraternity, of family, has the Holy Rosary as a weapon of victory. Bend your knees, My children, and talk to God. Give God your temporal, material and spiritual needs, ask Him about your work, your health, strength, faith, courage and joy.
Humanity is without courage, hopeless and unbelieving. But Jesus, children, is our hope. Happy is the heart that waits, that trusts, that believes in the mercy that Jesus is.
I, Mary, as Mother of the Holy Rosary, make the greatest appeal, which is prayer, for you to come out of your pain, your sadness, your resentment, your hurt. Pray to be free from addiction, whatever it may be : greed, drink and others. The remedy is prayer! To achieve grace: Prayer! To be holy: Prayer! Prayer is everything in man’s life. But there are still many children who do not know how to pray. It is sad to tell you that. I’ve been saying the same thing for so many years, but many still don’t know how to pray. To pray is to speak to God! To pray is to mirror God! It is to contemplate the wonders of God, which is God Himself: Jesus Christ! It is the Father who gives us bread, strength, faith, perseverance.
My children, I always press the same button, many still do not know how to pray. They do not know how to put their thoughts on the Creator. They let themselves be enveloped by the world, by worldly traps, by bad thoughts. The devil then uses this fragility to lead man to the diseases of these end times, which are diseases of the heart.
The son who has a heart without peace, without hope, he is the true sick. That is why that all over the world humanity will cry tears of pain, because many will do horrible things for lack of peace in their hearts, that certainty of God’s presence.
Little children, in the Word of the Lord we see beautiful passages in which Jesus Christ taught us that we can calm the sea. With our faith and trust we can calm the waves of the sea. The same teaching Jesus asks Me to bring to you today. The big wave is in people’s hearts today. Too much poison, too much pain, too much resentment. It is through prayer that you children, will be healed and delivered.
Stop and think, My dear children: “ God wants me in a state of grace ”!
Any of you can be chosen by the Father today. Any! If you are not in a state of grace, how will you attain heavenly grace? If you are sick, your mind, your words, your actions will be rebellious, treacherous, how will you reach Heaven in that state? It is easy to blame Heaven. The difficult thing is to know that Heaven is forgiveness, is love, immense love for us!
Children, God created everything. Everything belongs to Him: your home, your family, the children, the youth, the priests. Everything belongs to the Father! That is why children, Jesus Christ teaches us to pray. And, I, Mary, am here, the Mother of the Holy Rosary! I bring with Me the Rosary in the colour of Light, so that the world also seeks that Light and does not perish under darkness, under pain.
We must pray, dear children! It is necessary to look at this world and know that God, wants to make new all the creatures He created. The Holy Spirit must descend on us at this hour, on this day, at this moment, and come to bring the Light, which the world needs so that man does not suffer the consequences of his disobedience and his lack of fear of God.
God is just, children! The person can hide inside the walls of his home, but he does not hide itself before the justice of God. God is very fair! Faith moves, faith heals, but a person must truly believe.
So, don’t live on crumbs, Live Heaven! Embrace the Holy Rosary in your life, as it causes you to be blessed by the Holy Spirit of God.
The Angel’s words were led by the Holy Spirit. In each Hail Mary, in each Our Father, you children, receive the Holy Spirit in your life. So the world needs to pray a lot! If the world is in darkness, it is the Light of the Holy Spirit that will heal and sanctify the world.
Children in Heaven, there are many Saints who are very strong and able to help you, like Saint padre Pio, a Saint very present, with a beautiful authenticity and charity. He lived and served God with all His heart and soul. He gave himself entirely to the service of the work of love. Today we are here in this Sacred place Corgo da Igreija, under His protection as well.
Because the saints are an example of faith. You children are also Saints! God wants you Saints! I, Mary, Mother of Goodness, want to see you Saints.
Children, God can give you everything you ask of Him. However, you only look for Him when illnesses, problems, difficulties strike you – and imagine that God is distant, that He does not listen to you and does not answer your prayers. No, My dear children, this is not true! If you live far from God, you cannot receive graces because you do not seek them out with solid faith.
Pray, with Me, My children, for a new life for all of you. Pray, and be courageous, testimonies of the Good News in every situation. Only then children, God will bless you and give you everything you ask of Him in faith. At this moment I am listening to your requests, and I am interceding for you before My Son Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life.
I come to you, because My Son sends Me, to guide you to Him, so that you may find true peace, because this modern world of yours cannot offer you real peace.
Therefore, children, pray, pray, pray a lot, for My plans, projects are carried out in this Sacred Place Corgo da igreija.
My children, I, the Mother of Humanity, come from Heaven to ask each of you for more love, more faith, to love each other, children, as true brothers, love one another and everyone will be happy. I ask, My children, to turn away from sin, do not allow sin to dominate you, try to confess. I see many children, who are here today in this Sacred Place, Corgo da Igreija, have not confessed for a long time. My children confess your sins. Many trials are coming. I am with you all, pray a lot for the Holy and sinful Church of My Son Jesus Christ.
For a long time I have come to ask all of humanity for your love, but unfortunately hatred is increasing in the hearts of man. Therefore, that is why all of you are living in a time of violence, epidemic, greed. Difficult days are coming. It is necessary to pray even more, this is My request. I ask you to pray a lot for My predilected children, the priests, because many of them have forgotten the true way and walk in the path of sins.
Children, everything that God created is being destroyed by men. Do not destroy nature, do not pollute water. One day everyone will run out of drinking water, if humanity continues polluting the air, diseases will also come, diseases that will kill many in a few minutes.
Dear children, the day will come that everyone will suffer, with the heat, because global warming will be increasing.
Pray, pray, pray My children, what I speak to you today is not to scare you, but to make you ready.
Before I finish I would like to say a few words to My youth : I ask all the young people to renounce evil, not to use satanic symbols on your bodies, to renounce all satanic music, to abandon addictions. I often cry when I see young people at these diabolical parties.
My young children, pray, abandon everything that belongs to My enemy, he acts even through a simple object, he wants to destroy you all through the tattoo. Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, do not desecrate them, return to God, trust and walk on the path of Salvation.
Now I address these two predilected sons, the priests: thank you, thank you, thank you so much for coming again to this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, to celebrate Holy Mass.
I would like to ask you, My predilected children, before the Mass that you will celebrate, confess your sins today, before My Archangel Michael.
You should also do the same thing in your parishes, but in front of the Blessed Sacrament, so that you can celebrate a good Holy Mass for your faithful, cleansed of your sins. That is how you must always remain faithful to My Son Jesus Christ. My blessing to all.
For the children who came for the first time to this small-great Sanctuary Corgo da Igreija, for the sick which are here and for the children of the whole world, I, the Mother of Jesus, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in this place Corgo da Igreija, give you a very special blessing, in particular to My two predilected children, the Priests, and all pilgrims, I do it in the Name of God the Father, Son and Divine Holy Spirit. May They bless you and keep you on your return home. Amen.
Mary Mother of Goodness.
(Publication reviewed by Brother Fernando Pires)
New Manifestation of the Eucharistic Miracle. (4-10-2020)
Once again, the Eucharistic Miracle occurred in the mouth of Brother Fernando Pires,(the visionary) with the Holy Communion to be given by Archangel S. Miguel, which becomes visible by touching his tongue.
video at the Corgo da Igreja site _ MaedaBondadeTV
Message from the 1st of NOVEMBER of 2020
(From Holy Michael Archangel)
My brothers and sisters, I Michael the Archangel, I have prepared you for the coming of the days of the great Purification, in which your faith will be put to the test and you will be purified, only then will you, my brothers, be able to enter tomorrow the New Heavens and the New Earth, the paradise which the Most High has prepared for His Faithful People. And you can only enter if you are spiritually prepared, you can also resist the days of anguish, suffering and purification that lie ahead of you.
Immediately stop worrying about the things of this world. Brothers, only worry for the salvation of your soul, which is the greatest treasure that you must take care of. So, hurry up brothers and sisters, to make a good general confession and make reparation for your sins. Go to a priest and confess to him everything, so that your soul in its passage to eternity will not suffer. Reconsider, rebel brothers, you have very little time left. Listen to the messages from Heaven and put them into practice, because they call you to conversion. Do not continue hardening your heart, brothers, lest you have anything to regret tomorrow when you reach eternity, because it will be too late for you.
Before I give the message from Our Mother in Heaven to our brother Fernando, I ask, pray brothers, repair the wrong done, love your neighbour as yourself, respect the Divine Law, be true and do not stray from Our Mother from the Heaven and earth. Stay all in the Peace of the Most High. Amen.
Your brother and server, Michael Archangel
Message from the Mother of Heaven
My dear children, we breathe the presence of the Glory of God. We breathe the Glory of the Lord which is the Resurrection in Jesus! Today’s beautiful reflection will be in honour of those who were once so special to you. When thinking about them, we have to reflect on the beauty of Heaven.
What is Heaven? How we need to fight to deserve to enter Heaven, to be happily together with the Father, eternally experiencing the Glory of life in Full. This is the great reflection present today in the heart of humanity: life is a quick passage over the earth to the encounter of an eternal place, which is Heaven, My children!
That is why I fight so hard for you. I come and call you to conversion! I’ll show you the way! I ask for you devotion! I come and cover with My Mantle all your needs: spiritual, material and temporal.
I come and look lovingly at the great needs of the afflicted and suffering children. I come to help – through the Mercy of My Son Jesus Christ – the whole world to reflect on this day.
This is the day when the parents that are no longer present by the side of the children, are remember by the heart of their children, and by the hearts of the parents, the children who no longer have them by their side. Also remembered are so many saints who are already with God – angels who have passed among you. Today’s reflection is the most beautiful of all, because it makes us understand that pride, vanity, selfishness are useless, avarice, lust, is useless. What in fact, we need is to have a heart at peace: It is useless to want to win the world if we lose the greatest grace that is the soul.
We have to be wise and holy. The great children of God called to be holy are all of us! Each one, children, is called to be holy by the Father.
My children, let us all reflect on the mission of being holy. The human being lives on this beautiful land, surrounded by enchantments, because God made everything so special for those who are special to Him. We are always in the hands of God.
The matter, My children, is simply a human form, it is not the life of the creature, which we see full of life as long as God allows it. God allows life on the body so that you can cultivate the mission of fighting for Heaven, for Eternal Life. This must be the reflection of each one on this Holy day, on this day dedicated to all the Saints, to the holy souls, to the children of God who are already before the Father. There are also those who are not yet before the Father, but who are waiting their time. May Jesus grant them much mercy. May Jesus grant redemption to these souls.
In Heaven, My children, the soul lives forever. In Heaven there is no weight of the earth, the weight of power, greed, injustice, divisions, but only the beauty of holiness. This is the Kingdom of God.
This is the reflection we have to make about death. I know that you have the devotion to go to the cemetery, to visit your dear and faithful brothers who have already left, but you cannot do it at the moment because you have to comply with the rules of the health authorities in your area of health. But it is important, My children, to remember that the matter decomposes, while the soul is fully transformed into the victory of the resurrection.
This reflection on transformation is beautiful, My children. That is why, when Jesus took the bread in His hands, and then took the wine in His hands saying: This is My Body! This is My Blood, He thought of the Father’s House, He thought of a place of peace to which He desires that all the chosen ones, the persevering ones, those who receive the Holy Eucharist in their mouth, will also receive the glory of looking at Jesus. Jesus, in there with His arms outstretched, will pour all His Love on you, He will welcome you in this very holy place, Corgo da Igreija, which is the Kingdom of God, Heaven! So, My little children, this reflection of wisdom remains for each one of us. May those who have already gone or those being harvested today, be also blessed, who have the privilege of receiving this great grace of being welcomed by Jesus.
My children, when we are moved by faith, no storm shakes us or bother us, we must always have a life of prayer. It is not easy to face the enemy’s storms, to cross difficult barriers, to step on thorns and to win the war. We are facing a struggle between Heaven, which is good, fighting all that evil that is present on earth to destroy the purity, the happiness, the joy of the family, to destroy the children of God. Evil wants to remove the essence that makes us light, which is the Presence of the Holy Spirit in us – over us , leading us in a beautiful way to meet Jesus Christ.
My dear children, with so much confusion in the world, and between the Church of My Son Jesus on earth, the challenge for humanity is to be able to differentiate between right and wrong in the Eyes of God. But, many Christians will be pushed away from My Son Jesus and from Me, by a new global form of evangelization, which will focus exclusively on politics. Instead of being encouraged to remain faithful to My Son Jesus and to trust all that He is. Never My children, should you be confused in Jesus Word, with the aspirations of a secular world. Jesus always made it clear to mankind, through the Book of the Father, of the dangers of doing this. A secular world only serves the children with their own needs, and to men of power with ambition and selfish aspirations, and create the rules that govern them.
Much misinformation has been spread about the virus and the environment, when only God can heal and dictate how the earth behaves. Man can harm and damage the earth, but he can never destroy it, because all these things are in the Hands of God. The lack of trust in God means that man believes that he has control over the universe. The foolish man, My children, thinks that his actions can change the Laws of God. The wise man knows that God is Almighty, and as long as He is revered and His laws are fulfilled, then man’s survival will be assured. Children, the survival of the earth has nothing to do with mortal man, only God has the power to control the air you breathe, the water you drink and the ability to sustain life.
The only danger to humanity is man himself.
Man will deceive others in the interest of his own gain. He will lie if it is to his own advantage and when it suits him. Trust is easily broken, and you children are now living in a time when you must know that the earth will remain as it was before, and that any climatic disturbance is by the Hand of God. Man’s intervention in a divine creation will only be allowed if it is in accordance with God’s will.
My dear children, all the visionaries who are in communication with the Divine truth, through Me, as is the case of this My Son, will light the flame of the Holy Spirit, in order to be able to divulge and repeat My messages again. Be adequately prepared for the battle ahead.
As I said, My children, beware of vaccines, because millions will come with the chip, which is a mark of the devil, that they want to introduce you to when they are injected. Do not fall into the deception of the servants of evil, because they are looking to mark humanity with this chip and decimate the world population, especially those of older age.
Everything is a conspiracy of the emissaries, who are taking advantage of this epidemic, to mark humanity, decimate it and enslave it.
My dear little children, consecrate yourselves as soon as possible to our Two Hearts, extending your consecration to your children, family and brothers of prayer, so that everyone may be freed and protected from the chip and from all the deceptions and conspiracies of the emissaries of evil.
Remember, My children, that Heaven will not abandon you, therefore do not fear, I, your Mother of Goodness, will take care of you. The protection of My Holy Rosary will not let any force of evil harm you in your life. None of the children, devotees of My Rosary will be lost, nor their families, I promise you: Remember: what seems impossible for men is possible for God; I, your Mother, will not let any sheep from the flock of My Son Jesus to be lost. For this reason, hold on to My Holy Rosary, because together with the consecration to Our Two Hearts, they are the greatest protection that Heaven gives you for this end of time.
I bless all, children, affectionately. May God always strengthen you in faith, trust, perseverance and the grace to walk on the path of Eternal Life: Jesus! Let your feet touch this grace. When you are, in fact, of Jesus, nothing will shake you, nothing will destroy you, and nothing will stop you from following the path of truth. May Jesus be before you and may you follow in His footsteps every moment of your life. We all have as a great grace – and merit to receive – which is to follow Jesus’ footsteps here on earth and to be led to Heaven by Jesus. Happy is the one who knows Him and lives in fact His will.
I ask God to bless all of you who continue on this mission here on earth. I also ask God to bless the families of those who are in despair, because they are close to losing someone they love; may God comfort them. Always remember that this world is a passage. The most beautiful thing in life is to be aware that you are never alone when you are a child of faith, not even when your time comes, which is at the time of your death. I, Mary, and Jesus will always be with those who are faithful to God.
May each one of you devote a special devotion to a Saint who brings the strength to win the battle.
May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – the Most Holy Trinity – bless you and all souls. Those who are already with the Father, be intercessors of peace and light for the world, especially for our young people and for our children, so that they may be instruments of peace and love!
Remain in peace, all children of the whole world, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Mary, Mother of Goodness.
(Publication reviewed by Brother Fernando Pires)
Prayer for November (01-11-2020)
Holy Father, eternal and almighty God, we ask you for all the deceased, who You have called from this world. Give them happiness, light and peace. May they, having passed through death, participate in the coexistence of Your Saints in the eternal light, as you promised Abraham and His descendants. May their soul suffer nothing, and be worthy to resurrect with Your Saints on the day of resurrection and reward. Forgive their sins so they may reach immortal life in the eternal kingdom with You. Through Jesus Christ, your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen .
Our Father
Hail Mary
Message from the 6th of DECEMBER 2020
My brothers and sisters, I Archangel Gabriel, I am here again in this chapel of our brother Fernando (visionary), to leave a message from Our Mother in Heaven.
I would like to give my blessing to all the brothers of the whole world.
Peace brothers! The blessing of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Archangel Gabriel
Message from Our Mother in Heaven
My dear little children! With love and wisdom I want to embrace all the children into My heart, and entrust you to Jesus in this beautiful month in preparing our hearts so that the Baby God may indeed reign in each one of us.
This month, My children, being unable to leave your homes, and complying with the rules and governmental orders of your country, make again your houses Churches, consecrating to Our two Hearts, asking God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all, ask for mercy, for all the suffering, especially for this epidemic, that you have lived and are living until now and which is multiplying.
In this month too and on the day dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, to the Immaculate Conception, I always make a request to Jesus: that He has compassion and mercy on all souls, on all children and especially on the one who most needs this mercy.
How many children and hearts are in great need of Jesus Mercy! How many have been through trials and hardships, little children!
Children, today I feel what Jesus always makes Me feel: that without the mercy, the world will not have the grace of victory. Sadly, man forgot the greatest brightness in the world: Jesus Christ, who leads us to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that makes us live fully the love of God the Father.
My children, Jesus has always taught Me that we can face the greatest battle, but if we have God, we win. We can be before the greatest war, if we have God, we win that war. We may be facing an epidemic, but if we have God, we will be consoled. Even with tears, Jesus always made Me understand that when we have God, we have everything in life. This taught Me the One who is God Himself. And this is, children, what I Mary, Immaculate Conception, have taught you.
I am only the Immaculate Mother, Is the one who loves Her children. A mother, when she loves, she gives everything to God – which is the source. God hears a mother’s cry, and not only the Immaculate Mother, but also of all mothers worldwide. Children God always listens to a mother’s heart. He looks at that son, at that daughter, that mother who is crying out for her children. And the Immaculate Conception is the Mother who cries out to God for all the children. In the present moment She asks for mercy. Mercy, little children, because man is not living filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Man is empty, divided, he is allowing the devil to destroy his family, his mission, his journey.
Children, Jesus Christ left us free, free to have the grace to walk. He did not force us, nor does He force us to do anything. The choice is your happiness, if you choose a happy life, you will cultivate that happy life.
Children, you will enter the month of Christmas. As I told you, for Me every month is Christmas! Christmas is family! Who is the family? The family is all of you, the children who are born every month, the priest, the father, the mother, the child, the elderly, the missionary. Everyone is a family! And you must pray a lot for the priests, bishops, cardinals, because I see that they are going more and more to purgatory.
Your life is Christmas. Your life is the essence of Christmas, it is Jesus, it is the family, it is love, it is forgiveness. A family can never hold a grudge.
My children, prepare well for the spirituality of Christmas. Jesus expects the door of your home and your heart to open to Him. This happens because you do not open your heart to those who are closest to you. Embrace those closest to you and welcome them. Live with more joy with them. Serving God is an act of humility, constant. Love, love, love, forgive, forgive, forgive, do good. Even if you are not rewarded in the same way, do good.
My dear children, the world needs much conversion! The humanity, families and all the people of God. Let the Light of Heaven enter your life. Let the Child Jesus enter your hearts and the hearts of your families and all of humanity. Allow the Child Jesus to be born every month in the lives of all the children of God on earth. Allow it, children! Because only God, only God can relieve the suffering of this pandemic. Only the Divine Mercy, and not men!
My dear children, I would like much that you receive the Baby Jesus in your life when you receive My blessing. Truly live this Christmas in your homes. Be Light! Be evangelizers! Have the joy of evangelizing.
My dear little children, consecrate yourselves definitively to this Shrine Corgo da Igreja, which is the Shrine of families, to be a Shrine of Light for the world, a Shrine of Light for the people of God.
God wants a world of blessings!
I have taught you, to hold on tightly to your Holy Rosary, your little rosary – only then will you fight and overcome the devil. This is our victory, it is the prayer! Our victory comes through prayer.
My children, you must never despair. Nothing can stand in the way of what belongs to God! Never forget that! What is of God has a much greater strength than the snare that the enemy wants to set to bring down those children who pray, those who walk, those who evangelize.
My children, Jesus Christ said very strongly: If you pray, nothing can destroy you, even if you are facing destruction. And if we look at the world, we will see that it is in pieces. We don’t talk about nature, we talk about man, children, young people, mothers, fathers, missionaries, the people of God, the Church of God.
With Him, My children, you achieve everything that you need. Without Him, you cannot achieve anything, because He is the Light, all the Light.
I finish My children, telling you that this Christmas, you must live faithfully your Consecration to Me and to My Son Jesus Christ, in your hearts, prepare yourselves, cleanse your hearts from hate, because only then will you have a Christmas, at home, full of Peace and Joy in Christ.
With My blessings of Mother of Immaculate Conception, I wish all children around the world a Merry Christmas and a New Year in your homes.
I bless you all, with My Immaculate Heart, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Mary, Mother of Goodness
(Publication reviewed by Brother Fernando Pires)
Message from Brother Fernando Pires (visionary) (06-12-2020)
My brothers and sisters, Christmas is a date on which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In ancient times, Christmas was celebrated on several different dates, as the date of Jesus birth was not known exactly. In one of the messages from Our Mother in Heaven, She spoke to us that from October we could already put the image of the Child Jesus in our homes. And for Her every month is the birth of Jesus Christ.
My brothers, let us not make the Christmas of Christ, a market of faith, may we not be so profane in our celebrations so that we do not forget the songs of praise, of sharing prayers, of being faithful listeners to all the humble, just as Christ was, His family. A full table does not translate a happy heart.
That in all our houses, rich or poor, let our hope in Christ our Saviour be present, our guide, the open door to our true home.
Brothers, may Jesus be remembered as the true meaning of all the lights of all cities, villages and our homes, of all the symbols of Christmas, of all the colours of all those present, of all the enchantments and all the cribs.
Brothers, Christmas it is a time when we are so sensitive and happy – that we infect everyone and that we can reflect on our true friends.
We take stock of our lives, add up all the joys and subtract the sorrows.
Brothers, having Jesus as a friend is a gift. His company in the most difficult moments, makes us lighter. To love, is to believe in the other brother, share dreams, receive, deliver, forgive, understand and accept. To love is to want to be together, united by thought, by goals, by the same desires.
May we in this Christmas be able to forget everything that happened and enjoy the joy and the festivities together. Certainly, it is time to look back and reflect on everything we have been through. It is a date when we all fellowship in brotherly love. And that our relationship gets even closer and that our friendship lasts forever. May we brothers and sisters continue to be that exemplary, a brother responsible and a fighter, as I am sure, with the help of Our Heavenly Mother, that we will be able to accomplish all our goals, have faith and will all be a winner.
May the next year be for us a constant exchange of tenderness and fulfilment of our dreams and desires. I end, my brothers and sisters, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Brother Fernando Pires
(Publication reviewed by Brother Fernando Pires)
(05-05-1922 to 05-07-2020) (98 years)
We inform all the Pilgrims, friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, that Fr. Padre Manuel Vieira passed away on the dawn of the 1st SUNDAY of JULY (05-07-2020), at the Hospital São Bernardo in Setubal, Portugal.
Explanatory note:
This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”