Messages 2015


YEAR 2015

Messages of each month from this year.

WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.


Message of Our Lady Mother of Goodness

Revealed to Brother Fernando Pires, on , , at the place of the apparitions (Corgo da Igreja).



Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message January 4th 2015

My dear little children, many of you have celebrated the coming of the new year, but you do not know what is to come. The events will approach very fast , they will succeed one after another, I am again warning the whole world, remember that I am here trying to help humanity find the way to Salvation. Why am I warning you? Because God sends Me to warn His dear children. Few of you hear Me and many of you are not yet converted.

Insistently I ask you to pray My Rosary, I tell you this to you and to the children of the whole world. Trust me, take My hands, the hands of God and we will walk together on the road of Salvation, on the road of Peace and Love, in the ways of God and His infinite Love, He calls you and will always call you to turn to Him.

I wish that each day, each moment, each gesture, each word and each act of yours contain graces and praises in honour to God. My children I know that you are weak and that human weakness is reigning in the world more and more, but your life can not continue to oscillate between right and wrong ,is necessary that you strive and strive for a more lovingly life, more dignified, more holy, and more admirable, and I, who am Mother of Good Counsel, now call you all to Holiness of life. Pray much, My little children, and you will understand why I have been appearing in the world for so long in various places .

wished that everyone would see Me in the apparition’s, but only in Eternity will all be able to see Me and with Me will be happy forever with God in His love.

My dear children, My love for you is very great, is eternal, but the permanence of My appearances in the world is not eternal. In Heaven yes, I will always be there with you and with God, it is there that I await all of you to live with Me in this eternity of wonders .

Now there is no more time to waste My children, I am an afflicted Mother, and I’m afflicted for each one of you, it is necessary that all without exception, convert as quick as possible to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, before it is too late .

I ask you little children, to go to Mass and read Sacred Scripture as much as possible, for all the Words that I have spoken have been taken from there.

My dear children, it is the Prayer that will lead you to God, and He will cover you with His Blessing and His love, will cover you with Grace and Peace. This is very good little children, however many of you are putting aside this Grace, this encounter with the Lord and despise Him. Meet with Him. You are not giving yourselves completely to God, whoever gives himself to God has nothing to fear. Why are you afraid of the future, of things, of people…? Do you not trust Me? Am I not your Mother? To the children, you give all the attention and care, and you My children? Do you think God and I do not care about your well-being? God protects you, My dear children, He is always with you, though you do not see Him nor feel Him, He is Love, is Life, is Peace, is Salvation. No problem will be too great for Him. If you surrender yourself into the hands of God, you will overcome all spiritual battles, all your difficulties and problems.

When you have any problem go to the church, to the Tabernacle and place it at the feet of Jesus, tell Him of your difficulties and your feelings, He listens to you and pays all attention when you talk to Him, you do not go unnoticed by Jesus when you go to the Church. Try to strive to endure every pain, every disease and every trial that comes to you.

In this New Year, I wish to all Peace, and I want you to know that I am always with you, I’ll never be far, ever.

Before I finish My dear little children, I urge you to pray for your Pope , he will need your prayers very much in this New Year.

I ask you to pray always, without ever being discouraged, I repeat: Your sincere and perfect prayers will save humanity.

My blessing, for the sick who are here in this humble place Corgo da Igreija, and also for all the others. Return to your homes I give you My Blessing. May God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you and keep you. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 1st 2015

My dear little children, on February the 16th , the day of the celebration of the beginning of My apparitions here in Corgo da Igreija, I will be with you again and I will give you another Message, a little longer, to transmit to you My warnings and orientations. Until then My children, what I ask you mostly, is that you seek a priest or a spiritual director and confess your sins, so that when arrives on the 16th, day of My anniversary, you be all prepared to receive My Son Jesus Christ. The priest, My children, is a spiritual guide, who will help you to seek the best solutions in the name of God, your God who will open the door of Paradise to you when the time comes.

Children, place the Holy Mass at the centre of your lives, there you will find God and receive Him, to walk with Him on this world in which you live. Do penance, sacrifices and fasting, and offer them to the Lord with love, and He will reward you for each pain you feel, for each illness, for each suffering, surrender everything immediately into His hands and you will not become depressed. Jesus, My children, Has suffered much more than you and is Alive and Risen, all depends on your will and your surrender children, He loves you so much that He surrendered Himself to a cross and humbled Himself to the utmost to save you.

Now, take each one your crosses and go with Him to Calvary, think in Him and suffer with Him, try to endeavour My dear little children, to endure each pain, each sickness and every trial that comes to you, Pray to understand that suffering can become joy and the cross the way to Heaven.

My dear children, I come to this humble place and to other places of the whole world to say to you: – I am your Mother, I am the Mother of the Lord, I am the true Mother of God that relieves your sufferings. Pray much! Believe in Me and I will accept you as My children, trust in My Messages, obey My Messages, believe in My messages. I come to your country to call to prayer all My children from all over the world, I desire a more and more ardent prayer, deep and pure, made with Me, because it is through Me that you can reach everything from the Lord, even the conversion of the hardest of heart. That is why I have made many conversions in this place and in other parts of the world, to show that prayers convert many children.

My children, no one is lost, if you pray, if you persevere in prayer for the conversion of sinners, you will see the conversion of many of them.

From now on, in the course of time you will only find suffering and terrible storms! I am very distress because of all this in you. The events that will arise in your world will not be very pleasant, this is My Motherly warning: Pray, pray, pray My Rosary very much, your future is serious and you are in great danger of suffering. My children, when I speak of storms, I speak in particular of the poison of evil that today is destroying the youth, today the youth no longer have joy in their hearts, the youth does not want to take on a mission with Christ. I as a guiding Mother, in these difficult times in which man insists on saying that it is the end of the world, I tell you that it is not the end of the world, but yes its transformation. Today man lets himself be destroyed, how many souls are far, in the darkness of the abyss because they have no dignity, and the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Today, in which you are here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja , to pray My Rosary, is a very sad day, especially for many nations, nations that forget to be God-fearing. I would like to say to these nations that My Heart and of My Son Jesus Christ are open to you! I am the Mother of God, your Mother, the Mother of Goodness, the Patroness OF ALL NATIONS! The Mother of all the peoples of the world.

Dear children, I have blessed you all affectionately, I was immensely happy with this moment of faith, with your presence here in this humble Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, and with great joy I blessed the sons and daughters who came from afar, I am sure that they will have days of peace, joy, much consolation in Jesus and much growth in Faith.

May this year be dedicated to praying for Peace in your world, for your Pope Francis, priests and bishops. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 16th 2015 on the anniversary of the apparition’s

Dear little children, today you commemorate 16 years of My apparition’s here in Corgo da Igreija with My Son Jesus Christ, Saint Joseph, the Divine Holy Spirit, My Angels and My Saints.

For 16 years now, I have been here indicating the world the way to achieve peace, salvation and reach God. How many conversions I have done here! … How many blessings I have poured out on you! … Children, always have in your hearts the confidence that everything can be changed by the power of prayer.

On this feast day, to be here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija , to see many children moved by Faith, with love in the heart, humble and confident, willing to know the truth which is God, is for Me and for My Immaculate Heart a moment of great joy.

My children, it is also wonderful to know that you feel here the presence of God the Father, God the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit.

At this moment so special for Me, give thanks to God for this day of grace, and with fasting offer it for peace throughout the world.

I want you to remember the abandoned children, the youth, the families that have no affection, protection or love, so that Jesus looks at them in a very special way, grant them His Mercy and make this world a new world.

Today I welcome in My heart , with much love the children, the youth, the parents, the mothers, and all the children who are here, I ask the Divine Holy Spirit to grant them the gifts of Wisdom , Humility , Strength , Courage , and Love .

I hope that all of you will be aware of the great transformation that My Son Jesus wants to make in your hearts, wants to free your hearts from hatredangersinwickednesstemptations and the snares of the enemy.

Humanity is about to witness the great transformation of the world. I am very happy for this, and I tell you that I desire this transformation, because it hurts Me very much to look at My children and to see so much poverty, so much rot, so much sadness, so much anguish, so much suffering, so much depression, and all consequence of the sin present in the world. Today man has completely lost the notion of love, he does not know how to love anymore, he no longer knows how to respect his brother, or life, he does not trust in Heaven.

What I desire is a transformed world where man is God-fearing. I ask you dear children, to do what you most need to do: to Convert and accept the teachings of My Son Jesus Christ, to be good children and do His will.

It is wonderful to be a blessed child of God, and to correspond to the requirements set forth by Jesus in the Beatitudes.

My children, discover the value you have in you! Look into your hearts, acknowledge the sons of God that you are. The time of Mercy and Grace is running out, in this time the teachings of Jesus are still present in your midst, showing you the way of eternal life, be aware that your mission is not the most difficult, your crosses are not that heavy … Everything is easy for the one who loves, but without love everything becomes heavy. Remember that love conquers all.

Children, I need you to seek this love in you, work in your hearts this source of grace and life, so that you may truly live a life of peace, hope and Faith.

I feel sad to see a home where the father and the mother do not know how to love, there is even children, who dedicate themselves to a priestly life without love …

Dear children, today on this feast day, My Immaculate Heart gives you My Peace of Mother! Peace for your hearts, for your souls, for your families and for the whole world. The peace I give you is not false, illusory and temporarily … My Motherly Heart gives you the Divine Peace, the Peace of God, a Lasting Peace. This will happen if you turn to the Lord through My Immaculate Heart, following the path of conversionprayer and penance that you are called here in this Holy Place Corgo da Igreija, or elsewhere where I reveal My Immaculate Heart and grant the My graces and My love to the whole world. Here, I asked you this hour of prayer at noon. At such times I can manifest to you My  love and show you how you should walk in order to achieve holiness. When you do what I ask of you, My Heart rejoices and obtains through you its triumph and its victory.

My dear little children, I tell you again that I love you very much, I am the protector of all My children the pilgrims who come to this Holy place, elected by God, to pray the Rosary and strive to obey My Messages. Here, My children, Heaven has reserved for you Graces, which are granted to you without limits and that you can recollect when you deserve them.

However … what happens is that your spiritual life does not improve, because you do not have your hearts open to the Grace of God, do not renounce to which is necessary to be renounced, do not leave what must be left, you do not give God what belongs to Him by right. Many graces are not given because many children do not want them.

My Son Jesus is the Daily Bread, He gives Himself to you, spiritually and in every sacrifice of Holy Mass, He is the Bread that came down from Heaven, which is made alive in you, which feeds your spirit and gives Light to your senses.

My children, you will see how great is the mystery of Transubstantiation, of the flesh and the spirit enclosed in the Host of My Son Jesus! Then you will eat His body and drink His blood with true love and surrender, with Faith you will feel His spiritual presence in you. If humanity understood the greatness and the meaning of each Consecrated Host, it would receive Communion more often  more often. Unfortunately many do it unworthily. How it hurts Me to see the contempt and lack of consciousness of these children.

Can you understand the mystery of Love you receive in each Communion? Every time you are free from sin, Jesus is made alive in you, but when you receive Him unworthily, or in the hand, you are you not aware that you are offending Him and despising Him?

My little children, reflect and change your behaviour so that when you arrive at the Supreme Court, you do not have to regret. I wish that you may remember that in Holy Communion you receive the richest food (nourishment) in the world – Jesus, the Eucharist. Love the Holy Eucharist more and more and remember that the Word of God is the source of Love and the constructer of truth.

Before finishing My dear children, I WANT TO REMIND YOU that your bodies after the earthly death must return to the earth, from where they came, and the spirit must return to God, from where it comes. The decomposition of your bodies must be carried out by the process of the earth, and not by fire. Let this be very clear to you My children, so that you do not continue to pass through the fire your relatives.

Again I say unto you, You are dust, and in dust you shall be converted. Earth belongs to the earth and the Spirit to God.

My children, it has been a joy for Me to be here with you in this Holy Place Corgo da Igreija, during these 16 years. For you too, because your heart rejoices knowing that this work is from God. Corgo da Igreija is a privileged place, a blessed place, because God put His eyes and His hands in the heart of this place, poured here Graces and His Mercy. I thank you for your courage, for facing all the difficulties and persecutions that you come across during these 16 years. You are still facing these problems, because if it depended on some children and what they say, this sacred place would no longer exist … However, this is Divine Work, and what is Divine can never end, it always tends to grow, which has surprised those who do not want to believe.

To My children , who harm their brothers, so as not to lose their positions in the Church, to these I say: How hypocritical you are! You are not in the truth.

My children of the Light of Jesus, be strong, defend the truth, because hypocrisy will one day be judged, and I, My children, will always fight with all My heart so that this Place Corgo da Igreija, will be like those places that already are consecrated by the Holy Church. Count with Me, My dear children, for this mission.

Pray much for the priests ! Pray much for the Holy Church.

I am very happy with all of you who came here to celebrate the day of My first apparition. Thank you so much for these beautiful flowers that you placed on My Altar.

Thank you to those who came from afar, to everyone here and to those here for the first time.

Thank you for the great honour and homage you give to your Mother of Goodness. May this Message always be present in your hearts and help you to live in conformity with what God truly wants from you, that you be servants of the Lord, and that you be always united, under the Blessing of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message March 1st 2015

My dear little children, My words are of peace, peace, much peace, I desire that you recognize the heavenly Peace, and by pure prayer made with the heart, you may live this peace on Earth.

You already know that we are going through a cycle of changes in the world,  that is why I prepare you, month by month, day by day, today I invite you again to make Adoration to Jesus in every prayer, and contemplate the Merciful Christ. If you do so, you will not only be raising your hearts a little more by Adoration, but you will also elevate the feelings and the thoughts of humanity that lives without My Son.

In this coming Easter, I also ask you to embrace Jesus and imagine yourself at the gates of Jerusalem to receive the Redeemer Messiah. Living the Pascal mystery, you can feel the sublime presence of the Most Holy Heart of Jesus. In truth, without My Son Jesus Christ you can not see what God has for each one of you, and it is now the time when all hearts should prepare for Easter. Do not waste time, seek My Son Jesus Christ and keep in your lives the mystery of Love that He offers you through His Mercy to the whole world, live in Him and with Him, for soon you will understand everything. For this to happen My dear little children, you must have much confidence in God and bring forth the flame of prayer which is one of the most precious instruments that God has given you.

My children, a sign of conversion is by living Love, a sign of Faith is to wish to be daily in the heart of My Son Jesus Christ, a sign of hope is to pray with Me for Peace and a sign of blessings is to feel that your lives are sources of the Mercy of God the Father.

I await you with joy My children, so we may pray together for the world. Praying with Me, will be granted to you a Ray of Grace that will become Salvation for the souls who feel lost in the world.

I also wanted to ask you to bring a palm on the first Sunday of April, Easter Day , so that I may bless and celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Before finishing, I also wanted to ask, when you pray My Rosary on Easter Day, offer it for your families, for sinners, for the dying, for the Church of My Son Jesus, for your Pope Francis, for the cardinals, bishops, priests and the religious, also included the souls in Purgatory, the youth and especially offer it for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Pray, pray, and trust in Me your Mother who loves you very much. Be firm examples in your commitments.

I, Mary, Mother of Goodness, give you the blessing and I do it in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message April 5th 2015

My dear little children, this day of Easter, the day we commemorate the Resurrection of My Son Jesus Christ , I Mary Mother of Goodness, the Mother of Love and Mercy I say to you: – Rejoice with Me, My children, because Jesus crucified and dead, rose with His glory, Immortal, never to die again.

I repeat again: – Rejoice with Me, because in Jesus Triumphant of evil, of sin and death, Mine and your triumph will be assured,  in the Risen Jesus, love overcomes hatred, His Mercy forgives sin, good conquers evil, truth is stronger than the lie, life achieves victory over death.

At this Easter, My dear little children, I give you some advice as Mother:

– Show that humility is worth more than pride, try to overcome a defect every day, overcome and reject the impulses of your heart that do not conform to the precepts of your faith, become aware of the enormous gravity of a lie, which so easily spreads, and causes so much damage to families, it is like poison that enters you without you realizing it yourself, and it is even worse, when it comes from the hearts and from the lips of My beloved children, even from those of you who receive My Son Jesus Christ often, who attend church, sometimes you easily pass from murmuring to lying, sometimes is born of envy and pride, at other times is small rivalries, even on the good but that make them become satanic. Dear children, fled from this sin so grave, which sows death in the honour of your brothers who live around you without you being aware of it.

If you can not speak well of your neighbour My children, be silent, it would be much better for you to remain mute than to use badly your tongue. Free yourselves from sin this Easter by the Holy Confession. Prepare well with an examination of conscience, before you make your Confession. Seek a minister of My Son Jesus Christ to make your Holy Confession. Thank God that He allowed the priest to listen to you in confession and forgive your sins in His name. Give also thanks to God for this grace of mercy which He gives you through the Sacrament of Confession, and above all because He has left the priests here on earth to administer this Sacrament. Pray, pray, pray My children very much and thank Jesus for the joys, the sufferings, for your crosses, for the daily bread, for everything you must thank the Lord.

Children, Christ is Life, is Resurrection, know how to accept all this and you may be raised to a New Life in Christ. In this Easter, open your hearts and let Faith and Love make eternal dwelling in them. I desire the Love of this Easter to be strengthened each day and each year.

I, My little children, love you very much, let yourselves be guided by this Mother who will be your refuge and protection in the days of trouble. Pray, pray, pray and trust. Be firm examples in your commitments, I Mary the Mother of the Risen Jesus Christ, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreija, with these Palms, I give you a very special Blessing and I do it in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message May 3rd 2015

My dear little children, first of all I address a few words to My dear son (visionary) chosen by My Son Jesus Christ: Dear son, your faithfulness to Me, to My Son Jesus Christ and to this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, is proven each day, many do try to impede your mission, but they can not do this, because of the Holy Protection conferred from Heaven. Those who cause you pain, suffering, or try to abuse you, will be punished, Jesus Christ will not tolerate such actions. Remember what was foretold, that no one can stop the fire of the Holy Spirit which Jesus sheds in My Sacred Messages addressed to mankind. So, son, I beg you to continue to ignore the obstacles placed before you and ignore any hatred, or arguments generated. My son, the three little shepherds (in Fatima) also suffered, and I am also rejected, insulted and humiliated, our enemy wants to withdraw your Mission and your Faith, if you pay attention to hate, it will spread, by ignoring it, it will die, because he can not find the food he needs to grow and will rot. Do not loose hope and do not hesitate, your indecisions often throw you down, and you suffer things that were not for you, if you thought better, by thinking that Me and My Son, that we were moving away from you, you get within you agonies, despair, impatience, fatigue of life, insecurity, imbalances and the diminishing in faith. No, My son, We are not moving away from you, with all your faults we love you, and we want to save you, We want you to continue this mission. Remember that I, your Mother Mary, I am at your side to defend you from all dangers, in all your journey. I hope that you correspond with prayers all your life, I see you sad for your family’s failure, but you know My dear son, that you should never condemn, because you are subject to the same definitions, because you are human. Pray for all and live with Me united by love. Certainly you will one day have a little place in Heaven, next to this your kindle Mother.

Now I am going to address to the children of the whole world:

My dear little children, I am the Mother of the beautiful Love and Mother of Goodness. On the 13th of May you will remember My first apparition in the Cova da Iria (Fatima), you are living the events that I have announced to you and what will happen. At this moment, I ask you all to pray for the unity of the world. You dear children, My followers, bring Me the consolation that I and My Son Jesus Christ, so much desire. I see the terrible pain and difficulties that are being faced by My children in every corners of the world. There are perverse sons in Europe and in the United States, who are among the world’s most powerful elites, who are perpetrating the biggest lie through their deliberate conspiracy to take control of the Middle East. Their weapons are money. The collapse of their banking systems was deliberate.

Pray, pray, pray very much My children, so that you can stop this evolution, you must join now little children, in prayer, to stop the European leaders, some of whom are capable of bringing terrible suffering to many innocent children. My children, never forget the importance of My Most Holy Rosary, because when you pray it every day, you are helping to save your nation. Ask Me for help and I will intercede for you, I will ask My Father, Most High God, to hold up the hand of justice for the severe punishment that He will pour over your world to prevent evil from spreading. My dear children, it is time to understand that My Messages are not to bring fear, they are meant to bring love, they are also used to warn those who commit sins and crimes, that they must redeem themselves before My Son Jesus, or they will be lost forever. I realize that sometimes you feel a burden, as recipients of these divine messages, My children, you should not be afraid, because your Faith and your prayers will help to dilute the effects of war, genocide, famine and apostasy. But you should never allow fear into your hearts, because fear does not come from My Son Jesus. It is important that all those children, who believe in the truth of the Holy Word of God, that is being given to the world at this time, remain calm. And because many children still deny the Bible, which contains the whole truth … the Holy Word of God, the events predicted in the Book of Revelation are now unfolding in your world. It is your duty My children to respond to the instructions of My Son Jesus Christ. Prayer and trust in My Son Jesus will bring your salvation. The Gift of the Seal of God alive, My children will be your greatest protection in times of war or conflict. Never forget dear little ones, the power of My Rosary, and with it you can dilute the impact of such events, unfortunately many of these events will happen because they have been prophesied.

 I appeal to all, to venerate your Blessed Mother, to understand that this is a call from Heaven. All the visionaries of the world will be instructed to pray in order to avoid the dangers associated with a world war. My children, it is very important to recite My Rosary daily, because with it you offer protection to the nations which still do not pray it. At this time, pray a lot for Europe and ask My Son Jesus Christ for the strength, courage and perseverance necessary to maintain your trust in God.

My dear little children, please pray with all your heart, for your Pope Francis, he suffers greatly and in many respects is alone in his sorrow because of the apostasy he sees, outside and within the Holy Vatican.

In this month of May I also wanted to ask you to pray for the African continent. Many children on that continent starve to death, without something to eat.

My heart fills with sadness as I witness My little ones dying of hunger and diseases. I repeat again, pray a lot for them My children. My greatest desire is to see your world full of Light, away from this rot of sickness, misery, poverty, sin. I trust and I am quite sure that your prayer will help the world to conquer. I am sure that My Heart will triumph.

Today is Mother’s Day, I want to give My congratulations to all the Mothers of the world, I feel happy to be the Mother of all Mothers, the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of Goodness, the Messenger of Heaven, here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, which brings you the Word of Salvation, the Word of the Lord.

I end by blessing all the Mothers, daughters and sons who are here present in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, and who came from afar. Through your presence, through the Caring of this Nation, Portugal, I as Patroness of this Nation, and also of the whole world, I want to cover with My Mantle of Love, all Nations of the earth, so that there may be Peace in the children of God, and harmony in the heart of each family.

My beloved children, I repeat: prayer is the resource I offer you for these very difficult times. Whatever happens, always remain firm in your Faith, have courage, I and My Son Jesus Christ, We will always be with you. I bless you My children, in the Holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message June 7th 2015

My dear little children, Jesus Christ is for you the Light that does not go out, the Light that will always manifest in times of turbulence, tribulations or spiritual sufferings. Your world needs to have a lot of Light, the children, youth, families, the Church, all need to shine with the Light of God, the Light of Good and Peace.

Today I bring you this Light, which is My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, interceding for your world and especially for the souls in more need of the Mercy of God. This is dear children, what your world is needing.-LIGHT. And to get it you need conversion. All the children of God need conversion, as Mother, Messenger, and Mediatrix, I have been teaching and catechizing for many years, for the Souls to walk towards God, and obtain His Light.

The souls who thirst for God, and are humble and serene souls, already have this Light, yet those who ignore it, are in darkness, have no light, are as if hidden. My children, Jesus also has Mercy of these souls, let us ask Him to deliver them from temptations, from covetousness, and afflictions may they turn to God.

At this moment you still can not fill all your hearts and the whole world, with the feeling of joy and well-being that the word Peace can emanate. To conquer it, you must fight for it, you must wage a great battle of self-giving.

I wish to all My children, that the Peace of God be in every heart, in the heart of every family and in the hearts of all children in need of healing, liberation, strength, Faith, and goodwill. In this special month for Jesus, He has His Sacred Heart open to you, and is ready to welcome you. He welcomes you in His Heart and fills you with Light, allowing the Presence of the Holy Spirit in your lives.

My dear children, I will repeat to you again – Jesus Christ is for you the Light that does not go out, the Light that will always be manifested.

Jesus is that Light, and is through the Holy Spirit that He comes to enlighten you. Today for example My children, when you were praying My Rosary, the Holy Spirit descended on this Holy Place Corgo da Igreija, and on you. I am sure that many of you felt this burning Light, you were taken by it, and you will be guided by the merciful hands of Jesus.

My dear children, if you feel anything different, you are being touched and you will find the marvels of the Lord, such as My Perfume of Roses and other beautiful Graces and signs. You must know that these are all gifts from God. How happy I was to see that Jesus was with you this afternoon, fulfilling His mission of being the Way and Light to all of you. Desire to follow this Blessed Way.

How many miracles has Jesus done in the world? The greatest of them was to have given His Life for you, becoming food for all.

Your world needs to awaken to God, if you do not wake up by Love, for Mercy, you will awaken by suffering and pain, pain will come to My children! Suffering will also come! It will be a very serious and strong fight! It will not be easy, we still see many trees that do not bear fruit … we have children here and around the world living in appearances, they have no life of prayer. Life of prayer children, is more than picking up My Rosary. Is to live more the silence, surrender to suffering. 

There are still many stubborn children who do not want to change their lives. Change your lives children, Jesus gave His life for you and asked nothing in return, only ask s that you look more at Him and see in Him your salvation, He gave you everything and asked very little from you, almost nothing.

I Mary, Mother of Goodness, I feel delighted with My mission, in the messages I give you, I show you the mission that God has entrusted to Me as Mediatrix, Messenger, Mother of God and all of you.

God wants your participation and the participation of the youth. The youth children, needs a lot to be evangelized. If the youth is awakened, they will be an example for all parents. Perhaps this is the gift Jesus wants from the youth, often parents forget that the youth need good examples, not examples of failure and destruction of families. Parents need a very strong base, and that base is Jesus.

I will bless all My children, your Rosaries and the petitions that are making to Me and My Son Jesus. I want to place these petitions in the Heart of My Son, so that He may grant you the Graces that you ask for, and also to grant graces to families, to children, the youth, Holy Church, Missionaries, priests and bishops. Stand firm in your mission, Jesus Christ said: With Faith, Love and Trust you will conquer, dear little children.

I am going to address Myself once more to My son, the priest. You can not imagine My son, how happy the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Heart feel when I see you here again in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija. I know that you are going to celebrate Holy Mass in this Sacred Place. Do it with Joy My child and continue firm in this Mission. May God always be praised because of this determination, this Love and this Faith. Thank you My son.

I also want to bless the children of the whole world and especially My bedridden daughter who is here, I wish that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, guard your hearts, for you were chosen by Heaven, to be here today, in this Sacred Place, receiving the Blessings of this Mother of Goodness. Go in peace to your homes, knowing that Jesus will be your Light with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message July 5th 2015

My dear little children, in the time of Jesus Christ there were many Pharisees, lawyers and scribes who studied the Word of God deeply and were admired by people, but they were like whitewashed sepulchres, like beautiful tombs and ornamented on the outside, but full of decay inside, they practiced beautiful exterior acts, but inside they had horrors. Today are many who do like them, they do beautiful deeds of piety and prayer, but their hearts are filled with infidelity and iniquity. Careful, be very careful, you can easily deceive men all their lives, but never God. You can never deceive God because He sees everything, everything, everything, He sees all your deeds, good or bad, and see also your heart. It is to your heart that He looks first expecting to find it good and humble.

Are many who pray My Rosary, receive Holy Communion and Adore the Blessed Sacrament, but their hearts are full of pride and iniquity. Pride and selfishness are things that smell horrible and are unbearable. Iniquities and infidelities are repugnant in the Eyes of God. You should be terrified of them, little children. God hates pride and hates iniquity.

There are already so many reflections, so many studies and meditations on the Word of God … and yet few of you live them in full, nor do all those who preach and evangelize have much love in their hearts. Remember that God first sees the heart, then the acts, and if hearts are good and humble, from them will come many beautiful acts with which you may rejoice and glorify the Lord.

Dear children, first is necessary to acquire experience then you may teach. Firstly you must live it, then comes the preaching. Today I ask you to look into your hearts, how does your heart relate between you and God? Only you and God know them, no one else, be sincere before God, do not try to mislead or deceive or run from Him, He sees the hidden, sees the intimate and knows you deeply, more than yourselves. May there be a sincere and truthful dialogue between you and God within the intimacy of your hearts. What God most wants children is to help you and show you what you must change or remove from your hearts. Remember that even if in your hearts there is much evil and misery, the living water of the Holy Spirit can wash them and purify them of everything. Even though your hearts be dead and destroyed, Jesus Christ desires to resurrect them.

My dear children, never forget that God sees everything, God sees your hearts, I hope that one day you can rejoice with Him and do not feel ashamed of yourselves as it happen with many, from God no one can escape, one deceives God, no one escapes from God. My children, I say all this, so that changes in life may manifest, in these final times it is necessary to accept with courage the conversion of the heart, when you have converted the heart, you can be sure that Faith has been placed as a living flame in your lives. Live the power and strength of the prayer through love, this is it, dear children, what God expects from you. Live daily life as if you were a temple of God, your soul must accompany your journey of pilgrimage here on earth, so you don’t move away from the love of My Son Jesus Christ, which trust in you. Await in prayer, as pilgrims with hearts that thirsts to meet the Father at each moment.

Recognize that times are already different, and inner maturity needs to grow in all those who listen to the Word of God. When I say this, I am asking you never to forget the existence of the higher life, the responsibility you have assumed in the fulfilment of God’s Plans, when a soul does not want to grow up, forgets its commitment to God every day, and gives itself permission not to fulfil the celestial designs, you should already know the part that you have to fulfil, God speaks to you through His visionaries every day. Countless were the poured Graces, and infinite the Mercy handed over to the world so that people could awaken and fulfil the mission of living on earth as one lives in Heaven, and this is achieved by following the steps revealed by the gospel, which is remembered by the priest at Holy Mass and also by My confidants in My messages. It is necessary to deny every day love to material things, dying to the world and reborn to the life of the spirit.

If you show love and trust in God, nothing, nothing you ask will be forgotten by God. Here in Corgo da Igreija, we find the children loved by God, praying, and really raising the heart and the soul to God.

I want to thank those who are faithful to this journey and say:

– Much will happen that will make you worried; many tribulations, much struggle will happen to make your steps more difficult, but it is necessary for this to happen, so God can accomplish His plans here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija. Is necessary the struggles, detachment, constancy and Love. You must strive always more, so that this journey of yours does not stop. You do not have to fear trials, God expects your self-denial and your love, then you will overcome, for where there is love there is God. He created you out of love. Love this God concerned with you, and follow the paths indicated by Jesus Christ and everything will be different, because with God everything is different. I am very happy with your presence here this afternoon, in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, you, those who have truly embraced and live according to the truth. Once again I ask you My dear little children, convert as soon as possible and continue praying for the whole world, especially for Greece, a country that from today will suffer much.

I bless you and give you My strength. May God the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit bless you and keep you. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message August 2nd 2015

My dear little children, I will be very brief in this message. Son (visionary), I and My Son Jesus Christ, We have attended all the reunions and meetings from My predilected children (bishops and priests), regarding this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija. To these My predilected children, I say that My messages and secret revelations which will still be revealed to you, must be respected. They are always in accordance with what the Holy Bible teaches you, they are true. What We say, I and My son Jesus Christ, must be taken seriously.

I asked this son of Mine to bring My Message of March 2nd 2014, to be re-read and heard by you again: re-read the indicated Message.

I thank all the children, who collaborated once more, helping with your gifts for the purchase of the land that is now also in My possession and which will be another donation to the Church of My Son Jesus Christ. With My help and of My Son Jesus, you will build the Little Chapel. Do not give up on our projects dear children, because even before they were projected by you, everything was projected and recorded by God. Do not ever give up My children. God is with you.

We love you very much. We accept your prayers and sacrifices to help the Church of My Jesus.

I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message September 6th 2015

My dear little children, I begin this message with the word Peace! Peace! Much Peace is what I desire for your world which is already in the final period of the time of change. It is a universal truth that many hearts still can not understand, so My children, I remind you that is time to exercise all that has been taught to you, so that your hearts as instruments of the Father, may emanate the Peace that your world needs so much. I hope with joy that together We pray for Peace. Praying with Me you will make the ray of Grace bring life and salvation to the souls that have not yet found the true path. For these hours of change and transformation, I ask you to show the Faith of your hearts in the great Love that My Son Jesus Christ has for each one of you. The transformation of your hearts will expand and lead to the transformation of the consciousness of humanity. For the souls, I accompany each one of you in the growth of your Faith and I await your consecration and your commitment in this mission.

My dear little children, what is destroying man today? It’s greed, selfishness and showing himself superior. This does not mean that one should not work and strive for something better, work is blessed by God, but not Greed. If work is blessed by God it is for the children to have the sustenance and Grace of a worthy life. From the moment you become obsessed by the product of your work or your positions of leadership, you will have no more dignity.

Many leaders, rulers, or bosses who, in order to satisfy their goals, walk over “other brothers” that is, they do not care about the means to achieve their ends, whether fair or legal, and there is where the evil is and why mistakes happen. Jesus did not teach you to walk over your neighbour, but taught you to embrace your neighbour, and through fraternal embrace, to build a more equal world for all. Today the world needs a lot of equality, many times you mention in some of your prayers, equality and fraternity, and this is necessary for My children, because the great mission of man as a child of God is praying praising, thanking and asking for what you lack in your struggles to build a Just and Fraternal Society. Today, man is still dominated more by material than by the spiritual.

Men feel the illusion that they can live forever on earth, and that they can everything … (while the body is full of health …) They think they own the world and the truth, that they are kings in wisdom … But actually today man lives very sick, sick of selfishness, pride and vanity. If man were being mirrored in the beatitudes of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, your world would not need Me. I come because it is necessary, so I do the will of the Father, who gives Me the honour and grace to bring Light into your world through the Mercy of My son Jesus Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You must understand that God alone is Wisdom, and we should live this Wisdom.

The great suffering of man, whether spiritual or material or temporal, is consequence of the fact that men has become ignorant of the things of God, thus ignoring His wisdom. Only with the Wisdom of God will you be able to attain the Virtues and Gifts needed to overcome the great battles of life. These days My children, you need a lot of Faith and a lot of Wisdom. Many of you here present in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, you fight enormous fight’s, immense battles, terrible pains, but God has given you wisdom to persevere in the faith, you can not doubt the providence of God in your lives. God knows everything that happens to you, good or bad, and allows it because it will contribute to your growth. All the battles that you have faced in the day-to-day, are intended to help you to fulfil your mission in the world, and God is with you. Accept and seek to know more and more the Wisdom of God so that you do not fall into the void. It is this wisdom that will fill your life with Graces, Blessings, strength and courage, it is also this wisdom that will give you the skills you need. Jesus Christ said, “I will transform you, and make you able.” It is the Wisdom of God that empowers the youth, the family, and the church to realize that they are the builders of the lives that will lead to a just, humane, fraternal and happy society. And all this My little children, it will happen, only if each one does his part. Look how many beautiful things Jesus Christ taught you by His example, it is necessary that each one builds by his example, because, truly, whatever of good you plant, you will reap. You have to have the wisdom to start doing work connected to God, to build a happy earth and a happy world. The most beautiful experience of your lives will be the transformation of your hearts.

When your heart changes, even your way of seeing the world will be different. Jesus said: Our heart is the Light of our life.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ has so much to give us yet … Only the Merciful Heart of Jesus is able to give a new direction to your actions and actions, and also to the families that today crumble to the fragility of sin. You need the support of the Holy Spirit in your hearts. God is in front of you directing you all, whenever you speak of the Holy Father – Pope Francis, of his leadership, or of the Holy Church. You must invoke the Holy Spirit to lead you in your mission on earth.

Before finishing dear children, do not be surprised that I have asked you to repeat the reading of the old messages, this is for those children who do not forget My requests, already made. I want today together with you little children, to say to the Lord: (All children repeat what I am going to say):

Listen to the voice from above. In my heart Jesus inhabited and in soft words He made me rise, with courage and wisdom, to evangelise the world. I am the servant of the Lord, let His will be done in me, with the one of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message October 4th 2015

My dear children, I begin this message telling you with all My heart that the Rosary is the weapon the world needs to protect families, the youth and the nations. The Rosary is the weapon that defeats the enemy who today so easily mocks humanity, destroys the brightness of children, youth, families, religious, missionaries and even the Church.

Unfortunately, I see in almost everything the poison of evil, envy, lies, jealousy, evil, criticism … But My children, with My Holy Rosary you have present the sweetness of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which completely surrounds you with the Mercy and is still for you the source of Light and Source of the Father’s Love.

As Mother of the Holy Rosary, I ask God to protect your world and your Portugal, which I love so much. May the peace and love of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be on this day and this afternoon among you. It is a very great blessing to be here today, transmitting to you this peace that reaches you in the breeze passing in the wind, and brings you a message of light, hope, strength and mercy that will spread throughout the world. .

My children, the presence of the Love of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is the force that unites you all here – the pilgrim children, the men of God, and the chosen ones for this mission. The Holy Spirit of God is here, among you in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, receive Him with great joy in your hearts, asking Him to strengthen you and help you to fulfil your mission. This union with you is a great grace of God, your prayer, trust, faith and surrender, gives you the certainty of benefiting from this grace that can transform everything, especially your hearts. Therefore, Children, today rejoice in God, ask Him to come and take care of your hearts, to watch over you as Father, as Son, as Holy Spirit, for His immense Light to enlighten you, to transform the suffering hearts, the sad and depressed hearts, choked and small hearts. May it bring you Peace, Faith, Charity and Forgiveness. In order to help you in all this, God leads Me here, to this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, as your Mother, who comes to evangelize, catechize, teach and transmit to you the Peace that as children of God so much need. Who does not need Peace? Who does not need Love? Who does not need the Family? You have to ask for many blessings for the families. In the world there are many families that are not yet of God. You fathers and mothers, you must be of God, think of your responsibilities as parents, if you are not a good family, your children will not be happy children, begin today to care more for your mission as parents, become responsible for this mission, not only parents and mothers who brought children to the world, but true fathers and mothers by the gift of God.

 I would like to make with you a very beautiful reflection on “what it is to be a father and a mother”. I make this reflection looking at the children of the whole world, those who offered their own hearts to My Immaculate Heart of Mother. First, it is necessary to know that “being a father and mother” is truly a gift from God. It was no accident that God filled the heart of man and woman with love, able to bear children, to create new generations, to bring life to the image and likeness of God. Being a parent is a wealth. I see here in Corgo da Igreija and in the whole world, fathers and mothers with so many gifts, fathers and mothers with many children, fathers and mothers evangelizers, parents who give their “yes” to God and do not measure sacrifices to go and meet those who need to be evangelized, strong parents in the Faith, in the mission and in the fidelity of serving God, parents and mothers who are happy in their homes taking care of their families. These fathers and mothers show that they have the gifts of zeal and care, they show their love in their embrace, the smile and their joy. But unfortunately there is also an enormous amount of fathers and mothers around the world, who ask Me for their young children, already involved in the world of dishonesty, crime, drugs … some are even in the prison. My dear children, I know that it is not easy today for a young man to be holy, for what he sees in front of him is a wide road full of caprices, full of interests, they are even afraid to assume that they are young people of God, to put My Rosary in their hands and say “I believe”, “I trust”, I believe in God, I believe in a better world.

I, My children, have fought hard for the youth and for a better world. I never discourage and I also ask you never to lose heart. Pray, pray, pray a lot for the young people. It is not easy My children to know how to serve God, to take the right path, to take the right direction, nor is easy to say, “I love Jesus Christ!” But little children, it’s beautiful when you say it from the heart. My dear children, I feel in My Immaculate Heart when “the young people” speak with Jesus and say to Him, “I love you from the heart Jesus Christ.”

My dear little children, each one of you now will thank God for your lives, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the Mercy, for the blessings, for the peace in your world, for the families God has given you, for the Church, for being fathers and mothers, for being youth or children. God truly wants from you a great objective “Holiness”.

My sons and daughters, mothers and wives pray that satan may not take possession of your homes, your husbands and your children. Wives and mothers have a very special affection for God, if the mothers knew how precious the gift of motherhood is … they would never abort their children. Penance, Penance, Penance. Give up sin with all your heart.

My children, I will not go any further, because you have a duty to fulfil: The elections of your country. Christians committed to their faith and all sons and daughters of goodwill are called to an active and effective participation, this participation My children, is a way to contribute to the construction of your country.

I finish My little children, pouring out on you on this special day, blessings and graces. May these blessings extend to the couples of the whole world, young people, priests, bishops and especially to your Pope Francis. I bless you in the Holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message November 1st 2015

My dear little children, today November 1st, you celebrate the day of all Saints, and tomorrow the day of Souls. Each one of you in the silence of your heart, will ask to that soul that you know that is in Heaven with the Father, to be your protector.

Jesus tell us about Angels. So many times you have their strong protection … they come to you, are around you, look at you with love and protect you. Do you know that your guardian Angels deliver you from danger, suffering and difficulties? Believing in protectors is something inherent in the heart of God’s people. You who are still on the journey, that is the passage here on earth, you are sure that you can count on the intercession of those beautiful souls who once were dear to you and are now so special, because they are in the presence of God.

The mystery of God is very great, no one can comprehend it fully, but you can try to live it with the thought, feeling His presence every moment in your heart. Today reflect a little about life, about your journey and about your mission.

In every day, and even in every moment that you live, feel that without God you can not walk, win, and grow. The mission that God has entrusted to you here on earth, your journey is very important, but dear children, the time will come when God will knock on the door of your family and reap someone who loves you very much. If you only look with human eyes, you will not bear the pain, because the love that binds you is very great, but if you look with your soul, you will overcome it, because you see the door of Heaven and the presence of God. Who My dear little children, will not want to enter such a beautiful place, in this Heaven of hope and complete Light?

When we speak of souls, we speak of those who have already walked, who have made their way, and in this passage they had the fruits of good  beatitudes, Good Will, Charity, Love, and Zeal, had the Grace to overcome the journey of life, sometimes very arduous.

Today you are here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, you have in your hearts the unforgettable presence of those who have been so dear to you and continue to be important to you, because your Faith is not in the world, not in the earth, but in God. You know that you are here on earth by the will of this God, fulfilling a mission that is your journey to meet the Greater Grace which is the Kingdom of the Father.

If today you look at your world, you will see that never experienced so much fatigue, so much disease, so much violence and so much battle, this little children, happens in the lives of families who have even given their children, who have left to reach the house of the Heavenly Father. Wisdom, reveals those parents who know how to accept the will of God. I Mary, obey the will of God, I learned from Jesus Christ that the will of God has to be fulfilled in life.

You are here today reflecting on souls – those who will already be in Heaven, and those who are not there yet, and need your prayers to reach the kingdom of the Father. On this holy day, the day of the serene and wise hearts, have hope on the fullness of Jesus Christ, in His Immaculate Heart and in the immensity of His love, and ask God to strengthen you, to look for all the souls that still await the Resurrection, may Jesus give you strength to accept with more love and patience the will of God.

Although today is the day dedicated to the Holy Souls, it is also the moment for each one to ask God for a grace. Ask that the hearts of those who need to see God in their lives, may get it, in order to reach paradise. Only with the presence of the grace of God in your soul will you obtain what you so desire. It is therefore the moment of supplicating the Holy Souls the conversion of sinners here on earth, including your own conversion and the strength to accept the will of God.

My beloved children, as Jesus taught us in that prayer: “A sore on your flesh is preferable a thousand times, more than one sore on the soul.” Unfortunately man, does not want the wound in the flesh but lives with his heart in sores. Children, to accept that your life corresponds to the will of God is to accept often the wounds on your flesh, so as not to reach your soul. He who has the flesh in wounds is the only one capable of overcoming, because he is the chosen one by God to carry the cross of this wound. Jesus Christ was the chosen of the Father, being God, to bear the cross and to overcome all the wounds of His body. You recite: “By the Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ …” May He heal the heart of the man who is so sick and may the Holy souls be intercessors of that healing that is expected to happen in the lives of all children, inclusive the priests, bishops, father’s and mother’s, and specially help for your Pope Francis, who needs this great Celestial strength, to overcome the incredibility which controls the world, the fear, the lies, the violence and malice.

Only Heaven can truly save you. In this month of the Holy Souls, you can approach Heaven more intensely, because it is the moment you embrace those souls that God has already gathered for Him. May everyone, in the silence of their heart, thank God for that creature that you loved so much, because death is not the end, death is the beginning.

Before finishing My dear children, I wanted to leave a very important warning for your country (Portugal), which I love so much. Pray, pray, pray My little children very much for your country, because it is at great risk. In the elections of your country, the children who voted, allowed themselves to be dominated by the interests of the parties and their personal, they did not have a broad view of the country’s major problems in order to choose the candidate who could be better able to open up and respond to what people expect from politicians.

There is a politician that if he governs your country, will leave your nation more shaken, and from this shaking, will begin a very critical period for Portugal. A lot of new things will happen. Men, women and children will suffer just and unjust consequences, caused by mistakes. In Fatima My children, I warned the whole world of the danger of communist ideology, warning you that this would spread throughout the world. The Church of My Son Jesus has on several occasions already condemned communism and socialism, so a faithful Catholic can never support any form of socialism, Marxism or communism, different names for the same evil or the same poison. I will remind you again of My words at Fatima. Be warned: “If you answer to My requests, Russia will convert and you will have Peace. If you do not do listen, Russia will spread their mistakes through out the world, promoting wars and persecutions to the Church. The good ones will be martyred … Once again, My children, My requests were not met, and communism, Marxism or socialism spread like a terrible plague all over the world. In order to avoid all this evil My children, it is necessary to pray a lot My Rosary, to do penance, to have devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and to My Immaculate Heart.

I leave you, blessing the sons and daughters of the whole world, stay in Peace, in the presence of God who is Father, of God who is Son and of God who is Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message December 6th 2015

My little children, first of all I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you made on November 1st here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, by persevering in reciting the holy rosary, despite the bad weather that was felt. Continue children, strong in your faith , you showed that you want Me when manifesting in this special way your love. I also thank My predilected son (priest), who was here on that day fulfilling with love his devotion to My Immaculate Heart. May God the Father continue to bless you, give you strength, courage, perseverance and faith.

There are many battles that all of you who do love Jesus will have to overcome, therefore perseverance in prayer is very important. In fact, in life, everything you need is important: work, food, sun, stars, rain, earth, fruits … but … there is something that is very important: – Love. Little children, it is in prayer that you can express this love, and you need to love much more. Love and embrace those who need you the most, those who ask for your love. In fact, what I most desire is love to penetrate all hearts, spread throughout the world, bringing peace to the earth, protection to the children, and the good will of man to live the “True Word” of God.

Dear children, living the Word of God is bringing with you the little letters that God left in His Commandments: “Love.” Who loves forgives. The one who loves sacrifices himself, who loves sum, who loves shares.

In this time so suffering and so marginalized, in this time when no one trusts anyone, a dark time, when the Church of Jesus is suffering, is being massacred by God’s enemies at this time … we must love more.

Jesus invites us to participate in Holy Mass, where He offers Himself out of love. However, you should not participate in the Eucharist with a closed heart, a heart full of hatred, a sinful heart, but with a heart where the seed of love is already flowing. The heart is its source, and just as the water has its source in the spring, it springs forth and flows, so love must flow out of its source, which is the heart.

Be true brothers, love one another, forgive yourselves so humanity may live in Peace.

My dear little children, on the 8th of December throughout the world, you commemorate My Immaculate Conception. I, in the Grotto of Massabieille in Lourdes, claimed to be the Immaculate Conception, which was recognized by the Church.

“I am the Immaculate Conception,” for I was woven in My Mother’s womb without the stain of original sin. All of you, you have this stain of sin and I am here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, to intercede for you.

My children, to be the Immaculate Conception is to be what God has accomplished and done in all My life … My greatest joy is to have this Immaculate heart. Although few creatures today recognize the value of My Immaculate Heart, when God made Me Immaculate Servant I felt immensely victorious. It is a victory that brought Me humility, serenity and gratitude to God for making Me the Mother of all nations. I see My journey as Immaculate Conception, being Mother of all. With all the titles, I am Mother, it is all this that makes Me the Immaculate Conception. In this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, known as Mother of Goodness, I want to protect and to lead you.

God has done great things on Me!

Reflect, God also gave you a very beautiful soul and heart … but you are constantly involved in wars, violence and evil, why?

When God called Me to be an instrument of His Beautiful Work of Salvation, I began to see the thorns, the difficulties, the suffering, the consequence of the malice of the devil in your world. It is the reason for all the evil that happens to you. Today, let us ask God for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and fight with Me, present here in Body and Soul, in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, with My Rosary in My hands, praying with you, counting on your prayers and your love. The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will overcome the enemy. Ask God for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, so that we may overcome, and My children of the whole world will no longer live in suffering, will not feel any more difficulties in life than those which you are living now.

In this month you will celebrate the birth of My Son Jesus. Today, He wants to be born again in your poor hearts. Open yourselves to Him and let the Christmas take place. The birth of Jesus happens when you allow Him to enter your lives and welcome Him into your hearts. Give this joy to God, My children, always go to the Church. May in every Communion, Christmas take place, not only on December 25th, but in every day of all your life. When you receive Holy Communion, always place the Lord within you, open your hearts and let Him in. One day He was born in Me, and I gave birth to Him and offered Him to the world.

My dear children, unfortunately at Christmas, many of you do not live the birth of My Son, but only a celebration in which one eats well, receives and gives gifts … I and St. Joseph never thought that one day the situation would reach such a point as to forget Jesus, and to think only of eating and receiving gifts. That is why there is children who are not truly happy, they are unhappy. Do not think that God wants things like this on such a special day, you could invite some poor, beggar, or marginalized to dine with you, know how to share and give. If you do so, you will be called children of God and He will reward you in Heaven, you will receive a reward that never ends and no one destroys. My children, gather with your families, but do not forget about poverty and prayer. If God did not wish so, He would have not come into the world in such a simple and poor way, and during His life would not had prayed to the Father. Praise, praise, praise My children and give thanks to the Heavenly Father for having sent His Son to the world to save it.

This afternoon in a very special way I am blessing the unbelievers, the impure, the evil ones and all those who do not believe in My Messages, in My apparitions and in My favourite perfume. I leave here a sign of My perfume in the pages of My Message, so that all the children may believe. When you feel the perfume on these pages, ask for the powerful intercession of Merciful Jesus, the Grace of participating in the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart! Ask for it children! It will be very important for you to live this day of Triumph!

May God bless and enlighten all who have come from afar to this Blessed Place Corgo da Igreija. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your affection, fidelity and for your commitment of faith. You have walked here by the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May I Mary, Mother of Goodness, the Immaculate Conception, be always surrounded by the love of My little children. I give you My Immaculate Heart. I wish for all of you Peace and Light, the presence of God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

See you soon, Mary, Mother of Goodness, in Corgo da Igreija.





Explanatory note:

This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of December 29, 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: ” It is authorized to disclose, without express permission of ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles , provided that Christian morality is observed in general.” In publishing revelations, apparitions, or any other graces of Jesus and of Mary, as well as of His Angels and Saints, this group of friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in this way give the opportunity to all those who wish to know and be informed, of such wonderful manifestations of heaven, on earth, according to freedom and free will of each person.


We remind everyone that the site of the apparitions is private property , although it is still not properly closed, and is a place of prayer and Catholic devotion , so we ask people to respect the place and all those present, gathered in prayer, without interfering in celebrations, and in the surrounding spaces that are private.

All who wish to approach in the Heart of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect, and appropriate clothing without provocation, as Our Lady asked .
