YEAR 2010
Messages of each month from this year.
WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.
Message of Our Lady Mother of Goodness
Revealed to Brother Fernando Pires, on , , at the place of the apparitions (Corgo da Igreja).
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message January 3rd 2010
My children, despite my repeated messages, the world continues following the path of rebellion against God and His law of Love. My children, I appeared in different nations, but of little use was My intervention to save the human beings, but thanks to their malice My efforts where almost voided. I ask you to fulfil all what I say, for those who do not fulfil will be judged and condemned by God, soon My children, My last words will be given to the world, and then the Divine Justice will purify the whole world with fire and water.
My tears My dear children, are so abundant that there is no recipient on earth that can contain them. Speak less and pray more My children, ask less and obey more, be true apostles of My messages to the world, do not be traitors, but obedient and faithful Johns. Keep praying for humanity, My children console the Heart of My Son Jesus which is cruelly scorned by the offenses He receives, especially in the Eucharist, the sacrileges are many, receive Communion all in the knees and in the mouth, to prevent Jesus from being taken away and profaned.
My children, the world is completely away from God, hardly is one family in peace, and those that have peace is only an apparent peace, reigns the hatred, the disputes, the ambition and falsity everywhere, because many children had forgotten God, the only fount of all good, because He is the Supreme Good itself. Listen children of God, there is not much time left and the world will be purified, but for this to happen, first will be great events with sufferings for the evil ones, punishment for the rebels and also the sacrifice of the good ones. Now is the time of faith, you must have an unshakable faith in Lord our God, you My dear children, must be very good people, pray much and make no evil to anyone. Only in this way My children you can be worthy of the salvation that God offers. I implore you for prayers for the peace, for the Holy Father the Pope, for the Church, for the Bishops and Priests, and in special for the children that do not believe in God, because all the evil that is in the world, wars and all the other vices are caused by the children that do not believe in God. If they converted the world would convert, its the hour My children, of conversion.
I finish asking you to pray for peace in the world and for the transformation of Indonesia, which is on a path of great destruction, be true Christian’s, God calls you to an emergency, God alerts you, something is about to happen, pray much My children. I say again, pray for the conversion of Indonesia, a great punishment can fall up on that country, and I desire to rescue this country with your prayers and sacrifices. I love you children, that is why I alert you.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 7th 2010
Dear children, today I come to meet you in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, with a heart filled with joy to see you united in prayer and working for the construction of the kingdom of God.
Children, every Hail Mary prayed with the heart is a star that shines, is a rose that opens, is a drop of love that falls on you, it is a perfume that the winds carry and wherever it goes, the breeze of peace is made present, evil is dissipated, souls rejoice and the angels praise God and sing joyfully, Hail Mary.
My dear children, when you pray let your hearts pray, do not pray only with your lips, always pray with your hearts truly open, for there are many children who pray with their lips, but their hearts are far from the Lord. My dear children, let your hearts be pure so that God may hear you in the moments of your prayers. Many do not attain the graces sent by God because the hearts need to be swept from the impurities that accumulate in them and prevent you from partaking the Lord’s Graces. Children, confess your sins in order to attain mercy and feel the presence and purity of God in your souls, strive My dear children to remain faithful to God, even in moments of trials. If you do so, your lives will be transformed and peace will reign in your families. I love you and My presence here in this Sacred Place is a sign of My love for you, I desire to lead you into the arms of God. In these very confused times, be obedient and accept My Messages with sincerity, they serve as a warning to the world, do not doubt My children from My messages, and open your hearts to the Lord to understand My warnings.
My dear children, I pray to the Father for you and for humanity and the blessings of the Lord are miraculously poured out in your lives, those who ask Me for protection and shelter will be heeded if you do it with your heart, and all your petitions will be placed before the Divine Providence, because God is Goodness, God is Perfection, is Mercy. Today I ask you My children, to visit the Blessed Sacrament many times, participate in the Holy Masses from which comes the balm that perfumes your souls and that makes them more beautiful and brilliant in the eyes of the Lord, and it’s them that perfume the whole world and dissipate the darkness. Receive Holy Communion with a pure heart, the Eucharist nourishes you, transforms you and teaches you to have the understanding of the Sacred things, which were not understood among you.
My dear children, I am greatly distressed, as I see the distress of humanity, by seeing the Church of My Son Jesus being emptied and forgotten by men, by seeing My predilected Priests loosing the Faith, by seeing many being used and deceived by satan. Pray, Pray, Pray very My children for the Priests.
I also invite you My children, to surrender yourselves entirely to My love, and to the Eucharistic LOVE of My Most Beloved Son JESUS who lives and will live, who reigns and will reigns.
I bless you all In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 16 2010
My dear children, peace be with you. Dear children , thank you, thank you for the great honour and homage you give Me, Your Mother of Goodness.
Dear children, today is a great day, for it was on this feast day of February that I your Mother of Goodness, appeared in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, to invite you to conversion. Pray, pray, pray much, this is what I asked you and I continue to ask for in this afternoon.
My dear children, it is with great joy that I welcome each one of you in this place so blessed, because you have become accustomed or because it became a habit to come here on the first Sundays of the month to hear the messages that I transmit with such love.
My children, because you are here in this holy and blessed place, I ask you to be attentive, here you must be in body and soul, available to the Lord. I am happy to see many children who have come for the first time, with the spirit of pity and love that springs from the hearts of many who are here. Today, I want to alert all My children that they are here only physically and not in a spiritual way, that is, many are not here just to glorify the Lord, some are with their though so far and so preoccupied with futile and mundane things that can not understand the great grace that is shed here. Think well My dear children, and prepare yourselves with more love to be here in this holy place or in any other similar place.
Dear children, I must tell you that today at the time when you began the Rosary, went up to heaven 219 souls, including My predilected son, Priest José de Oliveira. Heaven, My children is in feast this afternoon to receive these souls. Thank you My children for your prayers. That is why you are loved by all the Saints in heaven and all beckon to you and pray for you. Continue to pray for the souls of Purgatory. Convert My children, convert My dear children, Heaven needs you to collaborate in this plan of conversion, pray more for humanity in this holy month of February, do not leave prayer aside, ever My children, abandon My son Jesus, who is alone waiting for you in the Blessed Sacrament, I repeat, go and visit Him and Adore Him, go to Holy Mass, do not leave Holy Mass aside. My children, continue to pray and offer your sacrifices for the salvation of the world, the sacrifices My children, are very important and valuable in these days of great calamities, it’s very urgent My dear children, a chain of prayer and reparation that may stop and soften the evils that are spreading throughout the world, do not let distraction of everyday life keep you away from prayers, do not let laziness overtake you, pray for each other, pray for priests all over the world, pray for those who criticize My manifestations through all the world, Love one another My dear children, love each other and love each other.
I will manifest Myself many times, a time will come My children, in which My manifestations will be in visible signs that many children will understand. Look at the signs of the times My children, these are very urgent times, there is no more time to play games, there is no time to play with faith. Faith is the way , the ladder that will lead them up, to the Heavens, to the arms of God.
To all My very special blessing, to the children who have come to this Sacred Place for the first time, to the sick who are here and to all the children of the whole world, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message March 7th 2010
My dear children, great is My joy to be here again close to you.
I want to thank you children, for being so welcomed on February 16 of last month in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja. To some children it becomes difficult to understand what is going on, and as a good and understanding Mother that I am, I accept everything with love.
It is My wish that all My children understand, because I have manifested in an intensely way in these last time. Humanity My dear children, is about to witness great and painful events.
Once again, I invite you to intercede more and more for all the painful situations that have shaken your world. Pray, pray, pray much for peace in the world, prayfor peace in families , and above all pray for God’s attainment of His Infinite Mercy , and for it to be poured into the hearts of all human beings.
My dear children, I ask you to learn to recognize the signs of these times, I ask you to recognise in everything the presence of GOD, either in joy or in pain, that you always glorify GOD and that you hope that it will be fulfilled in your lives His holy will. I am your Mother of Goodness, mediator and intercessor, I am constantly begging My son Jesus for all your intentions and needs, I would like My children, that you could understand that a life without GOD is an empty life and full of stumbling. Decide to follow My requests and you will see how much easier it will be to reach My beloved Son and consequently, to reach the Father. Pray children, pray a lot, for only the prayer of the rosary will be able to change the paths of so many events. Many children ask for signs and miracles to believe, but I assure you: – Fast on Tuesdays and Fridays, pray the Holy Rosary every day and you will see the miracles happen, one after the other, make a true and complete confession and the greatest miracle will be granted by God the Father: The miracle of the conversion of body and soul, the miracle of inner peace and Divine plenitude. Those children who expect miracles and signs before they are converted, know that the miracle will arrive too late for these.
My dear children, I know your intentions, I know that many of your hearts are troubled or tormented by doubts and uncertainties about tomorrow, because you want to understand in your own way the plans of My Son Jesus, know My children that only one thing is necessary: – Be assured that My Son is just and faithful to all His promises, and if Jesus has not yet returned it is because many of My children need conversion, as any Mother I want My children, above all your happiness, I want your good, because the full and true happiness you will only find in JESUS, because He is the only way that leads to the Father. I also know that your journey is not easy, on the contrary, it is difficult and painful, it takes courage to surrender yourselves, but all these difficulties only exist because Satan has been in charge of covering your ears and your eyes .
Dear children, I will repeat Myself once more, all that brings you peace and serenity comes from the Father, all that brings you discord, disunity and false conversions comes from satan. Dear children, look around you and see how satan reigns without been discovered, see how many families are disunited, how many homes are being ruined by infidelity! When I speak of infidelity, I am referring to the infidelity of body and soul, I would like My dear children, that all those who have difficulties in their families, to stop the quarrels and discussions at least for a moment and remember that without forgiveness there is no possible coexistence, if there is no forgiveness two people can not survive under the same roof, for you are all liable to errors and sins Children, if an individual conversion takes time, much more time consuming is the conversion of a couple, of an entire family, and that is why I ask you for much urgency. When many wake up, it will be too late, I don’t want you to lose hope, but I would like you to learn how to live truly as families, reconciling yourselves, forgiving yourselves and uniting yourselves definitely.
It is great joy and happiness that brings to My Immaculate Heart all the families who gather for the prayer of the rosary.
I finish My dear children, pouring out on you on this special day, blessings and graces, and may these blessings extend to all couples present. I bless you My children, in the Holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message from Saint Anthony April 4th 2010
Brethren, I Anthony, at the request of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, I come to bring you a message.
The Mother of Jesus and our Mother is suffering greatly by seeing many of Her children falling into the traps of the evil one.
Brethren, you must know that She continues to implore God for all of you, for Her is time to convert many of Her children. My brethren, do not be afraid of those who persecute you, do not worry if you are persecuted because of the messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Goodness, remember that many prophets suffered, many Saints also suffered because of Jesus, Myself brethren, I also suffered insults, Our kindly Mother brought Me the Child Jesus to comfort Me during the nights.
Remain brethren united with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary in prayer, and do not expect everything to be a bed of roses, you will find many thorns on your way, continue with the mission entrusted to you by the Mother. Pray, pray, pray, confess, confess, confess, you must go to Holy Mass and live well among your brothers, no one has the right to prevent you from helping Mary Most Holy to save souls, woe to those brothers who prevent you from helping Mary Most Holy to save souls for God.
I invite you to pray for the Pope, He continues to suffer for the Church of Christ, He suffers at the hands of his people, have confidence brethren, pray the Rosary that the Blessed Virgin has left you, do not be discouraged by the problems of humanity, do not worry about material things, God will give you what is necessary for your sustenance, God protects all those who do His will, divulge the Love from the Mother of Goodness, and you will receive a glorious reward in Heaven.
Pray much for the nations of the whole world. Brethren, your nation ( Portugal ) is still privileged by the presence of the Mother of God, the works of Mary here in this Nation will not yet be shaken, your country still proclaims thanksgiving to the Mother of God, but do not stop praying for your country, for at any moment it may fall into the hands of our enemy.
Brothers and sisters, live the warnings of Mary in Her messages and pray every day the prayers indicated by Her, fill your hearts with the desires from the Mother of God.
On this day brethren, I pray for each one of you to God, so that you may grow in faith and charity. Live love in family, Love one another, turn to My protection when you are afflicted, throw away all pride and humble, turn away from the slanderers and the proud.
May all be in the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Love of Our Good and Loving Mother, Mary of Goodness. I give to all My protection.
St Anthony.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message May 2nd 2010
My dear little children, I want today thank you all for all the commitment and goodwill you have shown in My Coronation which I liked so much. I have chosen especially the Church where I have been crowned, and it is My desire to guide and protect it with love, I also want you to become more numerous to attend Mass in that Church, in My company and in the company of My Son Jesus.
My children, today on this first Sunday of May, month dedicated to My Immaculate Heart, I pour upon you the perfume of My Maternal presence in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja, this perfume that exudes from the depths of My Being should be for you a balm to heal you of all the diseases and worries that afflict you. Children, I contemplate today all your difficulty in overcoming tribulations, I know your weakness and smallness every time the evil one attacks you.
My dear children, know that all suffering when accepted with love leads to the purification of body and soul. To know how to live with difficulties is a virtue that pleases My Son Jesus. Great are the difficulties and the torments that you go through in this earthly life, do not let yourselves fall My children, be confident, I am your Mother and I want to take care of each of your wounds. Today My dear children, the whole of humanity is going through a serious crisis, it’s the crisis of the Apostasy, the cooling of the faith, many of My children ignore My manifestations, as your Mother, I must guide you and warn you whenever I need to, therefore children, do not play with what happens around you today, many are taking My warnings with little seriousness. I have already told you that each one of you will give an account to the Lord for every word he hears from Me and from My Son Jesus. My children, in fact hell exists, and it is there that follows the souls who in life did not knew how to give back to the Lord all that they received from Him. The only path My children which takes you to Heaven is the path of holiness, and you can not walk this path being trapped by vices, watching soaps, internet or attitudes that lead to the desecration of the Holy Name of God. My children know that all vice is from the evil one, I wish your lives to be filled with peace and tranquillity, I also want your love and harmony to reign in your homes. For My desire to be fulfilled everything depends on your surrender. Once again I tell you children: – Do whatever Jesus tells you to do, do not be stubborn following paths that lead you to nothing. I always followed the right path, always go to the encounter with Jesus and you will not repent, in fact children, your paths are full of stumbles and difficulties, but you know that none of the Saints in Heaven had an easy or difficult life.
My dear children, it is in the difficulties that you encounter with the pain and you then recollect, in recollection silence is made, and it is in the silence that you meet your Creator, know how to enjoy every difficulty of your journey, learn to accept everything as Divine Gift, if you do My children, your lives will be transformed and in your homes will reign the peace that comes from the heavens.
Before finishing My dear children, I ask you in this May for your prayers for My Priests and Bishops from all over the world, especially for your Pope. They really need your prayers.
I bless you My children, in the Holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message June 6 2010
My dear children, today I come to meet you in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, with a heart full of joy because I witnessed your great faith when you received My son Benedict, your Pope.
Continue like this with this great faith, only in this way My children, can you be worthy of the salvation that God offers. Do not fail to pray for the Holy Father the Pope, for the Church, the bishops and priests, because they will need a lot of your prayers. I rejoice with you when I see you in prayer. I also pray for you, near My Son Jesus.
My dear children, I do not want to frighten you, but your world is about to have a terrible financial crisis that will shake the world, it will collapse all over the world and hunger will increase. Pray, pray, pray very much My beloved children, lest it come to pass. I ask you My children for prayers made with devotion, in your prayers avoid idleness, control your thoughts, avoid vain preoccupations, and ask for the divine love of the Heart of My Son Jesus, so that He may inflame your souls and forgive your sins.
My children trust in My love for you, ask with firm faith and I will attend to you, but remember Me not just to ask. Come to Me here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, to give thanks and share your lives with Me.
I bless you My children, and I bless this place, in this place you will have refuge and salvation. Pray and trust.
Learn to love the three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity: only one Person – FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message July 4th 2010
Dear children, listen very carefully to the message I give you through this son of Mine.
The time for conversion is by a thread, time is precious, do not waste My children, from now on nothing should be more important than God, whoever does not decide for God now, will miss the opportunity to enter into the glory of His Kingdom, now more than ever, deeply, as I have never asked you before My dear children, hasten your conversion, fast, urgently.
New sufferings My children, will soon arrive in your world, in a very short time, and many will suffer, I am worried about the situation of many children, and I cry for them and for each one of you. Pray, pray, pray very, very, very much.
My children will be days of great tribulation, your Portugal will suffer for not having listened to My warnings and for having disobeyed the Laws of God. Many things will change on the face of the earth, the cold will come to the hot places and the terrible heat to the cold places, the world will be punished and many houses will be destroyed because of those who yearn for power and conquest. Change your life My children, while it is time. You can still change the very difficult situations that are to come.
Humanity, listen to Me, it is your Mother who calls you and warns you!!!
My dear children, I tell you this not to frighten you , but to warn you while is time still. Confess, confess, confess. What My Son Jesus revealed in the past, will be fulfilled. Pray, pray, pray a lot My children and do not lose faith, have confidence, trust in this Mother.
Now I speak to My predilected children, the priests.
When I suffer because of you, because you have not listened to My Messages, My beloved children, it is very painful to My Heart to say this, there is incredulous priests speaking evil against My apparitions, saying absurd things that were not true, criticizing them, without even knowing the facts and the messages, they will have a great responsibility My children, before the Lord, who will charge you for every lost soul. Woe to the bad priest who left his sheep to be lost, for not accepting My apparitions. Believe Me My predilected children, and think of this truth that I tell you, you are receiving an incomparable amount of graces in your churches, at times, they are graces full of suffering and pain, so, very special. I My predilected children, did not receive a small thank-you for these graces.
I end by telling you that I am the Mother of the Church, and therefore the Mother of all the children of the whole world, I will take you all with My Love, to Jesus.
To all My blessing, which is very special to the sick who are here in this place blessed by Me and My Son JESUS.
I bless you My children, in the Holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message August 1st 2010
My dear children, is with My Heart full of great joy and love that I warmly welcome you on this day and this beautiful afternoon.
My children, first of all, give thanks to God that we are gathered here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja. In the fifth and final mystery of the Rosary, each children will place in Jesus’s hand’s your petition, your need, and trust in the grace of God.
In this afternoon do a meditation and a reflection: What does this Sacred Place means to you? “A place of Peace, a place of Faith, a place of Mercy?” This place should be for you a place chosen by Heaven, so that from Heaven you may receive the grace that the world needs the most – the word of God that teaches you to love without limitations, without measure, without excluding anyone, the word of God that teaches you to bend your knees and to have faith, to be simple, humble and charitable, the word of God that heals the sick, sick in the body and the spirit. And you must meditate on the value that has for God your presence in this place … because here your petitions will have more strength. Ask in here for your nation ( Portugal ) and for this Sacred Place – Corgo da Igreja, chosen by God.
To this place we do not bring new teachings, we only remember those that Jesus left you, and today they are forgotten and abandoned by men who no longer live according to its principles. God does not want to bring you a new message, God just wants to make the world aware that His message will never be old, It is today tomorrow and always – The word of God.
My children, who is Christ in your lives? It should be the beauty, the path and the truth, but it will always be the same Christ today, tomorrow and always, then you must know how to listen, how to live humbly and never become proud. You should look into your heart and ask Jesus to redress you with His humility, His serenity, His sincerity and His love, so that you may be His worthy instruments, authentic, humble and true, ask Jesus not to let you falter, that when you fall may He make you rise and stand with His immense power and His great Mercy. Always make these petitions to obtain the MERCY of God.
From now on also turn to Jesus to obtain strength in your pilgrimages, in favour of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart. I Mary the Immaculate Conception, here as Mother of Goodness, I desire you to become aware that from now on you must be much stronger, your path will become increasingly narrow, difficulties will arise more violently and you ought to be very careful not to deny God.
My children, pray always for the Church of My Son Jesus and always be united to the Church. Be humble, persevering, and strong, do not let yourselves down, with criticism, in the moments when you are criticized, embrace with joy the cross and offer it to Jesus, asking His Goodness and Mercy to the world.
Nothing is worth to the world to apparent beautiful things, if its structure today is so poor …
Children, worry about keeping this piece of ground spiritual, you are the main key that will allow the recognition of this sanctuary, cherish this piece of ground blessed by Heaven. Remember that this work here in Corgo da Igreija is not the result of the will of men, but from the will of God.
My children, stop and meditate: How many knees have bended here to make a prayer and how many graces have been reached and received here in this little piece of ground? … is that I and Jesus are always here, I remind you My presence here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija is only a design from God, I have a mission here to fulfil and when I have fulfilled it, I will finish My coming here, I have not finished it yet, and so I will be with you fighting for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and for peace in all the Earth.
I leave you My children under the blessing of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
May your prayers be truly graced by Heaven, may all humanity be blessed and that through the merits of the love and mercy of God, to the whole world be revealed the signs from Heaven, which we today have the happiness of living.
May God bless you and in a very special way the Holy Father, the Holy Church, the Priests, the families, your world and all the children who are here.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message August 15th 2010
My dear children, today is a very special day for Me and for all of you who are here present in Corgo da Igreija. A beautiful silent day, a day of meditation and reflection.
Children, God dwells in your hearts. How beautiful My children! God dwells in each one of you. At this moment My children, you listen to the silence of this day, and in this silence you will see the perfection of the Work of God. That is why I ask you all that are here, that have come to pay homage to Heaven for My coming of body and soul as Mother and Mediatrix of Graces, Mother of Goodness, to bring to this family which are you My children, that I love so much, one of the greatest foods in the world: “The word of the Lord.” It’s so beautiful My children, when in the silence of your hearts you listen to Heaven speaking to you. You children, feel God Himself to say how much He desires Peace for the hearts of His children, His desire is that in the world may be true spiritual growth. Your affection children, is so beautiful, it enchants My soul and perfumes My heart.
In difficult times, in difficult situations, many of you come from so far away, praying, standing firm, overcoming fatigue, and difficulties …. I look at you children at this moment, and I say: – pray much My dear children. I ask you that instead of asking, give thanks to Heaven that there are two places in your nation ( Portugal ) so blessed by Me and My Son JESUS CHRIST. None of you can deny, however small your faith may be, that here is such a special place for God, here is the strength and determination of each child, the will to fight for Holiness, the search for Peace, here is the courage of every son who comes to make his request to Heaven, who comes to give his heart to Jesus, who comes to bend his knees and say: “O Mother of Goodness, lead me to the grace that I need.”
I know that thanks to the Goodness of God’s Mercy, the world approaches Peace, the triumph of My Motherly Heart. But just as the world is approaching the triumph of My Motherly Immaculate Heart, is that the world is also on its way to a terrible storm of pains and sorrows, so I My children, must always ask Jesus to make you much more stronger and perseverant. Today My dear children, I ask you to pray for peace, I ask you to unite in prayer and pray to God the Father Almighty that He grant’s you definitive Peace on the face of the earth.
Children, My Motherly Heart suffers when I see the extent to which the human being has arrived and the ease with which practices violence. Many earthly governments gather in a futile effort, for the true feeling that moves them is the pursuit of power and self-well-being.
I finish, to all My blessing, a very special blessing for a daughter who came here to this Sacred Place to thank Me for the cure of her illness.
I Bless you My children, in the Holiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message September 5th 2010
My dear children, in this beautiful afternoon of prayer in which you are gathered, in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, to give your lives to the Merciful Jesus, to the One whom you should be more every day, a mirror of authenticity, have life of holiness and life of prayer to God. Ask My children to Jesus that through His infinite Mercy, at this moment, He be present in your hearts and souls, and bring forth in each child, in every young person, in every father and in every mother, the gift of love, the gift to serve God with all their soul.
My dear children, humanity needs to turn their heart, their souls, their life to God. That’s why children that I tell you as your Mother, that I am happy to receive you in this great mission entrusted to Me by God, to be the messenger Mother, the Mediatrix Mother, that Mother My children, who brings you the Heaven. But I want to see you seeking spirituality, aware that you will have a great journey in your lives, and that today you do not live an easy but you live a heavy life.
My children, I have a great desire … the desire I have is the triumph of My Heart that loves you so much, immensely! It is in this desire, what I most want is that humanity builds their journey, their passage, walking the paths of salvation. It’s that humanity is very far from that path, is simply ignoring that lost path, no longer knows how to value the path of salvation, the holy path! You My children are experiencing a time when it is impossible for someone to be successful in life without treading the true path of salvation.
My children, how to overcome the difficulties, the tribulations, the infirmities of body or from the soul if you do not have the foundation of faith, wisdom and spiritual structure? If you do not have a heart that is dedicated to Jesus Christ and truly love Him? This is why My children, that I have asked you in many messages that you pray a lot for the priests, because My Son Jesus needs a Church which is alert and attentive, needs the priests to look at the suffering and not run from it, that conquer by the strength of prayer, that teach the children who need counsel to look at Jesus Christ, to embrace the Eucharist, and to do more Adoration to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It is through the priests that you participate in the great banquet which is the Eucharist, if one day there is no Priest’s, you will not have the Eucharist! And the Eucharist is the light of life, is the food of the soul, is what can defend you from suffering, diseases in the body and soul. Continue My children to pray for the priests, but do not forget the POPE, who is the greater priest, the son of God privileged by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to give the flock strength, courage and Faith.
My children, Jesus shows how much He needs a CHURCH that is in unity with Him, because you My children, are all instruments of the great Work of God the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, whatever God accomplishes, He accomplishes for the construction of the good of His children. Humanity needs to be very alert, the father and mother need to be alert, the priest must be alert to guide, to evangelize, to give the children what they most seek today, a word of love. It is this word of love that is missing in My children today. You see My dear children, the world has grown materially, has evaluated much in the material sense, but in the true LOVE little has evaluated. My children have forgotten that it is necessary to truly love, and if one day love is lacking, everything will be lacking, it is for the lack of the existence of true love, that in the youth of today is lacking determination, wisdom, awareness, they need guidance, love, and can not receive it. The world needs a foundation with urgency My children. That is why, I, your Mother of Heaven, very much desire that either the fathers, mothers, children and especially the Church, the priests, find this love. The most beautiful word is LOVE … Speak with love My children, fill yourselves with love when you listen to the word of God, which is life and truth, food and salvation.
I finish My dear children, blessing each of you with all My Motherly love.
I was immensely happy with this moment of Faith, with your presence here in this Sacred Place, reunited solely with the firm purpose of a change of life, a life in full surrender to Jesus; for the purpose of conversion to begin in your heart, in your soul and in all your being. Ask God to make you not only listeners of Heaven, but people who hear and live the will of God, always and forever.
I bless you with all My love. I leave with you My Heart and carry your joy with Me. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message October 3rd 2010
My dear children, I love you with a tender and compassionate love. I take care of each one of you in a particular way, so that I can give a more perfect assistance to your difficulties.
Children, there is certain situations that are like true trials for your walk. Many are the doubts, the uncertainties and the fear of taking some wrong attitude. Often you ask yourselves which is the most right decision and which will please more GOD. My dear children, I want you to understand that every time you need to act for the Kingdom of God, or more specifically in favour of this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija, the devil will try to confuse you. To know My children, what is the right attitude, allow yourself to be guided by the action of the Holy Spirit, and surrender unreservedly to the Lord’s plans. Do not fear anything My children, for the angels of the Lord fight in your favour, so that you ate not hit with the fiery darts of envy and calumnies from the devils. I am with you and I do not forsake you. It’s hard for Me to tell you how much I suffer for you, how many warnings I’ve already left you! How many visible signs I have already manifested of My presence, here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreija! Believe Me, I am your Mother.
My children, make time for GOD in your homes, meditate on the Holy Rosary. As I have already told you, dark days are drawing near to all mankind.
Children, today, those who do Good are persecuted and those who do Evil many times are still considered heroes.
JESUS was a great hero, a great King, but He had in His hands a heavy Cross, He took her on His shoulders, and His crown was not of gold, it was of thorns, and much more than that crown of thorns, were still the thorns pierced in the Heart of Jesus by the pain of seeing the world before a huge damnation which is sin.
Children, like JESUS you are persecuted, you need to know how to overcome , to be authentic , and know the truth. If you are with the truth, you need not be afraid.
There is one very beautiful thing , which is respect, starting in the families. Respect within a home, begins of the father, the mother and the child which also deserves to be respected. It is clear children, that the father and mother are the highest authorities, and they have the right for the respect from their children, and this ones they also have the right for respect from their parents. Therefore, both parents and children must respect mutually.
Today, many people are overly demanding, demanding a lot from others, without having dignity for it. The world is in an abyss, faith is not lived, the commandments are no longer obeyed, the Gospel is no longer lived by people. If the world My dear children, lived the Gospel, there would not be so much persecution in the world, so much jealousy, so much envy. Remember that JESUS CHRIST, because He spread PEACE and LOVE was looked upon with anger by the kings and by those who were masters of wisdom and truth . You My children, today need not only humility, but also to have authenticity, the respect that we give is the respect that we must also receive.
My dear children, no one needs to be afraid of the truth, no one needs to be ashamed to say that believes in the power of God, even if you suffer. The great Saints were martyrs, they suffered immensely, but they did not waver and they affirmed themselves in the truth until the end. So children, this must also be your mission, your walk.
Children, this place Corgo da Igreija, is very blessed by Heaven. It’s a place of prayer, a place of blessing, a place where fundamental things such as love, sharing, humility and acceptance are still preserved.
Today in the world what speaks loudly is the greed, the power, therefore, that’s why many children judge so badly your work, because many are judging with their eyes what they do not come to see … the action of the Holy Spirit in this Sacred Place.
Children, from the moment God has consecrated this place, those who come here are considered a family, and it is He, Jesus, who zeal’s for this family. As it is He who zeal’s, even dealing with His human and sinful children, there is great things here that would need to be noticed, primarily by those who are the sowers of the faith.
Today nobody talks about what is good, no one bears witness to the graces and blessings he has received, the healings, which are not only cures of diseases, but healing of the heart. Now, I ask you My children: – Do men know how to see these values? No, today the eyes only insist on wanting to find only the defects. I see in you great qualities, so I desire that this prayer group be transformed, so that even those who think they are owners of the truth, masters of wisdom, may one day understand that the Author of life and all things of the world, which is GOD, is also the Author of this work, so beautiful which is this place of Peace, Corgo da Igreija.
Children, I tell you not to worry if the world does not know your work, God knows it. Cherish it and love it, because God has always walked not with many, but with those who are humble of heart. JESUS was sometimes accompanied by large crowds, but those who followed Him to the end were few, very few. So My children, be of those that are authentic and true. You must therefore reflect and meditate always dear children, the Servant of God has all the grace of God in his life, as much as the world shows you the pain, be strong, for whoever is with God never loses GOD, even if he suffers, even if he cries. The reward children is eternity. How many live of appearances in this World and when the time comes to enter Heaven do not have their life worthy to enter the kingdom of the Father. You My children, you must be very strong, JESUS alerts. The messages from Heaven are making the world conscious, he who believes lives, trust’s, believes and live the teachings Heaven gives, because loves and desires that all the children of God should always be protected.
To finish My children, I want to thank all My children who have welcomed Me with love and affection this afternoon. I ask you to pray always, pray without ever being discouraged. Your sincere and perfect prayer will save humanity.
My blessing, to the sick who are here in this humble place, and to all the others, return dear children to your homes.
I give My strength and My blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message November 7th 2010
My dear children, today I come with St. Gabriel to My right and St. Michael to My left, to give you My message. I begin it by giving a kiss to all who are here in this Sacred Place Corgo da Igreja.
Many thanks dear children, to all of you who came once more to console My Motherly Heart and console the Heart of My Son Jesus.
Dear children, praise God with Me and thank Him for allowing Me to appear in the whole world to bring you My love, to bring you peace, to offer you graces, to bring you the Mercy of the Lord. Oh! Dear children, how great is this moment! A Mother surrounded by Her children and Her elected and chosen children! You will be able to understand at this moment that if you are here is because you have been called ! No one is here in this place by mere whim, except by the will of the Father who gathers you. But it is clear little children, that many are called and few the chosen. Not all children are grateful, however if you are with Me, if you implore My Love, My protection, you will correspond to all graces.
Dear children, prepare yourselves because there come times of greater confusion for the Church of My Son Jesus, will be times of great confusion, of great division, of false doctrines, which justifies My apparition’s throughout the world, to guide the children of the Church. In these times, more than ever, the intervention of this Mother is necessary.
The Church going on the way that goes, a very high percentage of its hierarchy will follow THE PATH OF PERDITION, giving a motive THAT MANY OF MY CHILDREN WILL Divert FROM THE Path OF THE LORD.
Look My children, how many Churches have already given freedom to filth, indecency, perversion and corruption! Behold as the faithful in the Church no longer keep deep silence and recollection, and look children, how many pass before the Tabernacle without making a genuflection, beginning by the ministers of the Lord, and many bending the knees only do it in half, without daring to touch with the knee floor, they do it in a mechanical and routine way, without meditating that they pass before God. The faithful see the bad example of the priests, and they will not even bend their knees.
Children, be attentive to all the innovations which are within the churches to refuse them, because the enemy has infiltrated within them.
Trust in this Mother of yours, the church of Christ will not fall, it will walk assisted by Him as He promised, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against her. Be tranquil children, Jesus is with the church, but with the authentic, faithful to the dogmas, faithful to the tradition and faithful to the magisterium.
My dear children, redouble your prayers and penances, they are few still … Oh! My dear children, pray, pray, pray and do penance because the catastrophic events are close, very close, not the closeness that you understand of the things of heaven, but truly close, humanly thinking, they’re at the door. Prayer and penance, prayer and penance, do not forget, only in this way can you alleviate the effects of the great catastrophe that is approaching the earth. Look My dear children, from now on, in the course of time, you will only find suffering and terrible storms. Jesus when speaking of storms is referring to the poison of evil which today is destroying the youth, the youth has no joy in the heart, the young man today does not want to take on a mission with Christ.
I, as the guiding Mother in these difficult times, which lead men to think that the world is coming to an end, I want to tell you that it is not the end of the world, but its transformation. Men have allowed themselves to be destroyed. How many souls are far, in the darkness of the abyss, because they have not had the dignity, authenticity and strength of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit becomes a living presence in you, you have the happiness of being what heaven wants, what God wants, today what is lacking in men is the presence of the Holy Spirit, so it is necessary to pray a lot. Pray that the difficult days will not reach your world, because it will be very sad days, mainly for your Portugal, a nation that often forgets to be God-fearing, a nation that should have as content of grace, love and sharing. I love your nation very much, but sometimes evil uses it in a very sad way!
I would like to tell you My Heart is open to all children, because I am the Mother of God and your Mother, I am Mary the Mother of Goodness and the patroness of all nations, the Mother of all peoples. I am here welcoming the presence of My sons and daughters in this Sacred Place, placing you in My Motherly Heart who loves you so much. You My children, are My favourite flowers. Today is a very special day for Me, because this place is flowered with your presence that perfumes My Motherly Heart.
I would like you to remember this day and this year as a day of growth of your faith. Each one will be here, aware that they are in a Sacred Place, where one should meditate and reflect in a simple way. God acts in the ways that lead to heaven, and these are simple, narrow, full of thorns and difficulties. My children, those who are here in this place, will be happy because among so many children in the world, few are willing to comfort My Son Jesus, and you belong to these few who want to do it.
Before concluding, I would like to ask you to pray in this month of November for the Holy Father. Jesus placed a mission in the hands of this Pope, He is now a very enlightened child of God and needs a lot of strength, mainly in his illness, he is somewhat weakened by the difficulties of the diseases that come to him. Pray much for him, perhaps many children do not know the great value of the Church and the Holy Father, the Pope. I know My children, the value of the Holy Father very well, because when Jesus gave the key of His Church to the hands of one of his apostles, he uttered great words, very strong words. And at this time, you have a very special child of God, for this time of pain and suffering, this Pope that you have today is a warrior of the Lord, a son who strives for peace, for justice, who suffers greatly to see the world with so little spiritual wisdom. The Pope, My children, is a predilected son of God, enlightened in a most beautiful way by the Holy Spirit.
Trust in My intercession and especially in My Motherly protection, I love you with an infinite love.
May God the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit bless you and keep you all.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message December 5th 2010
My dear children, I am always attentive and vigilant to everything that is happening to you. This afternoon I wish to encourage you, to give you courage for your difficult journey in search of the Kingdom of God.
My children, I have placed into your hands the key to your happiness, which is the consecration to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus.
I only ask for your fidelity and dedication to fulfil all that I have asked you for so long. From your perseverance in faith and prayer will depend your destiny, the persecutions, disappointments, sorrows, challenges and difficulties will come, but after all this the Victory will be granted to every child who bravely fight to the end.
My dear children, My heart and the heart of My Son Jesus rejoice in your holy and humble ways, which crushes the pride of Satan and exalts the Lord’s Sovereignty, which is all humility and docility.
My dear children, Christmas is approaching and much of humanity is focused only on festive and worldly celebrations that have nothing to do with the true meaning of the birth of My Son, I wish to all children that My Child God may be born in the bosom of all families, that He may dwell in the hearts of all My dear and beloved children, I am always with you and I assist you in this difficult mission of living holiness in every moment of your lives.
Be attentive children, lest you fall into the seductions of the enemy, which is satan, for he only desires the loss of your souls. Give Me everything My dear children, your petitions, your needs. Whenever these petitions and needs are placed here in this holy place, know that I will intercede for you, but you must also go to Jesus, because He can do everything. I My children, as Mother intercessor, feel great joy in My Heart, to be here present in body and soul and to hear those children who really have faith in their hearts, they are very moved by the Holy Spirit, by the will of God, and always walk to the encounter of the Light. Certainly My dear children, I will intercede for all these children, and especially for those who need so much to wake up to God, while there is still Mercy stretched out over your world.
I will give you children My blessing, I was immensely happy with the presence of all of you gathered here in this place, I was happy with this moment of faith, with the sons and daughters who came from so far to embrace the blessings from Heaven, the grace of God, the rich protection of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Holy Spirit.
Today, in this message I confirm the presence of the Spirit in you, acting in such a magnificent way, beautiful, wonderful, very rich, and how much He works the impossible. The greatest miracle is the transformation of hearts, of fidelity to God, of your dedication, always seeking to meet what God wants of you, without measures, without fear and always with courage, knowing that God is your sustenance, your strength and your Light.
My dear children, this is what Jesus Christ wants of you, that the eyes of each one be transformed into holy eyes, that before you see with those eyes, that one day learned to see the light of day, that you can see with eyes that know how to see God and who know that God is here in the midst of you.
Be at peace My dear children, in the grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message December 8th 2010
Dear children, on this special day for Me in this place so Sacred, so important, chosen for you to be gathered here to pray My Rosary, it is with great joy and love in My Heart that I warmly welcome you in this afternoon, in this moment of faith and thanksgiving to God, to the Holy Trinity, for this great content of blessings and prayer.
I would ask you children, that you offer your prayers for peace in your prayer group, for peace in the world, for peace in your homes, for peace in the hearts of young people, because today there is a great need for peace.
My dear children, I am Your Mother of Goodness and Queen of families, I wish to help you with all your needs, but for this to be possible you must open the doors of your homes and especially of your hearts to welcome Me, if you do this you will feel more and more the graces being poured out in every situation. Today, the hearts of many of My children, remain hardened and closed. Once more, I knock from door to door, and I ask for a shelter, and there are few who offer themselves as a manger for the Lord to rest quietly.
My dear children, I want to lead you on the path of true goodness, I want to teach you to love the Eucharistic Jesus as He really deserves, know that Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist just as He is in Heaven, with His Sacred and Glorified Risen Body. It is difficult for many to accept this great mystery of love, even if you do not understand My children, you must feel more and more drawn to the Eucharistic Jesus, only He, the Lord is the relief for all your pains, only He is the solution for all your problems.
Dear children, God has given Me the honour of being the Mother who blesses the children, this is the gift that God gives Me as His Faithful Servant, who truly lives His Holy Word.
My dear children, is ending another year, the next will be in a much more difficult situation of sadness, discord, misery and hunger. You children can not let your hearts be carried away by weaknesses, by discouragement, by the poverty of sin, you need to be strong My children, even knowing that next year will be a year of tribulation.
Dear children, tribulation is a word that says it all: suffering, sorrows, tears, depressions. It is something that is troubling the heart of the Son of God, to the point of bringing the Son of God to sadness, to discouragement, but My children, you need to react, do not let yourselves be influenced by the tribulations, because the Church of My son Jesus needs much of your prayer, of your yes, of your testimony. You are the Church, yes children, suffering is there, but the mercy of God is also present, therefore you children need to overcome, and to overcome with joy, with wisdom , with love , with authenticity. You children, must give what is best, what is most beautiful and what is most wise in you, you children, must help to build a beautiful peace in the hearts of the people, a very rich peace in the hearts of the youth, of families, of fathers and mothers. You have to believe children, when I say to you that you have to believe to trust, to surrender, I say it because I love you very much My dear children. I feel a great sadness when I see you fallen in this enormous suffering of misery, greed, envy. My children, none of this makes sense! The main meaning of life is to achieve the grace of having the Holy Spirit in your heart, be in communion with God, because those children who do not prepare, who does not turn to God now, will suffer much, because your pride blind’s you, will blind you, your selfishness will also blind you, your envy will blind you, and your heart will be completely empty. You are going to suffer the difficulties which at this time of tribulation. Man, My dear children, today kills for so little, man today does violence for so little! You children, you can not even imagine the size of the sorrows that are everywhere in the world, due to materialism, excessive greed, materialism, lack of charity, love and sharing.
My children, I feel in My heart such a great desire to wake you up while there is still time, because I know that the pain will be great in the hearts of those who do not wake up, of those who do not become free, therefore My children, converted. I’m warning you My children, return to God, cherish your life, your mission, I want your hearts to overflow with the love of God. To many children who are now in distress, in the abyss of pain and suffering, God is showing you My children, My authentic signs. Humanity, you must hear the warnings from Heaven! The world is becoming more and more in the abyss of sadness, discord, disunity, suffering, it is necessary for humanity to become aware, to seek a new life, a life enlightened by the Holy Spirit of God. Pray, pray, pray a lot.
My dear children this message today, is a message of reflection for the children of the whole world, Jesus shows you a mirror called Faith, so that you can see the situation of the world in him, and truly, so that you can understand why God is sending Me here and everywhere where I appear to evangelize your world.
Children, when I bless you … I feel so happy! It is a gift that I receive from God to give blessings to My children, and that is why I have blessed you with so much affection.
I finish blessing also with all My Love of Mother, the sons and daughters of the whole world, and to the girl who is here celebrating her birthday.
Be at peace children, in the presence of God who is Father, of God who is Son and of God who is the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Explanatory note:
This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of December 29, 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: ” It is authorized to disclose, without express permission of ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles , provided that Christian morality is observed in general.” In publishing revelations, apparitions, or any other graces of Jesus and of Mary, as well as of His Angels and Saints, this group of friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in this way give the opportunity to all those who wish to know and be informed, of such wonderful manifestations of heaven, on earth, according to freedom and free will of each person.