Messages 2006


YEAR 2006

Messages of each month from this year.

WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.


Message of Our Lady Mother of Goodness

Revealed to Brother Fernando Pires, on , , at the place of the apparitions (Corgo da Igreja).



Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message January 1st 2006


My dear children, I am the Mother of Goodness. I come here because this is one of My missions. This is the first day of the year, in which I invite you to pray for the world. The hardest, the most painful moments are about to arrive for you, they are closer than you think, during the course of this year great events will take place.

The deadline for conversion is coming to its end, I come here to prepare you, for I wish all may be saved. The world is on the verge of great peril, if you do not convert I do not know what will become of you. I come into the world to tell you that Jesus desires the salvation of each one of you.

Children, do not play with the things of God.

Dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother also, I am the Mother of all peoples without distinction, no mother wants to see her children suffering and that is why I ask for your urgent conversion, I ask you for help, so that I can win this great battle that will come to the world. Pray for the world to be renewed, I will be with you in all the difficult times of your lives. For this you need to have a lot of faith.

Pray, pray, pray, I your Mother will be here to help you.

From this place blessed by Me and My Son Jesus, I bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 5th 2006

Dear children, you must know that without prayer you can not have peace, so pray, pray, pray much before the cross of Jesus. Once again I tell you that the world is increasingly on the verge of a great catastrophe. Pray and be converted so that nothing bad happens.

Continue to pray for the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests. Today the scandals caused by them greatly afflict My Heart, they want to go their own way without listening to the Holy Father, a creature that Jesus gives to replace John Paul II. It is very sad but it is true, if there is no obedience to the Holy Father on the part of the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, the Holy Church can lose the faith.

How can happen so many wrong things? How?

Only you My beloved children, can help Me with your prayers, satan seeks every possible means to destroy My plans. Pray that he will not.

Dear children help Me.

From this place blessed by Me and My Son Jesus, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 16th 2006 (7th anniversary of the apparition’s)

Dear children, remember today My coming to earth in this Sacred Place and in all other places which I and My Son chose to manifest to men.

I came from heaven to ask for the conversion of all peoples and their consecration to My Immaculate Heart. Many children have already heard this call. One of the signs I give is the innumerable conversions that take place wherever I appear, as I promised the children in My fourth appearance at Fatima, with all these conversions I’m happy. Here in this Sacred Place too many hearts have already opened to God, thank you for that, I experience great joy when a heart opens to God.

My children, all hearts should open themselves to God as soon as possible, I desire this and God wants it through Me. The children who have heard My appeals today are happy.

The years go by and men regretfully continue to offend God. Yet today is a very happy day for Me and I hope it is for you too.

Children, the world could be a world of peace but sin does not allows, does not allow because everyone collaborates for its growth day by day, satan rejoices, and I My children, how do I stay with all this? I know that the victory will be Mine, but I want already now to prepare you to be victorious with Me, this will be possible with the conversion of all.

Pray, pray, pray, it is through your prayers that you will come to My great victory, continue to pray and forgive your neighbour, do not direct your thoughts to evil, think more of God and forget all that is evil in the world. I ask you for help, because only with the help of everyone can the world be saved through the Holy Rosary. Many children are even ashamed to pray, and others pray only because they see others praying and it should not be so. My children, when you pray, do it with your heart.

At this moment I have St. Joseph by My side to give you a very special blessing.

On this day, we are here, be sure of that. I leave a little of Me in each one of you. May the peace of Jesus penetrate your hearts.

From this place blessed by Me and My Son Jesus, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message March 5th 2006

Dear children, I am the Mother of Goodness, let the divine love and harmony which is admirably manifested between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit circulate among you. Never let yourselves be led astray from the principles of faith, strive to bring the faith to all the brothers who do not have it and are living in the darkness of serious sin.

Though you do not see Me, I am very close to you, dear children, to help you walk the long roads of life.

Dear children, move away from everything that can harm your spiritual life, do not sin but if you fall into sin it will always be possible to ask for forgiveness for the wrong done and to rediscover the friendship with God and with your brothers. Do not allow to be deceived by what the world presents to you, take heed, do not let satan steal your faith and take hold of your hearts. Stay alert.

Pray, pray and listen to Me. I am your Mother and I desire only your good. Rejoice, for I am at your side to help you. I wish that the Mercy of God permeates your daily existence with charity and peace, so you may grow spiritually.

Dear children, surrender yourselves to Me with complete confidence, because I will always be with you to help you. The time has come when in the place of your hearts contaminated by sins, I want to place My Immaculate Heart so you may become like Me, capable of loving, forgiving and accepting the will of the Lord. Follow My examples and always relie on My special protection. I have come from heaven to help you.

From this place blessed by Me and My Son Jesus, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message April 2nd 2006

My child, it is not necessary to say I am the Mother of Jesus Christ. I do not need to repeat that Jesus is the Saviour of the world, nor need it be said He is the Father, is the Holy Spirit. It’s beautiful if we become aware of it. My joy is to live in unity with the Three, without diminishing or increasing Their value, because They are not superior to each other.

My privilege is great among the Three, I am wanted and loved, I lack nothing, I have everything, because I am the Mother chosen by God with all the rights already preserved by this mystery from the beginning. I come into the world with an errand and I know that I fulfil My mission as the Mother of God and of men. When the Lord gave Me the responsibility of being the Mother of His brothers, I assumed it while I was still alive and I continue to assume it totally even after My Assumption. I accompanied My Son Jesus to Calvary, and heard His last words there, I am sure that I fulfil His commandments and teach all by My example.

My son, you are beginning as from today, your calvary – persecutions, slander for My name’s sake. There is those who do not agree with the choice made by Me, so there will be a great persecution around you. My son, move away from your heart any resentment about those who slander you, pray for them, you are not the first and you will not be the only one who will suffer for Me. I know that you suffer the wounds of My Son Jesus, but through your pains many other souls are returning to the flock of My Son. It is so great the love that I feel for all souls who are in sin, and I’m so sorry for them! Yes My son, many souls like you suffer to give strength to other souls, so as to prevent them from falling into sin, you will continue to offer your pains to those souls who are changing. My son, I’m here to share these pains with you, we both suffer, although some of My children think I do not suffer, I continue to suffer because the world continues to be the world and to Me there is no past, no future, everything is present, I continue to suffer. My heart suffers because at this moment I am not glorious.

My son, say also to all My children, that I like very much that they go from house to house to pray the Holy Rosary, the Holy Rosary is the prayer THAT HAS MORE POWER, with it you can save all humanity. Thank you son, because you believed in Me, writing what I told you. The day, hours and minutes are at your disposal, I will be unoccupied to attend you. I love all those around you, all the spiritual children I have given you, although some of them will annoy you with their complaints and cut your breath with their demands. Meeting with these children is a blessing to you and your friends.

I bless you. I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message May 7th 2006

Dear children, believe in the message of conversion and of life that I have proposed to you. Convert and live it, you will be truly happy if you do all that I have told you, if you follow with love the way I have prepared you, you can be sure that the grace of God will never abandon you and I will always be with you.

Children, I will still be with you for some time, but your conversion should happen already, I come from Heaven with love to this place blessed by God to help you, you have not yet understood the meaning of My presence, pray to the Holy Spirit and you will understand better. Many of you still have your heart closed to God, pray that you may open yourselves to the message of My Divine Son.

Know that you can not live your message by living in sin. Convert, convert, convert. Reconcile with God, open your heart. I also recommend you more prayers for the world, because without your prayers I can not help you.

Dear children, look to the paradise for which you were only created for, and always live facing Heaven, remember that the Lord with His Light forever forsakes the darkness of discouragement and will always be close to you, He will be your help and your support, God is your absolute good and calls you to live ever more united with Him, the Pope and the Bishops and the Priests. You will only be able to remain in truth if you listen with love and humility to the words of My son the Pope, because My children, very difficult days will come to the Church. There will even be war on religious orders. Be attentive, do not be deceived by false prophets who use the name of the Lord to lead you to perdition. They lead many children to lose faith.

I repeat:

– Be careful, be careful, obey only those who obey the Pope and do not judge those who do not obey, because it is not for you to do this. Listen to  Me, do not close your hearts to My words and live them for your own good and for the good of your brothers.

Children, remember that whoever is faithful to the end will be saved. Be faithful, love the Pope, pray for him, love the Catholic Church, Love the Eucharist.

I love you very much My children, and I desire your salvation. I wish to gather you here in heaven around the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I ask you to pray a lot for the world, because a great transformation is about to happen, and especially in your Portugal

From this blessed place to all I bless In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message May 13th 2006

Dear children, I am your Mother of the Beautiful Love and Mother of Goodness. Live in the joy I offer you, pray continually for each other, for only then will you find love, truth and life.

While today you are remembering My first apparition in the poor Cova da Iria (Fatima) you are living the events that I announced to you in advance – what was going to happen and what will happen, and everything else I said to My daughter Lúcia.

My poor children, the time has come when I wish to manifest Myself to the whole Church through this son of mine who is among you, for the time of the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near.

My children, I ask you to pray My Holy Rosary, which is My favourite prayer, which is why in My many apparition’s I always invite you to pray it, I am always beside those who pray the rosary. I ask you with maternal eagerness and concern.

Pray much for the future of the Church that is threatened to lose true faith. Continue to pray for the Pope, for the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, for yourselves and for others.

From this blessed place, to all I encourage and bless in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message June 4th 2006

My children, I begin by telling you that My Heart is very sad because of the sufferings that threaten the world. Today, many of My children no longer believe in My apparition’s, they have already lost their true faith in Christ and in His Gospel. Satan with his surreptitious and deceptive action darkens the intelligence and thought of many of My children, leading them to pride, and these in turn contribute to obscuring the church . Yes My children, just as I told other chosen children, I tell you again through My son who is among you that satan has taken over the world and that the world is on the eve of a great catastrophe. It will be invaded by misfortunes, bloody revolutions, hurricanes, earthquakes, flood rains, floods by rivers and seas.

Many nations will be flooded and some of them will disappear from the face of the earth.

I, Mary, will not abandon you, but I would like you to understand that the world is on the edge of the abyss, that humanity is slipping to a precipice and that it is necessary to pray a lot, to be careful and to be attentive. Pray much for the world and especially for your country. Repent and do penance. I do not want any of you to become a victim of satan. That is why I ask you to pray a lot. If you pray, satan will not have the strength to tempt you.

Children, there are three ways you can be saved from sin and punishment, they are prayerconversion and penance. All this can prevent the advance of calamities.

Trust in Me, for I am here in this holy place to help you.

From this place blessed to all I encourage and bless in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message June 15th 2006

Dear children, keep within you the truth and sincerity, do not go around lying here and there, always tell the truth, for a lie does not belong to God but to satan. You should always give examples of dignity at all times so that all your brothers follow your way of acting, be sincere to your brothers, always act as true Christians, the lie destroys you spiritually, you must be masters of truth.

I ask you to pray a lot. Pray for those who do not pray, for those who do not know how to pray and for those who do not want to pray. I need you dear children, for I suffer for those who turn away from God. Take part in My Motherly suffering carrying the cross with Me for the salvation of all.

At this moment, I bless all the sick who are here, their families, I bless those who are in hospitals all who suffer in body and soul, I bless all the little children, I bless all of you, old and young, parents and children, all of you sick here. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

My dear children, God will never abandon you, He is always with you, and to help you in a special way grants Me the grace to be here with you. Courage My children. May Our Lord at this moment, bless your Portugal bless you all with peace, prosperity and a serene union, in understanding and fraternity.

I bless you again. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady Mother of Goodness Messages July 2nd 2006

Dear children, the apparition’s which I make in many places of the earth is the last opportunity that God gives men for their conversion.

If you do not listen to My messages, you will regret and it may be late. I repeat to you again that humanity is on the eve of the most terrible scourges and punishments.

Your Mother is very concerned about the destiny of humanity, so She asks you to pray a lot and to convert. Pray much for the Priests of the whole world, especially for the Holy Father, because he is much contested and attacked by many in the Church, which constitutes a great danger to the Church. I want you to pray a lot for him, when he pilgrims through the nations, pray that he will be welcomed and followed through devotion to My Immaculate Heart.

My children, many of you ask for your cure. When I do not heal your diseases, it is because I have better designs for you, is because I want to associate you through your illnesses to My saving work. Accept My children, these pains, because many souls need your merit, the strength of your pain to accept My salvation.

My children, I repeat:

– Prayer is the resource that I offer you for these difficult times, whatever happens, stand firm in your faith, have courage, I and My Son Jesus, We will always be with you.

I bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message August 6th 2006

My dear children, welcome to this place of peace and love. No one should leave this blessed place sad, here all may receive an increase of strength and grace. I want to make this place, not just a place of prayer, but also a meeting place of hearts, I want the Heart of Jesus, Mine and your own hearts to be united as one, full of love and peace.

Bear testimony of your faith through prayer and conversion.

I do not come to oblige you, but to lead you to a better world. I continue to tell you that you must always be by My side with prayer groups, because the world needs more than ever your prayers, My help and the Mercy of My Divine Son.

Dear children, always trust, do not be carried away by the problems that will invade your country, I must warn you about some things that may be dangerous for you, you must know how to distinguish good from evil, but also between good and the best, so you always choose what is most pleasing to God.

Try to pray a lot for your country. I am on your side to carry forward this great mission and not to destroy it. I am the Mother of all, that’s why I want to help you, do not waste your precious time with lamentations and sorrows. Persevere in prayer, in suffering and in hope, because now the hour of your deliverance are near.

I pray to God the Father that I may fill you with His Blessings and His Grace so that you may be faithful to Him.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message August 15th 2006

Dear children, I am the Queen of Goodness, I love you very much despite your faults, because the most important thing is your great desire to correct yourselves. Do not accumulate any sin in your heart, confess yourselves and be reconciled to God and to others. I ask you to confess again, confess and hide none of your sins, each day that passes, unfortunately, the number of My poor children who walk unbridled on the path of God’s denial, lack of faith, immorality and impiety, increases. Hatred, disobedience, and lack of faith have turn the whole earth in a desert without life and love.

My dear children, I hope that this message will invigorate your faith and enlighten each one of you spiritually, so that you may become more and more aware of the responsibility you have in these decisive moments of your existence.

Children, it is very important that you all be with your souls prepared with the sacraments, lest you be caught unawares, when the most difficult and most painful moments come to you.

I tell you that these times are closer than you think. I ask you again to pray a lot for the world, because today is more than ever on the verge of a great transformation, with seismic, tornados, floods, cold, intense heats, epidemics, attacks, wars and threats of volcanos.

Many nations that are on islands will be submerged by heavy rains, rising of rivers and seas and will disappear from the face of the earth. For all this I ask you to pray, and much. Trust in your Mother Mary, because I am here in this Sacred Place to help you.

From this Sacred Place I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message September 3rd 2006

Dear children, pray and be converted. I repeat to you again:

– The world is experiencing strong tensions and is on the verge of great catastrophes. Soon there will be serious conflicts, but the righteous will do better.

Peace in the world is in crisis, but the world needs peace to save itself, and to find that much needed peace you will need to find God … My children, return to God as soon as possible, in this time invaded by darkness, you will then be true disciples of Jesus, spreading around you His Light.

Dear children, I have come to many places on earth, so that men will no longer make suffer My Son Jesus, and you do not hear Me. I cry because so many of you do not value and ignore the Holy Eucharist, where My Son Jesus is, I suffer because the devil is in the midst of you and confuses you, My children be careful with him, who disguises himself and deceives you, pray the rosary and he will flee. Fight for the Church, defend it, keep the faith, the Catholic Doctrine and tradition, stay away from the devilish progressivism, today dominating the Church. Many of My children scoff and mock at the present prophets, the seers, you know My children, that I have chosen seers throughout the world so that all may know that the Kingdom of Jesus is nearerPrepare yourselves. I ask you to help Me, I need you, without your help I can not accomplish what My Lord has commanded Me. Help Me!

I give My blessing and My Heart to all those who work for the conversion of the brethren. Be alert! Get ready! I suffer for those who do not want to hear Me.

All I ask of you is for your own good and corresponds to the desires of the Father.

From this Sacred Place I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message October 1st 2006

Dear children, My message for today is this: There is no more time for doubt or uncertainty, this is the time of conversion, and this time is almost finish. I want to instruct you through the path of trust and abandonment into the hands of the Lord, surrender yourselves to Him, for only then will you be able to find peace.

I am very happy that the Lord allowed Me to gather you here in this Sacred Place to help you in the arduous path of conversion. Today I invite you to do Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Lately Jesus has felt very alone and abandoned by many of His children. Children, I ask you to keep Jesus company. Go, He waits for you with open arms.

My children, be careful, I ask you to believe in My presence here in this place, and to pray for those who do not believe. They need a lot of prayer, pray for them. Christians must accept the love of God and should pray more and more, you must spend most of your days in prayer, you can not even imagine how many souls you are saving with your prayers.

Again I say to you:

Pray, pray, pray much more, as Mother I tell you that you still pray very little. I want to warn you about the sacrament of confession, come back to confess frequently and pray more, there are very few who are attending to My messages. On confession I repeat to you that you must confess not only once a month, but whenever you feel the need to purify your soul, you must know that the sacrament of confession is very important, but be careful, do not hide any of your sins, and do not look at the Priest like any other man, at the moment of confession he represents Jesus Christ, the Merciful, your Saviour, Christ acts through the Priests. This is a surprising wonderful and comforting reality.

To you priests, it is not necessary to tell you the great love I have for you all, in recent times I have led you daily on the path of the true imitation of My Son, because only in this can you can become a sign of joy and consolation for all who live in the darkness of sin.

These are the most painful times for you, these are times when you will weep and you will see horrors everywhere, these are the times foretold by Me and announced by various signs, all men must come to the knowledge of the truth, to accept it, and follow the Gospel of Jesus.

As ministers of God, this is your task Priests. Your heart must be humble, merciful, sensitive, pure and compassionate, you must always be at the service of your needy brothers.

No one is exempt from participating in the plan of salvation, not even children and all those who suffer, all Christians can and should do something in and around themselves, everyone needs Christ, need God, those who say they do not need God are foolish like those who build their houses on the sand. Men must turn to God, you must pray, without prayer, life loses its meaning and you will never reach your goals, we must always pray to give life to the gift of God.

It is time to insist on My invitation to all, to pray for peace in the world and for the conversion of sinners

Courage My children, courage, remember that Divine Mercy never fails, if you are at peace with God you can solve all your difficulties. If in you there is no great sins, so now be careful not to commit them, always remain in prayer, do not enter into despair during your sickness, or in your problems, know that your good feelings will help yourselves and in the growing of the Kingdom of God. Remember that pain is never in vain, it is always useful, be patient, pray and seek to be at peace with God and your brothers. You must be builders of peace, but peace is not built with hatred or with the destruction of others, peace is built with peace. I have come into the world to help you to build the peace desired by My Lord and YOUR SAVIOR, Jesus Christ.

Priests, My predilected children, I want to lead you to a high peak of holiness, so I ask each one of you to consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart, I invite you to be attentive to the words of the Pope, obey him in everything, his words are of comfort, hope and confidence. The priesthood is a divine call, this you know, you are called to be at the service of the people of God, which is the most important service to God. It is in your words that Christ becomes present among men on earth. How marvellous My children, it is a pity that many of you do not recognize the great power you have, your role as Priests is irreplaceable. Be masters of the truth that Christ has entrusted to you. As Mother of the Church I see that a great union is necessary between you Bishops and Priests. I ask you to create among you a bond of union so that you never separate. This is My desire and the desire of My Son Jesus.

Lastly, I have an appeal to make to all the Bishops of Portugal and to the whole world :

– Give the best of yourselves, that you may always be close to your Priests, and may the Holy Spirit enlighten you.

My children, do not cross your arms, go forth and preach the Gospel, because that is the only means of salvation for humanity. United, tell the whole world that salvation is in Jesus, the true way, the truth and life.

From this Sacred Place I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message November 5th 2006

Beloved children who hear Me, I Mary Mother of Goodness, count with you and with your prayers and petitions, may I intercede for you, for your families, and deliver them from all dangers of nature and of your world.

I repeat to you again: Humanity is on the verge of the most terrible scourges, many children will not listen to My messages and behold that natural disasters are already happening and will continue to increase in 2007. I ask you to pray a lot for the world and especially for your nation.

My dear children, I weep much because of your sins, I also cry for the crimes committed by mothers who abort their children, this is a great sin, abortion is a crime. I am very sad to see a mother murder her own son.

My coming to earth has a very special purpose, – to prepare you to be saved, what I desire is the salvation of your souls. I know that many do not believe in My apparition’s here on earth, especially in this place and they try to destroy My chosen childrenThose will be judged by My Son Jesus.

How many places on earth have been graced with My presence, My miracles, My signs and My manifestations? I will not be condescending to you if you sow doubt where truth is, you awake sin where virtue is, and you drag others to launch themselves into a world where there is no God. Why do you try to deceive Me by destroying the faith of your brothers? Those who do not obey the commands of My Son Jesus they feel they are self-sufficient because they are wealthy people, they think they can buy their brothers in return for favours, they speak evil of their brothers, etc., etc. Children if you intend to follow My walk, change your attitude towards your neighbour.

I am your Mother and My mission is to bring you peace. I ask you to pray for those who have a hard heart, and also for those who do not believe in the Father, because they may suffer much, I feel so sorry for these children, but that’s not why I will stop loving them. Children True happiness is the one which comes from love, understanding and faith, and not from hate, fame and wealth, it’s for all these things that many children suffer. Know that the Father loves all and especially the most humble.

Finally My dear children, today I want to thank each one of you who have the weapon of the great victory in your hands, the Rosary, I want to thank all those who have welcomed Me with love and care this afternoon.

To all I give My blessing and especially to the sick who are here in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message December 3rd 2006

Dear children, prepare yourselves for the feast of Christmas, open your hearts to receive the Saviour who is about to be born. I invite you in a special way to love your neighbour, if you love him you will feel a particular presence of My Son Jesus this Christmas, God will give you great graces.

On December 24th, be vigilantes with Me, is the Holy Night, because your Heavenly Mother will relive the painful moments of the journey to Bethlehem, having to leave the house of Nazareth was a time of great pain in My heart, My husband and I, Joseph, chaste and kind, have passed through moments of great distress, it was night and we were looking for lodging, but no one welcomed us, it was in a poor cave that we retreated with the donkey that had transported Me, all the rejections we’ve been through were very painful. Today similar things happen, Jesus is rejected by many, sometimes He knocks at the door of your hearts to ask a favour, a little help and you abandon Him, today you have your God face to face alive as He is in Heaven and you forget that He is the Almighty.

My dear children, I invite you again to open your hearts on the night of December 24thto receive graces and the gift of love, the gift that all humanity needs. You do not know how many gifts God gives you through Me.

My dear children, I want you to come with Me in December 31st, the last hours of this year which is about to finish, 2006 comes to an end. Throughout this year I have been at your side helping you and showing you the way truth, I desire that your joy be complete, therefore I give you My Heart, receive It with affection. I thank all the children who responded to the warnings I gave you during this passing year which is finishing.

Continue, continue to pray much for humanity to find the desired peace, pray for those who have already converted and for those who are following the path of conversion.

This Christmas I want to My special Blessing to all mothers.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Finally, I beg God the Father to fill you with His blessings and His graces so that you may be faithful to Him.

To all I give My blessing and especially to the sick who are here, in  the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message December 8th 2006

Dear children, turn away from sin and put on the grace of God that awaits you with open arms, pray much for yourselves and for your conversion, for unless you live according to the will of My Son Jesus, you will not enter heaven.

I repeat again My children, pray very much for your nation, for is in grave danger, so pray, pray, pray, pray a lot.

In this Sacred Place and at this moment I wish to tell you to return to your God who awaits you with open arms. Come back My children, I pray for your souls asking you to awaken and to recognize how far away you walk from God the Father, you are plunged into the darkness and the traps of the devil, he has prepared you all kinds of traps, he manipulates you, exerts his influence upon you, makes you incomprehensible …

My children, when you confess, throw yourselves at the feet of My son Jesus, exposing your sins clearly, with simplicity, with great faith and especially with great sincerity, making clear the malice of your sins. Take part in My great concern and join all to My prayer of intercession and reparation, but for this, multiply yourselves in prayer groups as I have asked you, these groups will be safe places, like refuges where I want to protect you from the tremendous storm that awaits you, in prayer groups you will feel My extraordinary presence, in these prayer groups you will experience the security and peace that your Kind Mother gives you, in prayer groups you will be preserved from evils and defended from the great dangers that threaten you, you will be by Me formed in trust and in great hope. Prayer groups are the places of your salvation that I have prepared for you, in these last times when great trials are coming for all, this is the moment when you must live with your heart turned to Heaven.

I am Your Mother of Goodness and I wish to see you happy. Pray, pray and convert.

From this blessed humble place, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Explanatory note:

This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of December 29, 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: ” It is authorized to disclose, without express permission of ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles , provided that Christian morality is observed in general.” In publishing revelations, apparitions, or any other graces of Jesus and of Mary, as well as of His Angels and Saints, this group of friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in this way give the opportunity to all those who wish to know and be informed, of such wonderful manifestations of heaven, on earth, according to freedom and free will of each person.


We remind everyone that the site of the apparitions is private property , although it is still not properly closed, and is a place of prayer and Catholic devotion , so we ask people to respect the place and all those present, gathered in prayer, without interfering in celebrations, and in the surrounding spaces that are private.

All who wish to approach in the Heart of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect, and appropriate clothing without provocation, as Our Lady asked .
