YEAR 2005
Messages of each month from this year.
WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.
Message of Our Lady Mother of Goodness
Revealed to Brother Fernando Pires, on , , at the place of the apparitions (Corgo da Igreja).
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message February 16th 2005. (6th anniversary of the apparitions)
My dear children, today February 16th 2005, in this Sacred Place where I appeared as the Lady of Goodness, I renew My Maternal appeal, fight with the weapon of My Holy Rosary and walk in the path of the Holy Love of Jesus, in the contempt of the world and of yourselves, in the path of humility, simplicity and purity, then My children, you will be ready to endure the great trials that will soon begin for the Church and for humanity.
This month of Carnival, surrendered to the evils of the devil, when so many sins are committed through out the world, My enemy the devil dominates a great part of the world, satan wants to destroy everything that I and My Son Jesus are building, he wants to ruin your souls and keep you away from your Christian life, he wants to destroy everything that is Holy in you and around you, and he makes you to hate one another, and evil will remain among you and many will lose faith.
My children, you who are here today in this Holy Place, pay close attention to what I tell you, this My chosen son,(visionary) who is among you, faces so many barriers, sufferings, depressions, persecutions and humiliations, he has received the pains of Jesus, all this is proof of My love and the love of Jesus for you and for sinners, My children do not be discouraged, do not worry if many of My children will stop coming to this Sacred Place, but the day will come when many will repent but it will be too late. Call more of My children, I want to see this Sacred Place chosen by Me, full of sons and daughters who pray with much love.
I and My Son Jesus, We have been coming to the world, in chosen places, to transmit you very serious warnings and messages of love, forgiveness, peace, mercy and guidance, prayers, calls to conversion and amendment of life, to do sacrifice and penance, prayers to achieve the mercy of God for the world, so many signals given in these places of My apparitions, so many conversions, manifestations of faith and My Church does not want to see, does not want to believe.
My dear children, the messages I have made known to all My chosen children, I now repeat them through this chosen son of Mine, My children, the world is destined for its destruction, terrible things are coming, natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, floods, fires, seasonal changes, droughts, volcanoes and epidemics, worse than what happened in Asia, it is your Mother who begs you, flee from the cities, but do not take refuge in the lower places, the few shelters that will resist to all these events will be in the high places and the places chosen by Me, you should keep some food that would last longer, pure oil and water.
My children, pray, pray a lot and convert, do not be afraid, the hours are serious and full of infernal snares from all sides, everything will happen, half of humanity will be destroyed, many nations, mainly from Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand will disappear from the face of the earth.
So pray, pray very much, your prayers, penances, and fasting will help much to lessen these events, and the firmer you are in prayer, the more I will defend you.
Have trust in Me My children, because I am here in this Sacred Place to help you and lead you to a safe place and a new life.
From this place blessed by Me and My Son, with My predilected, My consecrated children, I bless you all in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fernando Pires: (visionary)
Brothers, let us persevere as our Mother of Goodness asks us, pray and implore God the Father to have compassion and Mercy on us, on all His people and on the whole world, we are His children, the fruit of His creation and His love and for the sake of His faithful servant children, spare mankind from horrible and catastrophic destruction.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message March 6th 2005
My children, what sorrow My heart feels when I see the wickedness of My children, those who are among you but who are not from your. My children, you have a great persecution from their part, but do not be afraid, you My children, who are anointed by the grace of God, be strong, evil will never enter you. Notice that the children of the light of Jesus are persecuted, but they do not lay traps on their brethren, and the children of darkness are wasps that surround you, to sting you. The children of darkness live from evil and from lying, therefore you are hated and persecuted because you are children of the light and of Jesus.
My children, the children of iniquity are divided among themselves and want to divide the brothers who live in faith and in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Live the Gospel of My Son Jesus, everyone who lives a righteous way is persecuted, do not be deceived with deceitful words and lies, don’t you see that they want to strike you and wound you so you may deny the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? Woe to you My children, who have trodden your faith by pride, revenge, intrigue, and lies. Don’t you realize the situation of the world, which is worse each day, it is only you who will have to fight and be united as brothers, and overcome all battles and all blows. Pray much My children, prayer, sacrifice and penance will save the world. My children, you must be strong, do not let My Name disappear from this place, Jesus chose it for Me, I really like this Sacred Place, I know that many of My children need Me, continue to come to this Holy Place and do not mind with persecutions and slander.
I repeat to you, come to this Sacred Place chosen by My son Jesus, where our feet stand and many of you will receive cures and signs of blessings. My children, how it delights Me your prayers and your canticles, you console My anguished Heart with your canticles. Thank you My children.
Continue to come to this Holy Place that you will be blessed.
Continue My children, to open your hearts to all who need you. Be careful ungrateful children, you who are harming your brethren lest you lose your posts, I say to you, how you are hypocrites if you are not in the truth.
Be strong My children of the light of Jesus, we must defend the truth, for the hypocrisy of these brethren one day will be judged. From this Place Blessed by Me and My Son, with My predilected and My consecrated children, I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and from Our Lady Mother of Goodness April 3rd 2005
One of My goals is to guide My children through prayer, blessed is he who hears My Voice, for I am the word, I am the One who sees all of you and shows you what you must do, I know your weaknesses, I know when you fall, when you rise, I help you when you ask Me, when you call Me, I do not hide My activities, and present Myself even through one of your brothers. Judge no one, even those who intend to substitute Me and present themselves in My place, the devil will try to tempt you, but do not worry I will be by your side, for I am your true friend who advises you without pretensions. If they give you good advice, listen to them, put them into practice without judging the one who told you. You have Mary, My Mother to help you in your difficulties.
Mary, Our Mother:
My child, it is no exaggeration to exalt every day what comes out of the lips of Jesus and of My own, if you only knew how much it pleases God to tell the truth, If you continue to meditate on Us, surely Jesus will reward you with the grace of salvation. The love of God is the one that never diminishes, to Him goes all the virtues that man must develop from the beginning to the end of his life, the life of God is eternal and in Him are united all the graces that are certainly spread abundantly throughout the world for the good of all.
The path of the Lord is unbreakable and I with His virtues, I move in all My apparition’s in the expectation of finding someone who will serve Me as an instrument, spreading the good for the benefit of the suffering souls who need salvation. My children, how work grows in this much-needed field, as Mother I appeal to all of you while there is time, that you may pray My rosary, for this good prayer will be a way of salvation for those who trust in Me.
“Pray, I beg you.
From this Sacred Place I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and from Our Lady Mother of Goodness May 1st 2005
My Children, everything was created by Me, all that human eyes can reach, and what they want to discover in search of certainties, without finding anything out of My plans, I created everything out of love, and I suffer for lack of correspondence. Almost everyone claims to be My children, but a large number of you are distant from this filial right, I live with this anguish, men works only motivated by worldly interests creating his own world. My children, the injustice and unbalance of this world cry out to Heaven, when will this end?
Mary My Mother, accompany you and helps you, put your life at Her service in prayer.
Mary, Our Mother:
My children, man has in his hands the power to manoeuvre all created things, this makes him proud. Forget pride and maybe you may trust the capabilities you have, meditate a little and you will see that you are a being in the image and likeness of God, it was He who created you even before your birth. Pride is something that already existed and tries to dominate man when he works in the things that the Lord created for the glory of His Holy Name. It is important that you recognize the practiced mistakes and know its value.
I have no doubts, because I believe in My Son Jesus and I love Him. This love is so great that it subdivides itself to the other children, even to those who correspond to Me with ingratitude.
Use what you have precious to glorify Jesus, your brothers, for only then can you receive and feel in fullness the love that God gives you day and night and which you often ignore as if you were a stranger.
I am your Mother who unpretentiously puts Her hands on the heads of all, as a sign of blessing for the necessary liberation of all children.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message May 26th 2005
My children, My words will be brief, humanity is getting worse every day, I continue to repeat to you, the situation of the world is serious and men can not understand the seriousness of the situation.
My children, pray a lot for the Priests and for the new Pope (Benedict XVI). With him the church will follow the same path as John Paul II, but will be persecuted by the enemies, because many of its orientations will encounter the enemies of the Church. He is a prisoner in the Vatican and around him, now the enemies will prepare his fall through the media – newspapers, radio and television. The church will go through great trials, will be disorder with Bishops against Bishops, Cardinals against Cardinals, and satan among them. The warnings I gave through the visionaries were not listened, so you all will pass by a painful crucifixion, only in this way will you be able to follow My Son Jesus to His kingdom. Before His arrival many will have given up, following an easy path.
Children, continue with your prayers, the need is immense, since souls fall into hell at a terrifying pace, they need more graces, and these graces can be obtained by your prayers.
If in this humanity I do not find a growth in prayer, sacrifice, love of neighbour and honour and glory to God, I will not be able to contain the announced threats, and then the most horrendous punishments will fall upon the world: hatred, religious persecution, corruption, wars, drugs, pornography and many other calamities, if there is no immediate amendment, punishments will gradually increase until humanity falls to its knees and recognizes God’s power over all things and events. The only hope is that prayer groups around the world will prevent the advance of darkness. My children, prepare yourselves from today and you will be ready for what awaits you, take these warnings seriously, because the world is in this situation. I ask you prayer, sacrifice and penance, in order to be repaired the immensity of sins that are committed in the world.
From this place blessed by Me and My Son Jesus with My predilected and all children consecrated to Me, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message June 5th 2005
How sweet it is to pronounce the name of Jesus! One day He spoke to the crowds and without distinction He said, “This people honour Me with their lips, but their hearts are very far from Me” You who know that He spoke thus, you must believe. And why you do not seek to correct your errors which are so clearly, through the Scriptures? Nothing is easy, but also nothing is impossible in the eyes of the Lord, I could forget Myself and abandon such sons, because I speak to the conscience of each one and I don’t get an answer, only incoherence’s, which saddens Me much. I can stand everything, carried by the virtue of knowing how to wait, I do not despair until I see repentance, to be able to kiss, embrace and above all forgive as the father of the prodigal son.
Children, I know that with the example of Jesus you will not suffer disillusionment, allow Him to come to you, and accept His love, for this is the mission of the Son of God.
I am your Mother and I ask you why do you fear future events with so many solutions that I have reserved for your problems? Courage children! “Lay your hands on the plow and do not look back” – these are Jesus’ words. Pray for the world and especially for Portugal, this is what I ask of you.
From this Blessed Place I bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message July 3rd 2005
My children, the message will be very short because My Heart bleeds. I give you this message: – I cry tears of blood, because men have not listened to the messages I have given to My children, the visionaries, chosen by Me and My Son Jesus, those messages were neither heard nor obeyed nor announced to the world.
My children, you must turn away the wrath of God with your efforts, if you ask sincere forgiveness of heart He will forgive you. I your Mother through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel I ask you to amend your lives, you are receiving the last warnings, I love you very much and I don’t want your condemnation. Pray, pray a lot, because the world each time walks more into the abyss. Do not be afraid, repent and change your life, God is compassionate and full of Mercy, He wants to save everyone.
From this Blessed Place I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message August 7th 2005
My children, I begin by reminding you of prayer and penance. The devil is on the loose in the world. Unite your prayers, your tears, your pains and your sufferings. Again I tell you, do not be led by the wickedness of the world, nor by the lies and slander. If your faith is firm, no one can take it from you, the one who let’s himself be fooled is because is not sure of his faith. Don’t you realize what they want is to destroy this Sacred Place? This place was chosen by Me and by My Son, and I told you that I like this place, and I want you to build a CHAPEL here. When I choose a place, I want to continue in this place, and even if man intends to change God’s plans, I will continue to manifest Myself in this place, because God wanted it so.
My children, learn how to know My son Jesus, to feel His presence near you, in everything He puts His hand, He is near, so close, so close to you, that embraces you, either with heat, signs and perfumes, embrace Him children, embrace Him and Me also, by the faith, by the love which He has created you, is this love from His Heart that seeks you, finds you and wants to awaken you to a new life, a life in His presence, a life that will be a participation of His, a participation in His Love. Jesus is the Love that is poured out over you and wants to transform you also in Love. That is why My children, that I your Mother have open arms to all who come to Me, I want to help you to seek peace with prayers and sacrifices, I want a better life for everyone, and I desire you to love each other as brothers, not to hate or despise each other.
My children, I want you all for Me and that is why in the whole world there are children chosen by Me, calling the world to conversion.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message September 4th 2005
My children, today I want to warn you about the ambushes that the devil intends to throw on each one of you, you must be very careful, for he is intelligent and astute, he knows how to use all forms perfectly to deceive you, he is also acquainted with all your weaknesses and knows above all how to overthrow you, leading you into his kingdom of darkness.
In all this time that I have been with you I have tried to warn you and once again I say to you, be careful, to combat him you must use prayer, the Holy Rosary, the Holy Bible, and the Eucharist. Children, whenever you do not feel joy for prayer, you must know that this is the result of the action of My powerful adversary, when you feel troubled by him, call for My name, I and My Son will be at your side to defend you.
know that My coming to this place is something very serious, your doubts and uncertainties are interferences from My adversary. Once again I warn you to be careful, I ask you to believe in My presence in this place, I ask you to pray for those who do not pray, they need a lot of prayer.
I want everyone to be at My side, to fight, to overcome a great evil that can strike the world, to stop this evil you must pray a lot and have a lot of faith.
I wish the convertion of everyone as soon as possible, the world runs great dangers and to free you from these dangers it takes a lot of prayer, conversion, and only by praying will you attain peace for the world.
I know that many of you go to Church without faith, just to show yourselves as Catholics and without a clean heart, there is children who do not know how to forgive, and it is imperative to forgive your neighbour, enmity is the work of the devil who feels happy when he can separate some brothers.
For all this I ask of you with all My heart that burns in flames of love, that you convert, that you pray, and that you learn to forgive your neighbour.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message October 2nd 2005
My children, the extraordinary signs that My Son Jesus offers you in this Sacred Place, are the work of His divine power, but essentially the fruits of His Love.
The signs that Jesus accomplishes in this son of Mine, who is among you, should arouse you admiration, trust and above all the desire to imitate Christ, who sensitive to human pain is focused on those who suffer to help them.
Children, turn away from sin and put on the grace of God, pray for yourself and for your conversion, pray also for the world and for Portugal, which runs grave dangers, what once I predicted you here, is about to unfold.
Those who pray the Rosary with faith will be saved. I as your Mother, I am sad for what awaits you, understand therefore the reason for My concern for you, I want to be your help and your protection.
With the prayer of the Rosary the world can be saved. Pray, this is what I ask of you.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message November 6th 2005
Dear children, each day I desire more to clothe you with holiness, kindness, patience and love for God. Pray and seek to remain always in the love of God, today all Angels and Saints pray and intercede for you before the Father, so you must be safe and confident.
My children, the signs that I and My Son offer you, reveals our perseverance in wanting to be present in the whole world and among you, is a sign of My tenderness and concern.
For centuries that I come to the world in countless apparitions to ask for the conversion of men, I am also present in My images, with tears, including of blood, My Son shows His face in the most Holy Host, in order to call you to the great return to God. I come as a humble servant of the Lord, in communion with Him, and in complete obedience to His Gospel, His Church, the Pope, Bishops and Priests, I do not come to oblige you, but what I say must be taken seriously, humbly hear what I tell you, for it is with much love that I am among you. In Heaven I ask for you and for all your suffering brothers.
When I ask for your consecration to Me and to My Son, you must understand that I desire your existence, your consecration is the greatest gift you can give to Me, I desire that your consecration be sincere and conscious. Since Fatima, where I appeared to three humble shepherds, I have been asking for your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, if you had put into practice what I asked for, peace would have come into the world. Never forget to pray for those who suffer in body or soul, and for those who are afflicted with sickness or disability.
My children, I still have many things to say to you and great prodigies to perform here among you. Rejoice, for your eyes will behold wonders in this Holy Place. I love you and that’s why I’m here. Be careful, the times you live in are very dangerous, you must always be with your Rosaries in your hands and in prayer, for the devil is strong and knows how to deceive you, I ask you to be attentive, because he intends to lead you into his kingdom of darkness. Continue to pray, for only through prayer you can attract the blessings from Heaven. Have confidence and live in love and humility.
The world is today, more than ever on the verge of a major catastrophe, one of them will be a great epidemic, and you must have masks at home, so you must pray, pray, pray a lot. Have confidence in Me, My dear children, for I am here to help you.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message December 4th 2005
Dear children, I would like to have your hearts in My hands to bring them to Jesus, because He is the only one who can save you from your problems, no one should resort to false prophets to solve their problems, because they work with the name of God to deceive the little enlightened children.
I cry when I see some children resort to spiritism, fortune tellers, witchcraft, thinking to solve their problems, and yet they end up multiplying them. Children be careful, as these features are misleading, only God can observe the future, only God knows what should or should not happen. Those who observe the future say they work for God, do things that sometimes put brothers against each other, they are false and are condemning themselves to hell taking My innocent children with them.
I come to you because I know that you need urgent help, and I want to help you, but I also need the help of all of you.
I am sad to know that in a place like this where so many children come, only a dozen believe in this place, and there are still those who criticize My messages. Do not criticize them, they come from God and not from the devil as many unfortunately say, do not continue with these thoughts because you will repent and when that happens it may be too late. In spite of all this I love you!
My children, get ready for Christmas, this wonderful date is coming, how much joy in My Heart! Please do not leave Me sad with your sins, follow the teachings of the Father and you will not repent, He will make each one of you happy in particular, but for this happiness to be constant prepare yourselves, cleanse your hearts of hatred, because only then will you have a Christmas full of peace and joy.
From this place blessed by Me and My Son Jesus, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Explanatory note:
This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of December 29, 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: ” It is authorized to disclose, without express permission of ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles , provided that Christian morality is observed in general.” In publishing revelations, apparitions, or any other graces of Jesus and of Mary, as well as of His Angels and Saints, this group of friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in this way give the opportunity to all those who wish to know and be informed, of such wonderful manifestations of heaven, on earth, according to freedom and free will of each person.