Messages 2000


YEAR 2000

Messages of each month from this year.

WARNING : The messages are textually copied from the manuscripts of Brother Fernando Pires. Good discernment.


Message of Our Lady Mother of Goodness

Revealed to Brother Fernando Pires, on , , at the place of the apparitions (Corgo da Igreja).



Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message June 25th 2000

My children, I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, I know that some of you doubt in My presence, but I tell you that I am here, may everyone know that My presence here is not in vain, you are precious to My son Jesus, who chose and marked with a cross My son,(visible cross on the forehead of the visionary) to give signs of faith and of His presence here.

Today I invite you to open yourselves entirely to Me, so that I may transform you and guide you to the Heart of My Son Jesus, do not depart from Him any more, only then, little children, will you find the true peace, the peace that only God gives you.

Convert quickly and continue to pray more than ever for the world and especially for Portugal, without prayer you will not be able to bear what is to come, and it is precisely because of this that I insist so much with you, that you do not abandon your prayers neither your sacrifices.

Open your hearts to love, love always and do good to all, even to those who try to harm you.

I’m happy with your presence here this afternoon. Serving Myself from this My son (visionary), I make it come down from the Heaven another grace.

Thank you dear children for having responded to My appeal.

I bless you, I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen



Our Lady Mother of Goodness Message July 27th 2000

Our Lady:

My son, let Me guide you step by step, keep yourself small and lean on your Jesus, satan seeks desperately to lay his hands on you and hurt you, and he does not only uses people to collect false accusations against you, he will also use the laws of nature. Do not be afraid, My eyes will be continually resting on you, I will guide you in all places of the earth, and wherever I go, I will leave behind Me a trace of My fairest perfume, I will scatter My scent of myrrh, from soul to soul, to take your heart.

Fernando Pires:

My persecutors question the signs You give to us.

Our Lady:

My son, courage, many will continue to live an ungodly life, many will continue to sin and to offend My holiness, careless of My warnings and signs which I give to the world today, they are also My persecutors and not only yours, but I tell you, they will destroy themselves with their own destructive works. If you do not pray for them, their reward will be evil, by the evil they do themselves.

My Heart is a vast ocean of love and forgiveness, blessed are those who receive the truth and live according to the truth.

I bless you, I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.






Explanatory note:

This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of December 29, 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: ” It is authorized to disclose, without express permission of ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles , provided that Christian morality is observed in general.” In publishing revelations, apparitions, or any other graces of Jesus and of Mary, as well as of His Angels and Saints, this group of friends of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, in this way give the opportunity to all those who wish to know and be informed, of such wonderful manifestations of heaven, on earth, according to freedom and free will of each person.


We remind everyone that the site of the apparitions is private property , although it is still not properly closed, and is a place of prayer and Catholic devotion , so we ask people to respect the place and all those present, gathered in prayer, without interfering in celebrations, and in the surrounding spaces that are private.

All who wish to approach in the Heart of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect, and appropriate clothing without provocation, as Our Lady asked .
