Donations / Offers




Dear pilgrims and benefactors

It’s already available the bank account details so you can deposit or transfer your OFFERINGS / DONATIONS to collaborate with Our Lady Mother of Goodness, to the following bank account ( CGD – C aixa G eneral of D epósitos):

Association of: Our Lady Mother of Goodness
NIB (only Portugal):   0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16
IBAN:   PT50 0035 0648 000 7002 4330 16


PRINT to DISCLOSE: DonativosOfertas.PDF

With everyone’s help, this work of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, will advance according to God’s plan. The challenges that lie ahead are significant, but we believe that your hearts and your generosity will be touched and guided by the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so that this work can move forward with the necessary actions and interventions in the necessary land and infrastructure, for the evolution of the Sanctuary Corgo da igreja, “Sanctuary of Light for the World, a Sanctuary of Light for the People of God.”

“(…) My dear children, consecrate yourselves definitively to the Sanctuary Corgo da Igreja , which is the Sanctuary of families, to be a Sanctuary of Light for the world, a Sanctuary of Light for the people of God.
(…) My children, you must never despair. Nothing can get in the way of what belongs to God! Never forget that! What belongs to God has a much greater force than the trap that the enemy wants to set to overthrow those children who pray, those who walk, those who evangelize. (…)”

(Our Lady  Mother of Goodness, in 2020-12-06)


During this restructuring phase, you can also deliver your gifts at the place of the apparitions, Corgo da Igreja (São Marcos da Serra), in the gift box, or to whomever brother Fernando Pires (visionary) indicates.

Your generosity of offerings will not be forgotten by the Immaculate Hearts of JESUS ​​and MARY, which we believe that will not leave you without your respective rewards.

As brother Fernando Pires is the person chosen by God for this mission of Our Lady Mother of Goodness, we must ALL, without exception, follow his guidelines, and help him in the different matters that involve this Divine Project .


As is well known, the land surrounding the apparitions site has already been purchased and belongs to Our Lady Mother of Goodness. They are private land now. All who wish to approach the Hearts of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect , and adequate clothing without provocation, as requested and asked by Our Lady in various places.

In addition to the urgent need to organize all the spaces, the big step to take place will be the construction of the Chapel that Our Lady asks so much of us, and has already announced that She will give great graces after its construction, as in other locations in the world in Marian Sanctuaries, which also started from scratch on plain terrain.

Over time, the relationship of God with men, and of men with God, contains surprising narratives, such as that of a simple man, a friar, who today is a great saint, and managed to build a large hospital in the middle of nowhere to heal the sick. We believe that this project belongs to God, and that through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Goodness, soon your hearts that are touched by the Divine Fire, will not be without the proper action of your alms to help build the Chapel, and engaging works.

All persons who request it will be sent the respective receipt, according to the necessary data (personal or business) that they deliver along with the donations.

May God the Father the Creator, Jesus Christ the Savior, and the  Sanctifying Holy Spirit reward you all by pouring out His graces that you most need, through Our Lady, Mediatrix of all graces of the Holy Trinity, for all Her children, without exception .








Explanatory note:

This apparition is supported by the decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (AAS 58/16 of 29 December 1966, which defends canons 1399 and 2318, thanks to the intervention and approved by SS Paul VI and published by his will where it says: “It is authorized to disclose, even without express permission of the ecclesiastical authority, writings concerning new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles, counting on observing Christian morality in general.”


We remind everyone that the site of the apparitions is private property , although it is still not properly closed, and is a place of prayer and Catholic devotion , so we ask people to respect the place and all those present, gathered in prayer, without interfering in celebrations, and in the surrounding spaces that are private.

All who wish to approach in the Heart of JESUS ​​and MARY are welcome, but with silence and respect, and appropriate clothing without provocation, as Our Lady asked .
